刚拿到ND的offer,但是在confirmation form中要交USD1000 deposit,然后还有个USD500在July 1st前交。
有没有人知道我需要在几号之前交confirmation form + USD1000的汇票?在ND的网上查不到 因为我基本上不会去ND,所以想知道这个confirmation的deadline。
congratulations !
I am sorry that I don't know the exact deadline!
Would you like to share your background with Cders?
GMAT 680, T 620, worked with a Chinese large SOE for 6 years with senior manager title.
I got sincere help from friends known in CD when preparing GMAT and applying to B-school. Thanks CD
I am highly appreciated if anybody could answer my questions
it is never hurt if you ask admission in N.D tactfully.
Yeah, I have asked the ND admission officer already.
1. The official letter and welcome binder will be mailed within the next few days.
2. Deadline for confirmation is within one monthy from now on.
3. I got total USD40,000 fellowship
congs! bigpotato is the most handsome guy i've ever seen. girls in notre dame, let's pray that he will go there!
there are so many ssgg, ppmm there at ND. most of them are white though.
40,000 is a lot. I remember some guy got 50,000 last year. dont know if he went.
living expense there is cheap. with that schoolarship. its like get an private
education with a public school price.
Bigpotato,can you share your background with us?
牛人!!! CONG!!!
congratulations!hope can see you there
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