G:750, T should be able to be waived although I got 653 4 years ago. undergraduate-GPA is 3.4-3.5 from a 2-tier University in China. I have already got a Chemistry Master from a US 2-tier University, and GPA is 3.4. Only 1 year w/e in an international manufacturing company, which is not famous to all but is well known in our field. Position is the lowest, research chemist. No management and finance background in current company at all, some leadership in Under though.
Any chance to be got into top 20 ? Any suggestions, examples and encourage? Thanks in advance! 作者: funnytiger 时间: 2003-9-11 04:27
is your w/e in USA? is it possible to move up at your current job if you are working now? have you done any significant research in the past? Is there any top20 school in your state?作者: merrylili 时间: 2003-9-11 04:41
Yes, I am in New York now. not possible in the recent one year. An experienced Korean Ph.D. is on my head, and if he doesn't move, then there is no hope for me to be promoted. FYI, I am in a tiny division (only 10 people at most and 7 are all kinds of managers, VPs, and sales, and only 3 are technical support, one of which is the manager, so only 2 left in the lab, who will do the lab if I am going to be the manager?)of the company, which is located in another state. Being confined in this little division, no hope at all! We have business in Asia including China and hongkong. The only advantage I can take is that someday I might be sent back either as representatives or as technical support. What can be called significant research? No paper published (shame on me)yet. NYU, Columbia, and many more are not far away from my location. So what? 作者: k2 时间: 2003-9-11 05:38
you'd better go for part-time mba.作者: funnytiger 时间: 2003-9-11 06:01
so... what?
ok, here is the info that I know
1. if it is a research department in US, adcom knows the system, management position is hard to achieve. (reason for Q1, Q2) 2. if you do not have paper. well, you may have to explain it in your essay. 3. usually part-time program has lower bars and less competition.
So for the info you post it here. I think you should be able to get in a top20 part-time program (i.e. NYU part-time) with a decent essay explaining a few things.作者: sfish 时间: 2003-9-11 07:15
You did not tell us why MBA作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-9-11 10:00
are you going to switch your career? if not, NYU part time can be a good choice though.作者: merrylili 时间: 2003-9-11 11:07
yes, that's exactly what I want. I hope to change my career completely and say byebye to lab for ever. But the application seems too hard for me with only 1 year w/e and so-so academic performance, so really headach about the essay. Actually, my thoughts about MBA is too naive and immature, but I am so anxious to have a try no matter what the result is.作者: sfish 时间: 2003-9-11 11:31
If you go MBA, what is your concentration.作者: mango 时间: 2003-9-11 22:12
Why don't you wait for a couple of years, one year's exp is definitely on the low end. Every year, there are plenty of people with research background got in the top schools. It depends on how you spin it.作者: merrylili 时间: 2003-9-11 23:07
Thanks for the advice. I am not even familiar with what is finance, accounting, .... I totally have no idea what concentration should I choose. The only feeling is that I'd like to do some quantitative related work, with less soft skills but with more experience or certificate-valued skills. In general I mean I want a career in which the older I am or the longer I am in that field, the higher salary, higher popularity I will earn, and in which my work is relatively independent thereby I even can set up my own business someday. I know my description is too vague to give any informative information. May be finance or consulting should do this? My mind is totally a mess with regard to this issue. Any source that I can refer to for such kind of information? Maybe this year I'd better just LianBing.作者: sfish 时间: 2003-9-11 23:31
You'd better find why MBA for you first. surfing on internet, you can find all the thing you need to know about MBA作者: merrylili 时间: 2003-9-12 04:00
Another questions and your answer is highly appreciated.
How about Parttime MBA? I heard it is hard for p/t mba to change career after graduation. Any examples or comments?作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-9-12 04:14
part time MBA is for people 1) who want to stick to their current career path; and 2) whose current situation does not allow full time.
For your case, I would suggest you to learn more about the other fields. There are many sub fields in finance, some of which require high quantitative skills. You may want to check out the book Harvard career guide on finance. Don't rush into a field that you don't know about. Try to understand the career path in that field, the life style, requirements on people, the major players, etc.
作者: k2 时间: 2003-9-12 04:28
mba can not change everything of your life. you are still who you are after you get mba. it mostly depends on you, not the degree, to switch your career if you want to do so.
i don't see much difference between full and part time mba. my recommendation is you do need a few more years to know what you really want to do and what you can do.