
标题: og 194 (同位语) [打印本页]

作者: xianwharton    时间: 2003-9-21 15:57
标题: og 194 (同位语)
og 194
194. Presenters at the seminar, one who is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.
(A) one who
(B) one of them who
(C) and one of them who
(D) one of whom
(E) one of which
The subject, presenters, must be followed by a limiting appositive _ such as one of whom, that identifies an individual from among a larger group. Choice D is best: one of whom best serves an appositive to the subject, presenters, because the phrase means "one from among several or many." Choice A, one who, is unacceptable because one who cannot refer to the plural presenters. Choices B and C are ungrammatical because who competes with one as the subject of is. Choice E employs which, a relative pronoun that does not refer to people (presenters), but only to things.
如果按题中所说one 是is 的主语,那次就不是fragment 了吗?有两个句子one is blind和parents will......

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-9-21 22:24
one of them...是同位语从句,修饰 Presenters,并非独立的句子。
BY THE WAY, 如果出现了两个句子, 不是fragment, 是RUN-ON.
作者: xianwharton    时间: 2003-9-22 09:02
gemj兄,谢谢提醒,但我问的是D 选项,one of whom,它是如何同位的,同位语从句没先行词吗?
作者: 八戒    时间: 2003-9-22 10:38
one of whom

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-9-22 22:41
以下是引用xianwharton在2003-9-22 9:02:00的发言:
gemj兄,谢谢提醒,但我问的是D 选项,one of whom,它是如何同位的,同位语从句没先行词吗?

88.    The Emperor Augustus, it appears, commissioned an idealized sculpture portrait, the features of which are so unrealistic as to constitute what one scholar calls an “artificial face.”
(A) so unrealistic as to constitute
(B) so unrealistic they constituted
(C) so unrealistic that they have constituted
(D) unrealistic enough so that they constitute
(E) unrealistic enough so as to constitute

作者: gemj    时间: 2003-9-22 22:42
以下是引用八戒在2003-9-22 10:38:00的发言:


Choice D is best: one of whom best serves an appositive (同位语) to the subject, presenters, because the phrase means “one from among several or many.”

作者: cocoabean    时间: 2004-4-5 06:06
以下是引用gemj在2003-9-21 22:24:00的发言:
one of them...是同位语从句,修饰 Presenters,并非独立的句子。
BY THE WAY, 如果出现了两个句子, 不是fragment, 是RUN-ON.

one of them 是不是笔误, 应是one of whom. what's run on ? thanks 不知除了gemj 大侠, 还有那位大侠知道?
作者: cmtn    时间: 2004-5-2 12:23
can we use "one of them" rather than use "one of whom"? any difference?
作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2004-5-2 12:47

run-on是两个句子用了逗号,却没用连接词。I like a girl, she is far away from my city. 就是一个run-on. 这说明了汉语和英语是不一样的;后者必须要注意句子的连接性。

这题,我觉得:可以用one of them但后面的is 不可以要。如:

194. Presenters at the seminar, one of whom is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.

194. Presenters at the seminar, one of them blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.


作者: juan    时间: 2004-6-5 02:34

我理解 one of whom is blind -->是同位结构 .whom是前面presenters的同位.

而one of them blind 应该是个名词+形容词的独立主格结构吧?

我这样理解对吗? 谢谢指点.

作者: JerryGuan    时间: 2004-6-6 22:15
我认为:one of whom 是 非限定性定语从句
作者: axbycd    时间: 2004-6-7 13:52
if one of choice is "one of them ", is that correct?  Thanks
作者: 蓝色泡泡    时间: 2004-6-7 21:30

我理解 one of whom is blind -->是同位结构 .whom是前面presenters的同位.

而one of them blind 应该是个名词+形容词的独立主格结构吧?

我这样理解对吗? 谢谢指点.


作者: axbycd    时间: 2004-6-8 11:44

Can we say" presenters at the seminar, one of whom is blind, will....."?


