
标题: [原创]PhD offer [打印本页]

作者: bewithspirit    时间: 2006-2-24 04:18
标题: [原创]PhD offer

Finally! I got the offer from OSU. I received the e-mail on Monday, and the formal letter was delievered by DHL on Tuesday. I also got the on campus interview from Boston College last Friday. My mind can offically relax now.

Here is a little info of my background: UGPA:3.79, MSGPA: 3.96, GMAT: 700+5

Good luck to everyone applying for Grad school

作者: Armclimber    时间: 2006-2-24 04:22
Good for you. Cong~

BC must have rejected me. I was not invited.

作者: 12345678912345    时间: 2006-2-24 04:27
作者: philow    时间: 2006-2-24 05:01
which one will you choose then?

作者: Fat_fish    时间: 2006-2-24 05:32
what's your concentration?
作者: applebee001    时间: 2006-2-24 05:46
which program did you apply for?
作者: joanrain    时间: 2006-2-24 06:13



作者: evan5294    时间: 2006-2-24 06:47
作者: punkaronnie    时间: 2006-2-24 07:26
Ohio State U?
作者: greatvampire    时间: 2006-2-24 08:37


What concerntration?

作者: habits    时间: 2006-2-24 08:39
作者: galluplinc    时间: 2006-2-24 08:55


作者: adii    时间: 2006-2-24 09:38
以下是引用bewithspirit在2006-2-24 4:18:00的发言:

Finally! I got the offer from OSU. I received the e-mail on Monday, and the formal letter was delievered by DHL on Tuesday. I also got the on campus interview from Boston College last Friday. My mind can offically relax now.

Here is a little info of my background: UGPA:3.79, MSGPA: 3.96, GMAT: 700+5

Good luck to everyone applying for Grad school



作者: gmatplayer    时间: 2006-2-24 12:09
作者: bewithspirit    时间: 2006-2-24 13:49

I applied for finance PhD. A little tip for everyone: study your math well. Math is probablly the only thing that's holding me back.

作者: joanrain    时间: 2006-2-24 13:56
作者: mechanics    时间: 2006-2-24 14:14
以下是引用bewithspirit在2006-2-24 13:49:00的发言:

I applied for finance PhD. A little tip for everyone: study your math well. Math is probablly the only thing that's holding me back.

间接的听一个在Wisconsin Madison读博士的人也是这么说的,她说ad com看成绩单时几乎只看数学成绩。我的专业数学课不少,而且难度较高,跟数学系要求差不多,只可惜我有的成绩很好,有的很烂,原因很简单,认真学了的就好,没有学考前也不复习就烂,年轻的时候不懂事啊,现在后悔也没有用了。本来数学基础很好的,高中时候也拿过全国数学联赛省里的一等奖。


LZ目前拿到本版最牛的金融博士offer了,祝各位再接再厉,拿到 更牛的offer!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-24 15:06:43编辑过]

作者: bewithspirit    时间: 2006-2-24 14:28
Yeah, math is major. Also I heard it helps if you know some computer programming language. I seriously regret that I didn't take more math or CIS courses. And, one more thing, it also helps if you show interest or achievement in other areas like music or sport (this might not apply to all schools though).
作者: mechanics    时间: 2006-2-24 14:50

But I think most Finance Phd applicants here have quite strong backgournd in both maths and programming, it must be something else that makes you stand out, e.g., journal papers? or strong recommendations? or a degree from a top master program in US?

作者: 小狗熊    时间: 2006-2-25 09:18
not every finance PhD applicant is strong in math and programming
作者: mechanics    时间: 2006-2-25 09:20
以下是引用小狗熊在2006-2-25 9:18:00的发言:
not every finance PhD applicant is strong in math and programming

that will be a big disadvantage.

作者: wbyicejae    时间: 2006-2-25 13:22
作者: 黑桃皇后    时间: 2006-2-26 01:05

Congs~ & 沾点喜气!

作者: bewithspirit    时间: 2006-2-26 22:46
Yeah, my math isn't that strong on the transcript, my programming skill is pretty much 0, but I have very good grades from master's,a lot of extracurreculum activities, and good recommendations.

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