标题: LBS 的mba vs MASTER IN FINANCE [打印本页]
作者: sandy_zxj 时间: 2005-11-14 14:30
作者: kevinao 时间: 2005-12-9 00:42
comparatively, there are more Chinese in Mif than MBA. Maybe one reason is that MBA is too expensive. You may refer to my response in another topic.
作者: 我行我歌 时间: 2005-12-11 21:23
以下是引用kevinao在2005-12-9 0:42:00的发言:
comparatively, there are more Chinese in Mif than MBA. Maybe one reason is that MBA is too expensive. You may refer to my response in another topic.
what's the tuition of MIF?
作者: qingcao 时间: 2005-12-13 10:36
Proximately, $55K
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2005-12-14 09:25
参加lbs的information session的时候,他们招生办的人就跟我说,建议我再工作两三年,因为两年的经验真的不太够。今年我准备再次申请。
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2005-12-14 09:27
作者: kenny3423181 时间: 2005-12-14 11:14
lse msc management and regualtion of risk imperial college msc finance, which one is better
作者: sandy_zxj 时间: 2005-12-15 14:53
Hi kevinao,
With your experience in LBS, do you see any students with less than 3-4 year W/E in MIF program? If yes, what kind of background do they have?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2005-12-16 01:29
Hi Sandy,
In my class (Master in Finance), there are about two guys (from Latvia and NZ Taiwanese) with 2-3 years experience. I guess one of the reason is that they are from countries that we seldom have students from. The youngest Chinese student in my class was born in 1976. In previous years, youngest Chinese normally have 5 years experience from leading companies, e.g. PWC, Shell and CICC.
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2005-12-17 16:12
Hi Kevin
I am also interested in the 10 months MiF program, how many chinese are there in your class? I guess most people attend MiF do have finance background so that they can go back to the industry much faster vs. regular MBA programs, my next question then is whether you have some classmates with usual background, any entrepreneurs or engineers?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2005-12-19 02:37
Hi jkmbe, this year we have 7 Chinese students. But in previous years there were about 10-14 Chinese students. Most of us used to work in commercial banks, or accounting/securities companies (e.g. Bank of China, local securities companies, PWC and HSBC). Probably there are 1 or 2 entrepreneurs, but very few engineers. However, I heard some engineers were very competitative in job hunting if they can prove that they have very strong quantatitive skills. Students from other countries used to work in investment banks, commercial banks, big 4 or consulting firms (e.g.Citigroup, JPmorgan, PWC, Bain and Accenture).
作者: oakhut 时间: 2005-12-19 06:21
Hi Kevin,
Could you share your experience in the milkround? Did you interview
with any I banks? How about other Chinese students? Any offers yet?
What are the most difficult part of interview? Thanks for sharing.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2005-12-20 01:45
Hi oakhut, normally very few MIF students got offer from milkround. The main reason is that we are here only for 1-2 months and we really neither know finance nor understand european market/interview skills, needless to mention we don't know what's our career destination (e.g. Investment banking? or fixed income, research, private equity,assets management, consulting, industry etc).
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-20 21:16:38编辑过]
作者: oakhut 时间: 2005-12-20 05:50
Hi kevin,
Thank you so much for your great info. A few more questions. First, how
do you apply in the milkround, through company websites or LBS career
office? Second, do you think these companies are looking for personal
straits, transferable analytical skills, communication skills or they
pay more attention to more specific industry knowledge, such as the
European market as you mentioned in the above reply? Third, did you
attend any interviews? If so, how was your experience? Fourth, do you
think CFA is very important or just helpful for LBS graduates. Some
people say that CFA is good for research and asset management and
graduates from top school don't really need CFA. Fifth, how do you know
about the career placement of Chinese students last year? Do you talk
to them? Any insights can be shared? Again, many thanks for your great
insider info.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2005-12-20 21:15
hi oakhut, i guess i need to write more than 1 page to answer all the questions. Any way, that's not what you should be interested before coming to school.
