
标题: [讨论]OG11th-103 [打印本页]

作者: seasnow    时间: 2006-1-23 06:29
标题: [讨论]OG11th-103

103.      The development of a new jumbo rocket that is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and at a lower cost.

(A) The development of a new jumbo rocket that is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and at a lower cost.

(B) The development of a new jumbo rocket is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration and be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit at a lower cost than the space shuttle.

(C) The new development of a jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit at a lower cost than the space shuttle.

(D) A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and at a lower cost.

(E) A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and to cost less.


作者: Evelyn2005    时间: 2006-1-23 08:51
作者: wycg    时间: 2006-1-23 09:16
D. 大全987里的题. LZ的OG11里的答案是C吗?
作者: v521    时间: 2006-1-23 12:43



作者: carlito    时间: 2006-1-23 12:49

在c中,than是指heavier,不是lower cost,所以d是正确答案

作者: carlito    时间: 2006-1-23 12:51


而且jr 与 ss 是平行关系

作者: v521    时间: 2006-1-23 12:58
后面的and at a lower cost指的是谁?不也是jr比ss么?放在一起为什么不可以?
作者: seasnow    时间: 2006-1-23 14:19




作者: 麦麦麦    时间: 2006-1-28 16:46

我有个疑问,DE我挣扎了很久.区别就是最后at low cost,和cost less.

问题:d是不是into obit 和 at low cost平行呢?

那E 中,cost less 和dilever 也可以平行啊?

作者: best_tu    时间: 2006-1-30 17:37

与楼上同问(PS中应该是will be able to与at low cost平行,后面的will be省略)

同样在DE间挣扎了好久,可为什么to cost less不对呢??就算他和to dilever并列好象也不存在错误啊!


作者: jandjshi    时间: 2006-1-31 07:26

一看原贴,说答案是C, 差点pass out。后来才看到后面那个问号. . 我也说是D

谈谈个人对E的想法:E can cause discrepancy:

1. rocket...will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle. 变成rocket可以把instructions送入orbit和送入space shuttle,这两者比。

D用了can,就很明确是两主语rocket和space shuttle之间比了。

而且D中a lower cost和a heavier load 平行。E中 to deliver 和to cost 平行, cost 这样用是动词,但这里没有宾语,to cost "Who" less? cost space shuttle less? cost rocket less? 意思上看是cost United States less?  但"United States" 在前面, 离得太远了。 就是ETS最喜欢说的"oject is not immediately clear".

还有seasnow说的rocket把美国带到了... 我也觉得看得胃里痒痒的。觉得像B那样, expected to carry the US比较好,但B也没有Can,所以还是D好。


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-31 8:14:27编辑过]

作者: seasnow    时间: 2006-2-6 17:12


不是要去cost less,而是要使之at a lower cost。

作者: shamoguzhou    时间: 2006-2-13 09:08
以下是引用carlito在2006-1-23 12:49:00的发言:

在c中,than是指heavier,不是lower cost,所以d是正确答案

c中是development和SS比较了,而D中是Cr和ss比较.c比较对象错了,所以d对. 对吗?

作者: steveyangxt    时间: 2006-2-19 14:38
以下是引用seasnow在2006-2-6 17:12:00的发言:


不是要去cost less,而是要使之at a lower cost。


作者: forgetee    时间: 2006-3-9 05:24
作者: jandjshi    时间: 2006-3-9 08:42

今天OG11才寄到. 等了一个月. 汗.

OG11th 答案: D.

E: Verb can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparison; to cost less is confusing because it seems to parallel to to deliver.

作者: 哈佛情人    时间: 2006-5-15 00:22
以下是引用v521在2006-1-23 12:58:00的发言:
后面的and at a lower cost指的是谁?不也是jr比ss么?放在一起为什么不可以?

A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and (will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit) at a lower cost.



作者: WhistleLi    时间: 2006-6-9 09:59

OG 11 答案 分析

A-The subject should be the rocket,not its development,verb can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparision;that should be replaced by which and the clause should be set off with commas

B-The subject should be the rocket,not its development,verb can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparision

C-The subject should be the rocket,not its development,verb can is needed after space shuttle create a correct comparision.

D-best. The rocket is the subject of his sentence;the comparision between rocket and the shuttle is clear;the nonrestrictive clause is correctly introduced and punctuated.

E-Verbe can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparision;to cost less is confusing because it seems to parallel to deliver.

作者: WhistleLi    时间: 2006-6-9 09:59

OG 11 答案 分析

A-The subject should be the rocket,not its development,verb can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparision;that should be replaced by which and the clause should be set off with commas

B-The subject should be the rocket,not its development,verb can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparision

C-The subject should be the rocket,not its development,verb can is needed after space shuttle create a correct comparision.

