
标题: OG128 看了菜鸟的解释还是不懂~ 引申出一个很重要的that指代问题~请教! [打印本页]

作者: moodraie    时间: 2005-12-3 17:39
标题: OG128 看了菜鸟的解释还是不懂~ 引申出一个很重要的that指代问题~请教!

128. New hardy varieties of rice show promise of pro­ducing high yields without the costly requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties.

(A)  requirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertilizer by earlier high-yielding varieties

(B)   requirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation

(C)  requirements for application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation of earlier high-yielding varieties

(D)  application of commercial fertilizer and irriga­tion that was required by earlier high-yielding varieties

(E)   irrigation and application of commercial fertil­izer that were required by earlier high-yielding varieties

Choice E, the best answer, clearly and grammatically expresses the idea that two costly procedures, irrigation and the applica­tion of... fertilizer, were required by earlier high-yielding varieties of rice. In A, the placement of by earlier... varieties immediately after application of fertilizer suggests that the varieties applied the fertilizer(状语引起的修饰错误). In B and D, the phrase applica­tion of... fertilizer and irrigation is ambiguous in meaning: it cannot be clearly determined whether applying fertilizer and irrigating are a single operation or two distinct operations (清晰). In C, only irrigation--not both irrigation and fertilization--is clearly associated with the earlier... varieties of rice.



不懂的是,没有看出来用C不能表达only irrigation--not both irrigation and fertilization--is clearly associated with the earlier... varieties of rice的意思

而且,that的就近修饰原则在这里不适用了吗? 如果选E的话,那不只有 fertilizer被修饰了吗?这样的话久只有fertilizer才是erlier 的一个问题了


特别是that的指代问题,好像不总是指代就近的那个呀~~~~ 请NN指教~~~~

作者: moodraie    时间: 2005-12-3 17:46

that奇怪的指代还有OG85, 也不是就近的…………

出现that咱们办呢~~ 唉~~~眼看就要考试了

作者: jxjiao    时间: 2005-12-4 03:32



1.logical:  "costly" should modify "application of commercial fertilizer and irrigation" rather than requirements

2.requirements of earlier high-yeilding varieties . that is , of ... should modify requirements rather than irrigation, as choice C implies.

3. In choice E, "were " help readers to identify "irrigation and application", rather than one of them, as the subject. my view, "that" does not always modify the nearlest noun, while ", which" is more likely to do so.

hope it's helpful

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-4 3:34:06编辑过]

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