谢谢!作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-3-31 10:55
I don't think reading question first or the opposite will make much difference, as long as you're comfortable with your approach. Based on your information, I think you've already done very well in CR. If you want to practice more, you can try GRE CRs. For LSAT, it has been argued for years whether it helps or not. My suggestion is: if you have enough time (>2 months), you can try some sets LSAT, see if that helps.作者: zt1999 时间: 2003-3-31 17:26
谢谢斑竹。我没有LSAT的黄皮书的hardcopy,想必就是下载中心的那个printable verison了。 要到哪里去找GRE的SC题呢?gter的下载太困难了。作者: 晴天猪 时间: 2003-3-31 21:39
请老兄到这里看看 http://gremonkey.manfen.net/