D-best. The rocket is the subject of his sentence;the comparision between rocket and the shuttle is clear;the nonrestrictive clause is correctly introduced and punctuated.

E-Verbe can is needed after space shuttle to create a correct comparision;to cost less is confusing because it seems to parallel to deliver.

作者: Dinaxie    时间: 2006-7-4 18:24
以下是引用哈佛情人在2006-5-15 0:22:00的发言:

A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and (will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit) at a lower cost.



我觉得:A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and (will be able to deliver at a lower cost than space shuttle can)请指教

作者: Dinaxie    时间: 2006-7-5 21:13
作者: 清清小蚂蚁    时间: 2006-9-5 20:14
以下是引用seasnow在2006-1-23 6:29:00的发言:

103.      The development of a new jumbo rocket that is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and at a lower cost.

(A) The development of a new jumbo rocket that is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and at a lower cost.

(B) The development of a new jumbo rocket is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration and be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit at a lower cost than the space shuttle.

(C) The new development of a jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit at a lower cost than the space shuttle.

(D) A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and at a lower cost.

(E) A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and to cost less.


问题是关于后面的, and at a lower cost 

1 , and 前面的逗号不要行不行,关于这个逗号 一直不清楚究竟两个平行AND前要不要逗号

2 如果把省略的补出应该是什么

A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and will be at a lower cost than the space shuttle will be  .


作者: yaomao    时间: 2006-9-9 17:27
以下是引用清清小蚂蚁在2006-9-5 20:14:00的发言:

2 如果把省略的补出应该是什么

A newly developed jumbo rocket, which is expected to carry the United States into its next phase of space exploration, will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can, and will be at a lower cost than the space shuttle will be  .



will be able to deliver at a lower cost than the space shuttle can


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-9 17:30:29编辑过]

作者: magico    时间: 2007-1-3 16:29


作者: helenyu529    时间: 2007-2-3 10:11
以下是引用magico在2007-1-3 16:29:00的发言:


楼上的,《张道真实用英语语法》P584讲“并列句中的省略”时说到:并列句中,如果后面分句有词和前面分句的词相同,有时可以省略,以避免重复。例句:She could have applied for that job, but she didn't.

作者: alphonx    时间: 2007-3-3 17:02

OG11解释:That is used to introduce restrictive clauses; such clauses are essential to the meaning of a sentence. The that is expected ... exploration clause is not essential; it should be introduced by which and set off with commas.



作者: amywangwei    时间: 2007-3-4 17:11


作者: zombie    时间: 2007-5-24 00:27


介词短语at a lower cost就近修饰动词to deliver, a rocket will be able to deliver sth. at a lower cost, 逻辑搭配合理;

另外,比较从句than the space shuttle can补出表示一般现在时的情态动词can, 与表示一般将来时的will be able to 比较。

作者: 顿顿的微笑    时间: 2007-9-9 16:04


排除be able to 和can并列,助动词尽量补出原则

to cost less 和to deliver 为什么不能并列,并列也可以讲得通我一直不可以接受og的解释

现在我的理解是d选项的意思是jr 执行deliver a heavier load of instrumentsinto orbit这个动作成本较低



作者: eaglegrace    时间: 2007-9-9 19:56
我认为heavier load与lower cost平行,选D

作者: ajjghawx    时间: 2007-9-10 17:39
作者: snowmary    时间: 2007-9-20 17:45
我想问的是为什么be able to可以和can平行?
作者: yichousun    时间: 2007-9-20 23:05


证据:就在E选项的解释里。verb can is needed after space shuttle to creat a correct comparison。



作者: snowmary    时间: 2007-9-21 20:21



作者: elizabeth_xu    时间: 2007-10-23 15:33


为什么 to cost less 不能和 to deliver 对应呢?语义和逻辑上也读得通的呀?


作者: yexiang2007    时间: 2007-10-23 16:50

应该选D,这句话得通过理解句子意思,到底是development还是new jumbo rocket be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into orbit,当然是火箭了,所以A,B,C错。至于D和E,要看比较对象是否对等,D中在than的后面补出了can,使句意更明确。不是火箭和space shuttle比较,而是他们装载量的能力的比较。所以选D

作者: minirainbow    时间: 2007-11-7 18:16

OG 11th的官方解释

The challenge here is to revise the sentence and present a complex idea as simply as possible.What will deliver the instruments in to orbit? They will be delivered not by the development of a rocket but rather by the rocket itself; the jumbo rocket, not its development, must be the subject of the sentence. The phrase a heavier load of instruments than the space shuttle suggests a comparison between the load of instruments and the shuttle, whereas it is actually the different capabilities of the rocket and the shuttle that are being compared. The comparison should be written: the jumbo rocket will be able to deliver a heavier load…than the space shuttle can. That is used to introduce restrictive clauses; such clauses are essential to the meaning of a sentence. The that is expected…exploration clause is not essential; it should be introduced by which and set off with commas.

