
标题: 885 section d -8 ,19,22 [打印本页]

作者: lemonee    时间: 2003-9-13 08:34
标题: 885 section d -8 ,19,22
8.During an era when interracial tensions in the United States have run high, Rosa Parks became a quiet, unassuming symbol of the continued struggle for human dignity.
(A) have run high
(B) ran high
(C) had run highly
(D) run high
(E) were running highly
我的问题:high和 highly 在做副词的时候的区别是什么? run 是不是不用进行时?

19 Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886 did not mean that he also won the loyalty of its citizens: the invading Danes were well aware of this weakness and used it to their advantage in 893.
(A) Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886 did not mean that he
(B) The fact that King Alfred had occupied and fortified London in 886 did not mean that he had
(C) Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886, it did not mean he
(D) The fact that King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886, it did not mean that he
(E) Just because King Alfred had occupied and fortified London in 886, it did not mean he
问题:这里的had occupied 和 in 886可以连在一起用吗?谁能解释一下过去完成时的用法

22.Bill Walton continued on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and over again, always hoping to return back to his position as a regular starter in the game he loved.
(A) on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and over again, always hoping to return back
(B) playing, in spite of recurrent injuries, always hoping to return
(C) playing, though injured over and over, and he was always hoping to return back
(D) on playing, even with injuries that recurred, and always hoped to return
(E) to play, despite recurring injuries, hoping that the return

请问is hoping 对嘛?


[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-13 8:37:01编辑过]

作者: braveMBA    时间: 2003-9-13 11:09
8、high-高度地,highly-非常、高地,区别甚微。不过此题没有生考此区别,主要考了时态。这里注意到是描述过去的一个状态,一般过去时比较合适。提示点when .... run high,... became ....

19、过去的过去的动作。提示点The fact that King Alfred had occupied and fortified London in 886 [did] not mean that he had,核心是did,说明动作均是过去的过去。

22、always hoping to return做伴随状语,逻辑主语是句子主语。is hoping 将出现run-on sentence,没有连接词。
作者: lemonee    时间: 2003-9-14 03:16
谢谢版主。你是说你见过is hoping 的用法?
run 用进行时吗?is running 好像不对!

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-14 3:16:54编辑过]

作者: braveMBA    时间: 2003-9-14 05:03
hoping是可以使用的,没有问题;is running也没有问题。Look at your LOGO now! You are running!
作者: joice    时间: 2003-9-15 04:33
以下是引用lemonee在2003-9-13 8:34:00的发言:
19 Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886 did not mean that he also won the loyalty of its citizens: the invading Danes were well aware of this weakness and used it to their advantage in 893.
(A) Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886 did not mean that he
(B) The fact that King Alfred had occupied and fortified London in 886 did not mean that he had
(C) Just because King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886, it did not mean he
(D) The fact that King Alfred occupied and fortified London in 886, it did not mean that he
(E) Just because King Alfred had occupied and fortified London in 886, it did not mean he
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-13 8:37:01编辑过]

Why the answer is not C?
作者: braveMBA    时间: 2003-9-15 05:19
1、时态。occupy和win的动作是发生在did not mean之前的,应该用过去完成时
2、it 没有指代对象,不能指代动词occupy或者前面一句话
作者: joice    时间: 2003-9-15 09:38
got it. thanks.

作者: viv    时间: 2003-9-15 16:04
作者: julia_ggw    时间: 2005-11-18 05:02


作者: maoliu    时间: 2006-1-18 12:23



作者: xjlv128    时间: 2006-3-18 11:25


作者: predator_yl    时间: 2006-4-18 20:40

22.Bill Walton continued on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and over again, always hoping to return back to his position as a regular starter in the game he loved.
(A) on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and over again, always hoping to return back
(B) playing, in spite of recurrent injuries, always hoping to return
(C) playing, though injured over and over, and he was always hoping to return back
(D) on playing, even with injuries that recurred, and always hoped to return
(E) to play, despite recurring injuries, hoping that the return


作者: cournot    时间: 2006-7-22 11:13

22.   Bill Walton continued on playing, even though he had injuries that recurred over and over again, always hoping to return back to his position as a regular starter in the game he loved.

(B) playing, in spite of recurrent injuries, always hoping to return

(C) playing, though injured over and over, and he was always hoping to return back

 我查了一下cambridge字典,发现Continue on+名词, continue+动名词

这里c错误是否在and he was always hoping 时态不对,不应该用过去进行时,即使用也可省略he?

作者: ddcat910    时间: 2006-7-27 04:41
and 引导的并列句改变了句子的中心,同时injuried over and over也没有resurrent injuries简洁
作者: zhkendra    时间: 2007-9-19 11:43

C: 1> 'return back' is obviously redundant.

2> Even though 'injured over and over' used a verb injured, the expression is too wordy. 'recurrent injuries' is much better

3> 'and he was always hoping to... ' seems like the 'hoping' happened paralled with 'playing', but actucally his efforts in paly showed his hopes, and they happened simultaneously. 'And' means one happened after the other.  OG has many examples illustrate this point.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-30 12:13:21编辑过]

作者: huangyh03    时间: 2007-9-27 04:04
以下是引用cournot在2006-7-22 11:13:00的发言:

 我查了一下cambridge字典,发现Continue on+名词, continue+动名词

我查了longman,并没有continue on的用法,请大家确认一下

作者: weideng    时间: 2008-2-16 16:05
作者: Drakedragon    时间: 2008-3-1 11:26
just because ...
spoken used to say that although one thing is true, it does not mean that something else is true
Just because you're my brother doesn't mean I have to like you!
因为看了the fact that就有点不爽,OG里好像有过题,很鄙视the fact that

作者: Drakedragon    时间: 2008-3-1 11:30
还有个疑问就时just because能做连词用吗

作者: coney8813    时间: 2008-11-4 19:42
作者: promiselu    时间: 2010-8-4 14:06
可是第八题的开头不是有一定完成式的时间标志during? 为何不选A呢

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