作者: oakhut 时间: 2005-12-21 01:57
Hi Kevin,
I should have been your classmate, but deferred my admission. I am
currently working in the US and weighing on several options. Anyway,
thanks a lot for sharing your experience.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2005-12-21 20:21
hi oakhut, if you are still interested, we can discuss offline. My concern is that some of my (or other Chinese students) experience is very personal and I don't want to post here.
作者: oakhut 时间: 2005-12-22 02:27
Hi Kevin,
Thanks a lot. Please let me know your contact via email
fusheps[在] I can either call you or chat online with you (I use
MSN Messager). Look forward to speaking with you soon. Thanks!
作者: lc1984 时间: 2005-12-26 16:47
Hi kevin:
Now I have got the offers from :
city in london :msc international accounting and finance
manchester:msc finance lancaster :msc finance
and now waiting for Durham ,edinburge
I really want to hear your suggestion,from your point of view,which one is the best ?
thank you very much !
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-26 16:46:54编辑过]
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2005-12-30 17:18
作者: lc1984 时间: 2006-1-1 20:47
以下是引用jkmbe在2005-12-30 17:18:00的发言:
作者: zj 时间: 2006-1-2 09:09
OAKHUT MM,你的问题太多了,我来给你一个简单点的回答吧。
首先是milkround,几乎所有你能想到的IB(一流的,二流的。。。)以及咨询公司都会来学校做presentation, 之后有免费大餐,你可以和这些公司HR或者MD进行交流。然后去各家公司网站填东东,有些公司只需要CV和cover letter,然后就是interview了。
一般中国学生都会有几个interview 的机会(除了有些哥们决心回国,根本没有申请),但中国mif同学最后拿到offer的还没有(有一个NY来的拿到barclays capital的offer了,想必你也见过的,其实她还有满多机会,DB,ML等等)。中国同学,特别是mif同学,吃亏在口语和对欧洲市场的了解上,毕竟milkround 的时候我们才来London1-2个月。
上届中国mif同学的工作情况,总体来看还是不错的,JP Morgan, Barclays, DB, McKinsey,里昂,香港金管局,London的Hedge fund 以及Private Equity等等,当然还有人现在在找工作,很郁闷吧。
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2006-1-2 13:53
以下是引用zj在2006-1-2 9:09:00的发言:
OAKHUT MM,你的问题太多了,我来给你一个简单点的回答吧。
首先是milkround,几乎所有你能想到的IB(一流的,二流的。。。)以及咨询公司都会来学校做presentation, 之后有免费大餐,你可以和这些公司HR或者MD进行交流。然后去各家公司网站填东东,有些公司只需要CV和cover letter,然后就是interview了。
一般中国学生都会有几个interview 的机会(除了有些哥们决心回国,根本没有申请),但中国mif同学最后拿到offer的还没有(有一个NY来的拿到barclays capital的offer了,想必你也见过的,其实她还有满多机会,DB,ML等等)。中国同学,特别是mif同学,吃亏在口语和对欧洲市场的了解上,毕竟milkround 的时候我们才来London1-2个月。
上届中国mif同学的工作情况,总体来看还是不错的,JP Morgan, Barclays, DB, McKinsey,里昂,香港金管局,London的Hedge fund 以及Private Equity等等,当然还有人现在在找工作,很郁闷吧。
很详细的解释, 英国个人感觉很难容入主流社会, 英语也不好适应, 那些中国同学能在短短一年之后就能顺利找到工作估计都是些牛人了. 说实话, 如果读了MIF能进JP, BARCLAYS的话, 那还读什么COLUMBIA, NYU, 毕竟省下一年时间+学费. 楼上的前辈能否介绍下那些还在找工作的同学, 究竟是语言问题, 还是之前背景问题?
我的背景比较特殊, 之前在英国读过两年本科, 后来转到加拿大完成本科又工作了4年, 所以语言, 适应方面不成问题, 唯一担心的我非金融背景会影响之后的就业.
