
标题: [原创]12/23台北善導寺二戰~~失敗(另附重要婦女boycott原文參考) [打印本页]

作者: muimui    时间: 2005-12-24 02:48
标题: [原创]12/23台北善導寺二戰~~失敗(另附重要婦女boycott原文參考)

二戰12/23___M:49 V:25 620

AI: 16.“Public buildings reveal much about the attitudes and values of the ........
AA:47.The following appeared as part of an article in the business section of a local newspaper.
“ The owners of the Cumquat Cafe evidently made a good business .........

1. Company A has x addresses, Company B has y addresses, Company A combined with Company B, total 3 times of Company A, 問,how many addresses belongs to both Comany A and Company B?(我答y-2x; A交B=A+B-A並B)

2.30. 120個東東,6個一箱或24個一箱,問箱數?(好象有JJ) (1)一個比另一個少X箱;(2)一個比另一個多X箱

3. K表示1/N形式的總和,N=33~64,求K的範圍

4. 給一個平面座標,上面有5個點,哪一個滿足y+3<x-1. 可簡化成 y-x<-4 用題目給的點帶入,選e

5. 給出95年國內原油和進口分別為12.6和3.0, 96年分別為14.7和2.4,問96年國內和進口比率是95年相同比率的多少倍?

6. 數字1-24任取一個,求能被2且能被3整除或者能被北7整除的概率 答案:7/24

7. 某人買某物, 並付銷售稅8%, 若銷售稅為5%, 可少付12元, 問連稅在內共付多少?432元

8. 某建築公司承建某項目, 收入500K, 成本只有人工成本和材料成本, 問利潤大於150K否? (1) 總成本是材料成本的3倍 (2) 利潤大於人工成本

9.兩位數n, n是合數嗎? (1) n十位數是個位數的因數; (2) n>20(題目是十位數是2) 條件沒錯,可是我在題目裡有看到給定條件n>20,這樣答案好像就跟討論的不一樣了

10. 有一正方形地種花,(沒有圖大家想像一下),上邊的中點跟左邊的中點聯成一花圃(成一直角三角形),上邊的右頂點與下邊的中點相連(成為另一個直角三角形),給邊長,求未當花圃的面積?

11. 21個人,A得了5分,問他是否高於平均分。 1)中數是4 ;2)21人的總分>100

12. 一個等邊三角形內接一個圓,已知圓半徑為r,求三角形的周長?

13. 24磅p咖啡 25磅r咖啡 按4:1, 1:5 配成X和Y咖啡,問X咖啡有多少磅?

14. If X^2/X的絕對值小於1?(1)X>-1; (2)X<1

15. K=N!,如果K=330,問N的可能的最小值是多少?(選項有9, 10,11, 12, 33)

16.下列何者為奇數?(1) 3a+4 (2) 2b+3 (3) 忘記了 (4) 13d (5) 14e
17. N除以3之餘數? (1)n除以2餘1 (2) N+1除以3餘2


GWD 3-4
第一篇 GWD Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock 3-12~~15
第二篇 始祖鳥(本月JJ)
第三篇 制,波多黎各的憲政改變(80行)請參考2002-2003 12 RC JJ P.60

第四篇 廣告嗅覺(本月JJ)

cheese 工廠鹿




作者: wahahapig    时间: 2005-12-24 03:04

17. N除以3之餘數? (1)n除以2餘1 (2) N+1除以3餘2
怎么做答案是什么 ,谢谢!

作者: beautywawa    时间: 2005-12-24 03:07
thanks for sharing!!!
作者: 火精    时间: 2005-12-24 03:16


作者: ppbb    时间: 2005-12-24 03:31

Thank you for sharing.

Just a little curiosity. Whereover could get such a complete CR jj, the guy must be a genius to complete almost twenty five questions in just two minutes!

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-24 3:31:45编辑过]

作者: zikineko    时间: 2005-12-24 03:33
作者: grenuisx    时间: 2005-12-24 11:39
thanks for sharing
作者: sunnybest    时间: 2005-12-24 12:42
My God! 难道GWD的题目都是这样出来的???
作者: stilalala    时间: 2005-12-24 13:56

I'd like to know the anwsers for the questioned in the file attached ?

anyone knows the answer

My answer key is


any suggestion?


作者: chinchilla    时间: 2005-12-24 16:07

thanks for sharing!!

