
标题: 咨询德国MBA Programme的情况 [打印本页]

作者: yanlingli31    时间: 2006-3-9 16:10
标题: 咨询德国MBA Programme的情况
想申请德国的MBA Programme(最好在慕尼黑附近),但对德国的情况很不了解,希望有了解的xdjm能给些帮助和指导,有没有国际上比较TOP的介绍一下,学费、申请条件、就业情况怎么样?谢谢。给个可查询相关信息的网站也OK,万分感谢!
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/7/21 17:37:01编辑过]

作者: junef66    时间: 2006-3-12 06:35


作者: yanlingli31    时间: 2006-3-23 11:45
作者: guxin2000    时间: 2006-4-1 15:55



[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-1 15:56:20编辑过]

作者: guxin2000    时间: 2006-4-1 15:59

Berlin School of Economics / Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft Berlin
German - Chinese MBA
Badensche Straße 50-51
10825 - Berlin, Germany
Phone: 011+49-30-85789-258
Fax: 011+49-30-85789-259
The program lasts 14 months, commencing in September and ending in October the following year. Lessons are held as seminars, including international case studies team work and as well as presentations. Futhermore, the course includes two-month work experience in a German enterprise.
Degrees Offered:
German-Chinese MBA'
MBA in European Management;
Part-Time MBA International Management________________________________________
Catholic University of Eichstatt
Business Management
Katholische Universitat Eichstatt
Eichstatt, 85071 Germany, Europe
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49 8421 93 1283
Fax: 011+49 8421 93 1796

Degrees Offered:
MBA.-Business Management
Esslingen University of Applied Science
Westminster Business School
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Graduate School 101 Flanderstrasse
Esslingen, 73732 Germany
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49 711 / 397 4466
Fax: 011+49 711 / 397 4477
One year English language Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program. German culture and language program as side classes. Three month internship inclusive at renowned German firm. Accredited by both the German Government and FIBAA. Tuition free, funded by the German government.
Degrees Offered:
Master of Business Administration
University Schloss Reichartshausen
Graduate Full Time Program in Business Administration (in German)
Schloss Reichartshausen
Oestrich-Winkel, 65375 Germany
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49-6723-69-0
Fax: 011+49-6723-69-133
Graduate studies - all courses are held in German.
Upon succesful completion of semester 10 the German degree Diplom-Kaufann (an MBA equivalent) is awarded. This degree entitels graduates to take up postgraduate work towards the Ph.D. Students also may earn an MBA in cooperation with US-Partner-Universities.
Degrees Offered:
Diplom-Kaufmann (MBA equivalent) and MBA - cooperation with Georgia State University and University of Pittsburgh
Research Areas:Entrepreneurship; Banking and Finance; Real Estate; Marketing and Retail Management; Organization and Human Resource Management; Auditing,Accountancy and Taxation; International Management; Business Law; Information Systems
European University
MBA Program at the Collegium Polonicum
Management for Central and Eastern Europe
Postfach 1786
15207 Frankfurt(Oder), Germany
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49 335-553416 419
Fax: 011+49 335-553416 427
The MBA Program is especially designed for managers and young professionals (min. 3 years business practice)who wish to prepare themselves for management positions in Central and Eastern Europe. Qualified applicants, particularly from Central and Eastern Europe, can apply for scholarships for the reduction of tuition fees
Degrees Offered:
MBA - Management for Central and Eastern Europe
Research Areas:Business Management; Leadership Skills; Crosscultural Projects

作者: guxin2000    时间: 2006-4-1 16:00

International Business Consulting (MBA)
Badstrabe 24
Offenburg, D-77652 Germany
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49-781-205-218
Fax: 011+49-781-205-214

Degrees Offered:
M.B.A. - International Business Consulting
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
International Business Consulting
Klosterstraße 14
Gengenbach, D-77723 Germany
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49-7803-969820
Fax: 011+49-7803-969849

Degrees Offered:
MBA- Master of Business Administration
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
MBA in International Business Management
Department of International Business, Jakob-Kienzle-Straße 17
Villingen-Schwenningen, D-78054 Germany
Click to send E-mail to:
Phone: 011+49-7720-307-315
Fax: 011+49-7720-307-307

Degrees Offered:
MBA - Master of Business Administration
Georg August University
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
Postgraduate Studies International Business (PSIB)
Bahnhofstr. 87
Nürnberg, D-90402 Germany
Phone: 011+49-0-911-5880-2883
Fax: 011+49-0-911-5880-6883

Degrees Offered:
M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration
German International School of Management and Administration - GISMA
Fedor-Lynen-Str. 27
30625 Hanover, GERMANY

Phone: 011+49-511-546 090
Fax: 011+49-511-546 0954
GISMA Business School offers AACSB-accredited MBA-degrees in Germany in cooperation with Purdue University
Degrees Offered:
Business Administration (MBA);
Business Administration (ExecutiveMBA)
Handelshochschule Leipzig
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
MBA-Program in International Management
Jahnallee 59
Leipzig, D-04109 Germany
Phone: 011+49-341-9851-730
Fax: 011+49-341-9851-731