作者: rorarora    时间: 2008-2-8 23:06
我的理解是,行文重点是deliver a heavier load, cost less 是附带的信息,如果用动词的话,显得有些头重脚轻,所以还是用省略了的at a lower cost 比较好。
作者: sookai    时间: 2008-5-4 07:21
这个题目最让我痛苦的是 and at a lower cost前面有一个逗号。这个逗号可以不要,是不是更整齐?

作者: nedelon    时间: 2008-5-11 10:22
问题 : and at a lower cost.. 省略了什么?不太明白这个短语放在这里的作用,因为前面是比较,这个感觉比较的双方都省略了。。请教了
另外对于can的补出是必须的,比较前主谓宾,比较后,只一名词,加谓体现是主语。。can 是 be able to 的对应。

作者: metalowl    时间: 2008-5-25 15:38


主语(development/rockets)that is expected…… will be able to……


can不可省,否则后面只有the space shuttle,比较结构形式上不对称,排除E。



作者: youyou3941    时间: 2008-7-6 16:49

我的新东方笔记:to deliver 和 to cost less 平行不对,因为be able to cost 的用法是错的


作者: baishi7948    时间: 2008-7-29 22:16

at a lowe cost前省略了to deliver.

E选项中,to cost less如果和to deliver平行,逻辑上讲不通。

作者: 小胡子乖乖    时间: 2008-7-29 22:26
作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2008-7-31 17:21


why the comma is here just before “and”???

It is important for me to figure out the right answer. 

作者: sky85    时间: 2008-7-31 23:11
以下是引用小胡子乖乖在2008-7-29 22:26:00的发言:

同问. and后面可以没有任何主谓并且前面有逗号么?

作者: lcy19812000    时间: 2008-8-1 08:53


逗号后面的部分不应该算作一个省略的句子由and与be able to deliver ……并列,这样就不能解释为什么会有逗号了。

另一种可能的解释是逗号后面的部分是一个伴随状语而已,而不是句子。为什么说是伴随呢?因为此句强调rocket能够deliver更多负载这一个动作,同时的一个伴随结果是价钱也更低。而用并列句的话,强调rocket能够载更多货物,rocket本身的造价也更便宜两个动作(补出省略部分是rocket (will be) at a lower cost),这样即改变了句意又不能解释逗号了。

作者: lny103    时间: 2008-10-10 23:50
作者: minirainbow    时间: 2008-10-15 00:17

我在想(D)选中的 , and at a lower cost中的逗号只是为了方便区隔前一句的heavier…than的比较而补出的,事实上根据句意的确是, and be able to deliver at a lower cost的省略


至于第43楼说的be able to cost这个句型是错?

作者: whh502    时间: 2008-11-19 11:37

我也是这样把D排除掉的,我觉得可以是看成是省略,这样就不会是fragment了,就是省略了and (js will be able to deliver)at a lower cost, 但是我感觉and前的,去掉更好

这是我找来的另一个句子,For example, social security and workers' compensation programs are designed to provide benefits quickly and at


作者: deadpig1987    时间: 2009-7-21 02:23
以下是引用顿顿的微笑在2007/9/9 16:04:00的发言:


排除be able to 和can并列,助动词尽量补出原则

to cost less 和to deliver 为什么不能并列,并列也可以讲得通我一直不可以接受og的解释

现在我的理解是d选项的意思是jr 执行deliver a heavier load of instrumentsinto orbit这个动作成本较低





作者: deadpig1987    时间: 2009-7-21 02:35
以下是引用yaomao在2006/9/9 17:27:00的发言:


will be able to deliver at a lower cost than the space shuttle can


所以我觉得补全以后是,… will be able to deliver a heavier load of instruments into
orbit than the space shuttle can, and (will be able to deliver a heavier load of
instruments into orbit)
at a lower cost (than the space shuttle can).


作者: deadpig1987    时间: 2009-7-21 02:39

E中 to cost less 和 to deliver 并列 变成 Rocket will be able to deliver a heavier
load.. and will be able to cost less.


原文不是指JR cost
less than SS.
        JR will be
able to deliver a heavier load at a lower cost than SS can 

作者: Xclann    时间: 2009-7-25 21:08
what is the function of ", and"?  
作者: zoeykao    时间: 2009-12-1 22:12
作者: zoeykao    时间: 2009-12-1 22:19
请问 Which和前后两个逗号引导的非限定子句, 如果去掉逗号是否还是引导非限定子句?
作者: zxkingsey    时间: 2010-2-1 22:39
为什么and at a lower cost 前面有逗号,and 前加逗号不是应该接句子么??
作者: redable    时间: 2010-9-19 00:25
還是...其實放哪 修飾誰 都沒差...


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