标题: 老外写推荐是否更好? [打印本页] 作者: josh_han 时间: 2003-9-8 07:25 标题: 老外写推荐是否更好? 不是兄弟自己要打自己嘴巴. 一封老外的推荐信是否更有信用和说服力呢?作者: lewis 时间: 2003-9-8 10:33
It all depend on the quality of the reference lettter instead of the nationality of the reference. As long as the letter is able to convince the adcoms with detailed information that you are one of the best candidates to their program, it will boost up your possibilty to get in.作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-9-8 10:45
其实并不是说老外的推荐信就更管用,关键还是看这个老外对你的熟悉程度。另外我还听说找alumni(指现在不是特别牛的alumni)写推荐信不一定更有用,据说alumni和adcom之间的关系比较微妙,adcom有时候有一种感觉,就是现在的申请比以前要激烈很多,按照现在的标准,那些alumni当年就不能被录取。如果加上这个alumni现在不是特别牛的话,adcom感觉这个alumni本身就不是很qualified,所以不一定会对你有什么好感。当然这个也是听说而已,大家权当参考。作者: josh_han 时间: 2003-9-8 11:12
谢了两位少侠!作者: funnytiger 时间: 2003-9-9 05:57
yeah, in early 80s, as long as you have good GPA and above average GMAT, you don't even need working experience to get into top B-schools.