Degrees Offered:
MBA - Master of Business Administration
International University Bremen
Jacobs Ceter for Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development
Executive Master in Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Change
P.O. Box 750 561
Bremen, 28725 Germany

Phone: 011+49 421 2004702
Fax: 011+49 421 2004703
This part-time study international and interdisciplinary Master's Program aims to educate participants about the consequences of an aging workforce and of rapid knowledge change, and how insight available in the social and behavioral sciences can help to maintain productivity and innovation. The program has been especially developed to provide further training to individuals working and/or qualified in domains such as Human Resource Development, Organizational Development, Consulting, Management, Training, Administration. With this added qualification, participating executives can return to their corporation or institution and help individuals in the organization as well as the organization itself to transform in response to the challenges of aging and fast knowledge turnover in modern societies. The program in Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Change seeks to bridge traditional divisions between academic disciplines and between academic and applied questions. It focuses on cognitive, social and personality development of the adult employee as well as on the characteristics of the employing organization and how both are interrelated. Finally; the program informs about the effects of this interrelation on lifelong learning efforts and the success of Knowledge and Human Resource Management at the organizational level.
Degrees Offered:
Executive Master in Lifelong Learning, Knowledge Management, and Institutional Change
Research Areas:Business Administration; Human Resource Development; Knowledge Management; Lifecourse Sociology; Human Performance and Neuroscience; Lifespan Psychology; Health and Personality Psychology; Communication Science
International University in Germany
Westminster Business School
M.B.A. - Program
Campus 3
Bruchsal, 76646 Germany

Phone: 011+49 7251 700 0
Fax: 011+49 7251 700 151
The MBA provides students with skills required to find managerial positions with multinational, high-tech corporations whose principal products and services depend on information and communication technologies. It is an especially valuable degree for scientists, engineers and other specialists seeking to switch to a managerial career path.
Degrees Offered:
M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration
Research Areas:International Management; Entrepreneurship; Information Management
International University in Germany
Master of Business Administration
D-76646 Bruchsal, GERMANY

Phone: 011+49-7251-7000-0
Fax: 011+49-7251-7000-150
The International University in Germany is an English language institution that strives for academic excellence in Information Technology and Business Administration. While the course structure is grounded in the Anglo-American tradition, the university seeks to achieve an international reputation based on its close contacts to German companies and through its European orientation.
Degrees Offered:
MBA - Master of Business Administration
International University in Germany
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
Business Administration
Campus 3
Bruchsal, D-76646 Germany

Phone: 011+49-7251-700-110
Fax: 011+49-7251-700-150

Degrees Offered:
MBA - Master of Business Administration
Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences
Master of Business Administration
Fachhochschule Pforzheim, emische Auslandsamt, Tiefenbronner Str. 65
Pforzheim, D-75175 Germany

Phone: 011+49-7231-28-6145
Fax: 011+49-7231-28-6140
You have to fulfill certain admission requirements for each program.The two major problems are:
• the equivalence of your National School Leaving Certificate/Degree with the German Entry Certificate/Degree;
• the German language.
Depending upon your German proficiency you may get admission directly or you may have to study at the Studienkolleg first.
Degrees Offered:
Master of Business Administration
Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences
Westminster Business School
International Management
Pforzheim University, International Programms
Pforzheim, Ba-Wue D-75175 Germany

Phone: 011+49-7231-28-6145
Fax: 011+49-7231-28-6140
Qualitative admission system based on performance indicators, motivation and tests: obligatory GMAT > 600; TOEFL > 250. First degree equivalent to a university degree from Germany.
Degrees Offered:
International Management Certificate
Research Areas:International Management
Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT)
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
Finance and Investment
Filderhauptstraße 142
Stuttgart, D-70599 Germany
Phone: 011+49-711-451001-24
Fax: 011+49-711-451001-46

Degrees Offered:
MBA - Master of Business Administration in Finance
Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT)
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
International Management
Filderhauptstraße 142
Stuttgart, D-70599 Germany
Phone: 011+49-711-451001-24
Fax: 011+49-711-451001-46

Degrees Offered:
MBA - International Management
Stuttgart Institute of Management and Technology (SIMT)
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
International Sourcing
Filderhauptstraße 142
Stuttgart, D-70599 Germany

Phone: 011+49-711-451001-24
Fax: 011+49-711-451001-46

Degrees Offered:
MBA - International Sourcing
Universität Göttingen
(DAAD) Deutscher emischer Anstausch Dienst
International Agribusiness
Universität Göttingen, Waldweg 26
Göttingen, 37073 Germany

Phone: 011+49-551-39-3915
Fax: 011+49-551-39-3076

Degrees Offered:
M.Sc.Agr.- with specialization in International Agribusiness
University of Saarland
Master of Business Administration - Europe
PO Box 151150
D-66041 SaarbrÜcken, GERMANY

Phone: 011+49-681-302 2553

Degrees Offered:
University of Wuerzburg
Business Integration
Neubaustrasse 66
97070 Wuerzburg, Germany