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2006-1-2 13:56
以下是引用kevinao在2005-12-19 2:37:00的发言:
Hi jkmbe, this year we have 7 Chinese students. But in previous years there were about 10-14 Chinese students. Most of us used to work in commercial banks, or accounting/securities companies (e.g. Bank of China, local securities companies, PWC and HSBC). Probably there are 1 or 2 entrepreneurs, but very few engineers. However, I heard some engineers were very competitative in job hunting if they can prove that they have very strong quantatitive skills. Students from other countries used to work in investment banks, commercial banks, big 4 or consulting firms (e.g.Citigroup, JPmorgan, PWC, Bain and Accenture).
谢谢KEVIN, 祝新年快乐.
作者: zj 时间: 2006-1-2 20:27
以下是引用jkmbe在2006-1-2 13:53:00的发言:
很详细的解释, 英国个人感觉很难容入主流社会, 英语也不好适应, 那些中国同学能在短短一年之后就能顺利找到工作估计都是些牛人了. 说实话, 如果读了MIF能进JP, BARCLAYS的话, 那还读什么COLUMBIA, NYU, 毕竟省下一年时间+学费. 楼上的前辈能否介绍下那些还在找工作的同学, 究竟是语言问题, 还是之前背景问题?
我的背景比较特殊, 之前在英国读过两年本科, 后来转到加拿大完成本科又工作了4年, 所以语言, 适应方面不成问题, 唯一担心的我非金融背景会影响之后的就业.
还在找工作的, 其实也是牛人, 语言没问题, 以前工作背景没问题, 甚至还锯了到手的offer, 只为想在London找理想的职位.
如果你目前所从事的工作与金融无关的话, 确实需要慎重考虑. 因为MIF只有一年, 也就意味着不能为想转行业的朋友提供intern的机会.
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2006-1-3 17:34
zj能否替我参谋下,如果转行业难度是1-10的话,靠我还算强的NETWORKING能力(4年北美创业+销售背景),加上之前对英国2年实地了解,语言又过关(IELTs8.5/9),找到一份金融/咨询工作的胜算有多大? 考掉CFA+入学前设法回国争取个INTERN机会又能有多大的帮助?
作者: oakhut 时间: 2006-1-4 23:31
Dear zj GeGe, thank you so much for your very helpful insiders info and your valuable time to address our questions. I am very curious to know how these IBs interview? Could you share your experience? Does the career center help candidates with interview strategies?
Last but not least, I am not a MM, just like you, I am a GeGe. Sorry for disappointing you.
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2006-1-6 00:28
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2006-1-8 01:37
赫赫,学校的milkround该结束了,presentation后免费的简单午餐也没了,第二第三学期的选课也尘埃落定, 伦敦迎来了真正的冬天,Alison的笑容还是对每个人都和蔼,我已在后悔没多喝几杯其实并不好喝的免费咖啡...伦敦,想念了...
作者: oakhut 时间: 2006-1-12 23:45
Come on, let's keep this thread rolling! It is very informative, and don't let it stale here.
作者: jennynrick 时间: 2006-1-28 04:06
why US top 15 better than LBS mif...could you share taht........great thx...
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-1-29 00:50
i don't agree with the above comment. So far this year, though we have only been in school for 4 months, there are already 40 classmates that received offers from top investment banks (e.g. more than 3 got offers from merrill lynch, lehmen brother, csfb respectively) or assets management companies (e.g. fidelity, pimco). I don't think this happen to most US top 15 schools.
