
标题: Duke, Michigan和Kellogg, Chicagao就业真的差很多吗? [打印本页]

作者: sun3616    时间: 2006-3-7 14:30
标题: Duke, Michigan和Kellogg, Chicagao就业真的差很多吗?

今天听人说: 象Duke和 Michigan这样坐落在小城市的学校, 就业机会同Kellogg, Chicagao比起来会差很多。

据说,目前Duke一年级的20名中国学生只有一人得到summer internship,Michigan也差不多,每个人只有有限的几个面视机会。而Kellogg, Chicagao差不多有一半的学生已经有summer internship,就业也好得多。

大城市和小城市,排名相差几名的学校,真的差很多吗? 我想问普遍的规律,请高人指点。

作者: hypo    时间: 2006-3-7 14:42



作者: stanhope    时间: 2006-3-7 19:10

啊 是不是啊 有没有这么差啊 20多个人只有一个人找到intern?

作者: sun3616    时间: 2006-3-7 21:13
各位大侠! 快来指点呀!说得明确一些最好啊.
作者: jetrong    时间: 2006-3-7 21:20




作者: ring_cheng    时间: 2006-3-7 22:10
作者: grizzly    时间: 2006-3-7 22:34

没有吧,我有个哥们Michigan 1y的,据他说已经很多中国人拿到summer intern了。

cheer up.

but in comparison, Kellogg and Chicago enjoy location advantage.

作者: sfish    时间: 2006-3-7 22:37
以下是引用jetrong在2006-3-7 21:20:00的发言:




Be careful. Most big Pharms do not recruit  international students.

作者: annyz    时间: 2006-3-7 23:59
以下是引用sfish在2006-3-7 22:37:00的发言:

Be careful. Most big Pharms do not recruit  international students.

Is that true?!

作者: lili2004    时间: 2006-3-8 00:24
Should say: Most of  big Pharms do not sponsor work permit, especially H1B.
作者: zouweiyao    时间: 2006-3-8 00:57

主要看你从前的工作背景,你想从事的职业,学校的强项. 我读书的学校在大城市, 除开咨询公司和大的投资银行可以给外国人机会,其他行业的公司来的少而且基本要求有绿卡和本身有工作许可.

而我自己查了一些500强公司的全球实习生机会(在美国做summer,毕业后在总部rotation 一两年) 在Duke, Michigan 招不少人.

所以如果你找投行, 咨询公司, 最好大城市. 如果你找其他工作, 如果相关学校实力强, 公司也会去当地找人的.

作者: sun3616    时间: 2006-3-8 07:29
Anyone has friends in both these schools or has personal experience about this comparison?
作者: 午马起行    时间: 2006-3-8 10:35

duke今年的情况intern情况不了解,但michigan似乎还不错。我有两个朋友是Ross 1st year student,目前一个拿到了德意志银行us office的IB intern,另外一个拿到了citibank的corporate finance的intern。

作者: 黑猫警长    时间: 2006-3-8 10:57


作者: nautic    时间: 2006-3-8 11:37



As far as I'm concerned, more than that number.

Last year at this time, only around 1/3 got internship, but finally everyone made it.

In my year, almost 1/3 got full-time offer by the end of last year.

作者: lxlr    时间: 2006-3-8 11:41

To clarify the situation here in Michigan, though it is still in early March, over 50% of the Chinese students have got their summer internship offers from top IB, Consulting firms and big corporations.

The students are currently undergoing MAP kickoff. With quite flexible Winter B schedule and the additional internship opportunities brought in from MAP projects, I am pretty confident that we can achieve the same excellent result as last year.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-8 12:15:18编辑过]

作者: laobob    时间: 2006-3-8 12:09
I am the michigan 1st year. I should say that more than 20 students get internship among 30 Chinese students. Others are in the final round interview and still waiting for the results. The process is suffering but the result is OK, I think finally almost all students will get summer internship before June.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-8 12:11:19编辑过]

作者: jamesII    时间: 2006-3-8 13:23
can you guys be more specific in your account of the summer internship results, especial in finacial service area? i am an applicant and would like to knwo more about that. thanks!
作者: sun3616    时间: 2006-3-8 16:46


多谢各位,这些回帖让我对D and M 更有信心.

作者: laobob    时间: 2006-3-8 21:52
it is a little bit senstitive to release the offer info of the classmates. without the permission For the financial related jobs, excepted the DB and Citi mentioned above, students also accepted offers from banks such as Goldman Sachs, Wachovia and Lehman Brothers, corporates like Microsoft and Dell.... Hope it is helpful.
作者: sun3616    时间: 2006-3-10 18:31
These a few schools are the choice of many our MBA guys face in this season, the more information the better of making a decision.
作者: knobhill18    时间: 2006-3-11 02:18
以下是引用zouweiyao在2006-3-8 0:57:00的发言:

主要看你从前的工作背景,你想从事的职业,学校的强项. 我读书的学校在大城市, 除开咨询公司和大的投资银行可以给外国人机会,其他行业的公司来的少而且基本要求有绿卡和本身有工作许可.

而我自己查了一些500强公司的全球实习生机会(在美国做summer,毕业后在总部rotation 一两年) 在Duke, Michigan 招不少人.

所以如果你找投行, 咨询公司, 最好大城市. 如果你找其他工作, 如果相关学校实力强, 公司也会去当地找人的.


作者: sun3616    时间: 2006-3-12 22:03

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