Phone: 011+49 931 312450
Fax: 011+49 931 312955
The program is designed as a two-year part time MBA leading to a master's degree in Business Administration. With a multi-facetted instruction on information technology, participants will get up-to-date knowledge and hands-on experience of the latest methods and tools in the field of Business Information Systems.
University Schloss Reichartshausen
European Business School
Graduate full-time program in Business Administration and Information Systems
Schloss Reichartshausen
Oestrich-Winkel, 65375 Germany

Phone: 011+49-6723 69 0
Fax: 011+49-6723-69-133
All business courses are held in German
The European Business School Schloss Reichartshausen offers graduate studies in Business Administration up to PhD level with two foreign languages (lasting 8 or 10 semesters) or with concentration on Information Systems(lasting 8 semesters). The 8 semester course completes with the Betriebswirt (BA Honors equivalent) and the 10 semester course with the Diplom-Kaufmann (MBA equivalent). All students spend one olbigatory year abroad, where selected students may earn an MBA in cooperation with one of our partner universities.
Very good knowledge of English is an entry requirement for all courses and, in addition, French or Spanish is required for the two language-option.
For admission to our regular course program, it is obligatory for non-native speakers of German to complete the DSH Test (Deutsche Sprachpr黤ung f黵 den Hochschulzugang) or an equivalent. The DSH Test is a general requirement for enrolment at a German university.
Degrees Offered:
Business Administration (MBA);

作者: 淡蓝色的回忆    时间: 2006-4-1 16:53
Gu  MM 又开始传法了。
作者: modern    时间: 2006-4-8 18:31


其實德國是個不會很重視MBA的國家 這是大家都知道的
前幾年因為發現實在太不重商所以不行(誰要他們是超標準社會主義國家 重視社會大於一切) 國家有意搞出扶植一家可以拼上世界級的商學院 所以搞了WHU 這間是我第一家要向大家介紹的
這可能是全德國唯一真正正統的"純商學院" 地位跟形式應該跟中國的中歐/長江之類的類似了 學費很貴(三萬五歐元! ) 一切都是用最高檔 教學品質應該無須懷疑 說這家想要把自己搞成德國版的Insead也不為過 不過還有長路要走

就是也許有人聽過的頒發普渡大學學位的 GISMA 在漢諾瓦 翻譯起來應該叫做德國管理學院?!
恩 能跟普渡合作 而且普渡願意出學位 品質很好的啦 也可以放心入讀 至於學費兩萬多歐元也蠻正常的

第三個要介紹的是之前忘了哪個媒體看到不用錢的 Esslingen Graduate School (http://www.graduate- 看到亞洲臉對吧 那些幾乎都是大陸人 大陸跟歐洲很好的 cc) 這間是真的不用學費, 我沒記錯的話他是德國最大的科技大學,人數極多,在當地的排名跟認同度都很好
(Tuition Fees
Our programs are sponsored by the German government, as well as by our corporate partners . Due to this, NO TUITION FEES are charged at the Esslingen Graduate School. 讚吧 別說馬登沒爆好康給大家 專爆貴死人的學校喔)

第四個要介紹的是HHL (萊比錫管理學院..應該這樣翻吧) 這間也當地很不錯的program 知名度也高 有拿AACSB 認證的唷 而且從網頁一看就感覺目標是有在經營國際市場的
?22,500的學費...... 恩 其實好學校都有這價位 看看就業率吧

Placement Results M1-M4
Placement Rate (within 6 months) 2004, German Graduates: 100%
Placement Rate (within 6 months) 2004, International Graduates: 95%

學校敢公告這數字真是有信心阿 呵呵~ 花錢是有值得的

第五家 斯圖嘉特工商管理學院 24000歐元 也是差不多這水準

NIMBAS在德國也有開 這家曼海因姆也是不錯的 德國當地本科名聲最旺的應該是這家

我把我比較有印象的寫出來 不代表剩下的就不好
不過我那時候有挑過 大概這些最不賴

以上比較少少提到placement rate-->因為我也不知道!!!
以上是否都是英文學程? --> 是的 我德語也只學了一學期馬上放棄了 因為我發現我根本是蠢蛋一個 德語太高深了 所以我就研究德國時只研究英語課程了 挖哈哈
怎申請-->我挑的應該都是跟申請美國學校一樣程序的 所以一樣 免擔心
作者: yanlingli31    时间: 2006-6-21 11:32


作者: hedge    时间: 2006-12-4 14:04


作者: jianery    时间: 2006-12-4 14:47

i was just admitted to next year's mba program by whu koblenz. the tuition is really high. hope i can get scholarship to cover the expenses partially. anyone else intested in going west to germany?

i speak german but the program is taught in en. also the interviews were held in en.

作者: andreaszd    时间: 2006-12-5 11:02


Janery, Congratulations!

I am also interested in WHU, which offers a highly strong MBA program.

Could you maybe share your background? Thanks!

作者: jianery    时间: 2006-12-6 17:10

3+ work experience. g: 770 t: 640

admission procedure very straightforward. even no essays are required.

作者: sylvene_zhao    时间: 2007-1-28 21:12

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