作者: 心晴    时间: 2004-6-11 08:06
以下是引用axbycd在2004-6-7 13:52:00的发言:
if one of choice is "one of them ", is that correct?  Thanks

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-6-11 08:33

no, "one of them" is a subject of a coordinate clause, while "one of whom" is a subject of a type of subcoordinate clause, relative clause. A coordinate conjunction such as "and" is indispensable in front of the last coordinate clause.

In a word, "one of them" needs a "and" preceding it.

作者: 我笨,我努力    时间: 2004-6-17 06:45


是同位语。因为one有指不清的问题,必须加上限定 one  of  the prosenters,用whom 来代替 prosenters

作者: hanson_luo    时间: 2004-7-17 19:19
如果one of whom是定语从句,为什么不紧跟着先行词presenters?限制性定语从句不是应该紧跟着先行词的嘛?
作者: hpp920    时间: 2004-7-18 09:47

JerryGuan 一票.


作者: 泰格尔    时间: 2004-7-25 00:06
以下是引用JerryGuan在2004-6-6 22:15:00的发言:
我认为:one of whom 是 非限定性定语从句


但我没搞清的是为何不是“one of who”?为什么这是里要用宾格而非主格呢?不论在主句还是从句中presenters都是作主语。


作者: bloodcherry    时间: 2004-8-27 02:38
以下是引用泰格尔在2004-7-25 0:06:00的发言:


但我没搞清的是为何不是“one of who”?为什么这是里要用宾格而非主格呢?不论在主句还是从句中presenters都是作主语。



One of the presenters is blind.
其中one of the presenters是主语。


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-27 2:50:14编辑过]

作者: linda05312    时间: 2005-1-18 13:32
以下是引用JerryGuan在2004-5-2 12:47:00的发言:

这题,我觉得:可以用one of them但后面的is 不可以要。如:

194. Presenters at the seminar, one of whom is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.

194. Presenters at the seminar, one of them blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.


偶也觉得这样是对的,one of them blind是独立主格结构。

作者: linda05312    时间: 2005-1-18 14:09

by the way, I'm not a NN

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-3-10 09:05

194. Presenters at the seminar, one who is blind, will demonstrate adaptive equipment that allows visually impaired people to use computers.

(A) one who

(B) one of them who

(C) and one of them who

(D) one of whom

(E)  one of which

在C里,and one of them who,这个who从语法角度修饰them比较好吧?还是说ets又耍流氓,由is定了修饰one??

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-14 22:16:27编辑过]

作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-14 22:17
作者: 小女公子    时间: 2005-4-15 15:05


作者: Avantasia    时间: 2005-4-17 22:17

C里面应该是指代one, 就想你说的, 这里由于是用了is.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-18 3:17:09编辑过]

作者: sammaijgd    时间: 2005-7-28 20:46
作者: milanforever    时间: 2005-11-30 16:15

My understanding, 欢迎讨论。

1. one of whom 是非限定性定语从句

2. 用whom而不是用who, 是因为它所指代的词,presenters,作介词of的宾语。

3. OG说“a limiting appositive"是指这个非限定性定语从句起到了同位语的作用,即补充解释



She had eight children, three of whom lived to grow up.


作者: DORIS807    时间: 2010-9-11 21:52
以下是引用泰格尔在2004-7-25 0:06:00的发言:

One of the presenters is blind.
其中one of the presenters是主语。


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-27 2:50:14编辑过]

-- by 会员 bloodcherry (2004/8/27 2:38:00)

看了上面N年前的讨论,我突然有了一个想法,但是不知道对不对。这题和OG12上的118有异曲同工的地方。118题的正确答案是The WWF declared that global warming,a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human beings' buring of
蓝色部分可能第一次看觉得被动,好像不对,但是你结合划线部分,你就知道点东西了。有个CDer,解释过118的这种语法现象,是一种嵌入式的结构,即phenomenon 既是gw的定语,同时又是后面scientists的宾语。
所以我个人觉得这道题也有这个特点,正如楼上的解释,因为one of whom是presenter的定语,而presenter又是of的介宾,所以不能用D,因为them无法满足作宾语的需要。
作者: formyf    时间: 2011-6-4 13:59
我认为,答案D选项 one of whom is blind 是做非限制性同位语从句的 做presenters的同位语。~

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