作者: genocide    时间: 2005-12-25 01:16


作者: muimui    时间: 2005-12-25 04:08

To 2樓~~~


To 5樓~~~


To 9樓~~~

我這邊的參考答案是DCCB~~看看大家有沒有其他看法 open to discuss

作者: williamweizh    时间: 2005-12-25 16:49



作者: williamweizh    时间: 2005-12-25 20:56
作者: helen9706    时间: 2005-12-26 00:27

A. It was primarily a way to interest women in joining the Social Party

E. It served as an effective complement to union organizing.


作者: shellsnow    时间: 2005-12-26 00:30



第2题有争论,还请NN来看看。我定位在,53行,boycotter, By contract,.....再讲women是为什么来boycott的,不知对不对


作者: williamweizh    时间: 2005-12-26 00:43




作者: helen9706    时间: 2005-12-26 06:01

作者: shellsnow    时间: 2005-12-26 06:06



作者: shellsnow    时间: 2005-12-26 06:22
作者: aph7    时间: 2005-12-26 08:31
作者: aph7    时间: 2005-12-26 08:32
再细看,第二题D选项怎么那么怪:the goal of the boycotting women was the that the women wished to employ...
作者: helen9706    时间: 2005-12-26 11:54
employ in 有从事于XX的意思

作者: shellsnow    时间: 2005-12-26 13:19


作者: sunnybest    时间: 2005-12-26 14:57
第一题为什么选D?好像找不到定位呀!我选的A,因为文中提到了two weeks.大家意见怎样?
作者: sunnybest    时间: 2005-12-26 15:27


In mid-February 1917 a
women’s movement independent
of political affiliation erupted in
Line New York City, the stronghold of
(5) the Socialist party in the LACE w:st="on">United
LACE>. Protesting against the high
cost of living, thousands of women
refused to buy chickens, fish, and
vegetables. The boycott shut
(10) down much of the City’s foodstuffs
marketing for two weeks, riveting
public attention on the issue of
food prices, which had increased
partly as a result of increased
(15) exports of food to Europe that had
been occurring since the outbreak
of the First World War.
By early 1917 the Socialist
party had established itself as a
(20) major political presence in LACE w:st="on">New
York City
. New York Socialists,
whose customary spheres of
struggle were electoral work and
trade union organizing, seized the
(25) opportunity and quickly organized
an extensive series of cost-of-
living protests designed to direct
the women’s movement toward
Socialist goals. Underneath the
(30) Socialists’ brief commitment to
cost-of-living organizing lay a
basic indifference to the issue
itself. While some Socialists did
view price protests as a direct
(35) step toward socialism, most
Socialists ultimately sought to
divert the cost-of-living movement into alternative channels of protest. LACE w:st="on">UnionLACE> organizing, they argued,
(40) was the best method through which to combat the high cost of living.
For others, cost-of-living or oganizing was valuable insofar as it led
women into the struggle for suf (45
frage, and similarly, the suffrage
struggle was valuable insofar as
it moved United States society
one step closer to socialism.
Although LACE w:st="on">New YorkLACE>’s Social-
(50) ists saw the cost-of-living issue
as, at best, secondary or tertiary
to the real task at hand, the boycotters,
by sharp contrast, joined
the price protest movement out of
(55) an urgent and deeply felt commitment to the cost-of-living issue.
A shared experience of swiftly
declining living standards caused
by rising food prices drove these
(60) women to protest. Consumer
organizing spoke directly to their
daily lives and concerns; they
saw cheaper food as a valuable
end in itself. Food price protests
(65) were these women’s way of organizing
at their own workplace, as
workers whose occupation was
shopping and preparing food for
their families.
The author suggests which of the following about the New York Socialists’ commitment to the cost- of-living movement?
A. It lasted for a relatively short period of time.
B. It was stronger than their commitment to the Suffrage struggle.
C. It predated the cost-of-living protests that Erupted in 1917.
D. It coincided with their attempts to bring more
Women into union organizing.
E. It explained the popularity of the Socialist
party in LACE w:st="on">New York CityLACE>.
It can be inferred from the passage that the goal
of the boycotting women was the
A. achievement of an immediate economic
B. development of a more socialistic society
C. concentration of widespread consumer
protests on the more narrow issue of   
food prices
D. development of one among a number of
different approaches that the women
wished to employ in combating the high
cost of living.
E. attraction of more public interest to issues
that the women and the New York Socialists
considered important.
Which of the following best states the function of the
passage as a whole?
A. To contrast the views held by the Socialist party
and by the boycotting women of New York City
on the cost-of-living issue
B. To analyze the assumptions underlying opposing
viewpoints within the New York Socialist
party of 1917
C. To provide a historical perspective on different
approaches to the resolution of the cost-of-
living issue.
D. To chronicle the sequence of events that led
to the New York Socialist party’s emergence
as a political power
E. To analyze the motivations behind the Socialist
party’s involvement in the women’s suffrage
According to the passage, most New York
Socialists believed which of the following about
the cost-of-living movement?
A. It was primarily a way to interest women
in joining the Socialist party.
B. It was an expedient that was useful only
insofar as it furthered other goals.
C. It would indirectly result in an increase in
the number of women who belonged to
labor unions.
D. It required a long-term commitment but
Inevitably represented a direct step
Toward socialism.
E. It served as an effective complement to
union organizing.

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