标题: 大家的essay写完了自己看都觉得满意吗?我怎么横看竖看都觉得没写的特有激情似的啊? [打印本页]
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-11-15 15:35
标题: 大家的essay写完了自己看都觉得满意吗?我怎么横看竖看都觉得没写的特有激情似的啊?
作者: messmess 时间: 2005-11-15 16:00
作者: bonbon_jovial 时间: 2005-11-15 16:07
作者: soupset 时间: 2005-11-15 18:13
作者: bonbon_jovial 时间: 2005-11-15 18:28
作者: messmess 时间: 2005-11-15 19:25
作者: zhang206 时间: 2005-11-15 19:46
以下是引用messmess在2005-11-15 19:25:00的发言:我让一起申请的朋友看过,CD上也有,Cicilla就帮我看过,她给了很多很好的意见。不一定非要MBA的人看吧?
do you know where hyde park is? i dont' think so....
作者: messmess 时间: 2005-11-15 20:01
以下是引用zhang206在2005-11-15 19:46:00的发言:do you know where hyde park is? i dont' think so....
这个和本帖子有什么关系?hyde park我不知道在哪里,就知道跟着一个chicago的GG在里面参观了一下而已。
作者: zhang206 时间: 2005-11-15 20:03
以下是引用messmess在2005-11-15 20:01:00的发言:这个和本帖子有什么关系?hyde park我不知道在哪里,就知道跟着一个chicago的GG在里面参观了一下而已。
oh yeah? who's the assitant admsission director of chicago's mba program?
作者: messmess 时间: 2005-11-15 20:09
oh yeah? who's the assitant admsission director of chicago's mba program?
oh yeah! I don't know yet. I do not care who is the assistant admission director of any business schools I applied at all. Does it matter?
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2005-11-16 01:11
个人体会,文章如果能一口气写下来最好,思维连贯可以写得比较有激情. 主线,策略,素材定下,后面要做得无非是表达的更好一些,让别人改文章,一般都是proof reading一下,改些自己看不出来的拼写语法错误,毕竟最了解你的人还是你自己.
to messmess: 了解学校就象了解客户一样,不放过一切可以掌握的资料是对对方的诚意,也有知己知彼,打有把握仗的意思. 如果你面试碰到那位assistant director,刚好你之前在bw上看过他的访谈,那你发挥的余地就很多了.
作者: p200002 时间: 2005-11-16 01:18
作者: testtech 时间: 2005-11-16 01:45
"Passion" is a double-edge sword. There is a chance that you hit the jackpot with your ultra-passionate essay. The flip side is, you are at the risk of hitting the wrong nerve of the adcom. Applying to a bschool, you want to paint yourself as a matured professional, and unfortunately, too much passion may work against you in this aspect. "Passion" can help you big time, but "Passion" can also backfire, especially if you are not very familiar with US culture, because there is a very thin line between arrogant and confident, and between passionate and inmature.
作者: littlewoman 时间: 2005-11-16 03:30
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-11-16 11:16
作者: cicilla 时间: 2005-11-16 11:37
以下是引用squirrel_hippo在2005-11-16 11:16:00的发言:可我现在看来看去一个学校都没叫呢,抓狂了要
很多人都会经历这个过程的。我刚开始写也是天天都感觉要抓狂,一个Why MBA,我足足改了1个月才算理清楚了思路,说服了自己。先要说服自己才能说服别人的。MM别心急,it takes time。写不下去了,就放一边过几天,多读点相关的文章,寻找小故事中的大道理,寻找自己写作的风格。会越写越顺手的。Good Luck!
作者: squirrel_hippo 时间: 2005-11-16 11:56
作者: messmess 时间: 2005-11-16 12:24
to messmess: 了解学校就象了解客户一样,不放过一切可以掌握的资料是对对方的诚意,也有知己知彼,打有把握仗的意思. 如果你面试碰到那位assistant director,刚好你之前在bw上看过他的访谈,那你发挥的余地就很多了.
作者: shouyang12 时间: 2005-11-16 13:09
以下是引用testtech在2005-11-16 1:45:00的发言:
"Passion" is a double-edge sword. There is a chance that you hit the jackpot with your ultra-passionate essay. The flip side is, you are at the risk of hitting the wrong nerve of the adcom. Applying to a bschool, you want to paint yourself as a matured professional, and unfortunately, too much passion may work against you in this aspect. "Passion" can help you big time, but "Passion" can also backfire, especially if you are not very familiar with US culture, because there is a very thin line between arrogant and confident, and between passionate and inmature.
Agree.Just be youself.
If you really have passion in you life, describe it .Never describe someone else in you essay.
Good Luck
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-16 13:22:59编辑过]
作者: 小飞象 时间: 2005-11-21 21:36
作者: yoyoyoki 时间: 2012-5-18 14:25
又要上班又要写ESSAY ,绞尽脑汁写的文章我真的是超级不满意, 自己还累的半死, 后来我尝试找中介帮忙写, 比较来比较去我决定用国留学文书机构来全部代写, 好像叫什么TOPADMIT 的专业文书机构, 写的还不错, 学校录取了, 加大圣地亚哥分校, 40K 的奖学金, 很开心!
作者: pigman007 时间: 2012-5-18 14:27
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