Thank you for your warmhearted help!
Could you be more specific? What were they previous work expereince and now direction? Thanks
Offer to stay in USA or return to the region? How about the salary level?
请问FINANCIAL STATEMETN 不全会不会影响申请?银行证明想过一段时间开?
yyuwang 好象放假了,好久没见到了,我先来帮忙回答一下。
TO:zhuer ,开学前好象有类似的班,所以不用担心。不过不是很确定,还得请YYUWANG兄给确认一下。
TO:fbap0117 银行证明不用急,录取以后再开也不晚。
to yyuwang:
When you are saying the "Salary of offers to stay in USA ranges from $78K to $120K", could you tell us which area got the highest salary, SCM,FINANCE OR MARKETING? thanks a lot!!
Mike is a very nice guy.
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