作者: jennynrick 时间: 2006-1-30 02:20
Dear kevinao.... thx...i think your kindly advice is helpful. i thought LBS Mif can let me not only focus on finance but also save time and money. How do compare LBS mif with US top 10 schools?...thanks
作者: zdcgy 时间: 2006-1-30 03:54
以下是引用kevinao在2006-1-29 0:50:00的发言:
i don't agree with the above comment. So far this year, though we have only been in school for 4 months, there are already 40 classmates that received offers from top investment banks (e.g. more than 3 got offers from merrill lynch, lehmen brother, csfb respectively) or assets management companies (e.g. fidelity, pimco). I don't think this happen to most US top 15 schools.
thanks for sharing. what are the offers received by your classmates other than the bulge-bracket IBs?
it seems that lbs is far stronger than any other UK universities in terms of student background and placement record.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-1-30 18:56
zdcgy, yes, lbs is the best business school in uk (sorry , not to affend other uk business schools) considering students and placement. probably it's the best business school outside us for finance jobs (at least many of lbs students have the same idea). other than ibank, some joined industry, incl. finance management program in citigroup, gm corporate treasury etc.jennynrick, i have to admit that most of classmates that got great offers at early stage have similar background: around 5 years relevant experience (e.g. ibd/capital market in ibank, assets management/pe or 'top' strategic consulting firm), understand european market, fluent english and cultural background similar to europe. people that tend to have difficulty in joining top finance companies: 30+, no ibank/investment/strategic consulting experience, not familiar with european financial market, different culture (e.g. china/korea/japan, but not india, singapore etc.).
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2006-1-31 00:30
Hi Kevin! Thank you for sharing your insight on MIF programme! I just got an invitation for alumni interview in Beijing . Mind sharing your thought on the interview process? Does it focus on technical ability or soft skills?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-1-31 07:25
normally they won't test your financial knowledge, but will see more about your background, why you apply for LBS, your career development plan etc. Of course soft skills (e.g. basic communication skills) are needed. It's not very difficult, and normally there are 50%+ opportunities that you will be recruited if you receive interview invitation.
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2006-1-31 11:12
Many thanks:-) Will keep you posted of my progress.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-1-31 20:46
hi, forgot to say congratulation and best luck last time! best luck again
作者: oakhut 时间: 2006-1-31 23:26
Kevin, thanks for providing very helpful info. What do you think are the important factors that would make Chinese students more attactive to employers? Any idea how Chinese students in previous years got their jobs? Thanks again.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-2-1 01:34
for mba, it's easier since they have 2 years time. for mif, it's difficult since we only have 10 months time. most times chinese find jobs by 1) networking through friends if we want to find jobs in China 2) in London from May/June when there are many opportunities coming right before graduation 3) milkround in oct/nov, can be difficult as we need to compete with european experienced ibankers for london positions 4) some guys went to HK for months to find jobs after graduation (can be effective and some did join ibanks there)
of course if you don't mind middle/back office jobs then there should be much more opportunities
作者: jkmbe 时间: 2006-2-1 07:01
hi kevin, thanks again for the input. i am still quite interested
in the one year finance program, but discouraged by the fact that most
applicants are more experienced and relatively older. do you have any
classmates who are younger (25-26) with no finance background, but
successfully landed decent positions?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-2-1 18:43
Frankly speaking, that's difficult. One of the main reasons is that after you enter LBS, you won't think of junior positions such as analyst positions in investment banks. If you target associate positions, then you must prove that you are a great person. how to prove? How can you stand out from classmates with top wall street ibank/Mckinsey experience, graduated from Harverd/MIT/Cambridge, work in EU, better communications and language skills, and even look better? However, we do have chinese alumni with about 4-5 years experience and found good jobs. then they must show their own shining points (as indicated by some chinese alumni): e.g. accounting knowledge plus oil&gas industry background, accounting knowledge plus EU work experience, real estitate expertise in Shanghai or backoffice experience in a chinese investment banks.Think about your own strength!
作者: DDM 时间: 2006-2-14 12:51
Hi,Kevinao, can you briefly compare the students and job placement of LBS and City in the financial disciplines? Many thanks!
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-2-15 04:24
don't know much about city. but i believe lbs has the best job opportunities outside top 10 US business schools.
作者: DDM 时间: 2006-2-16 12:29
Thank you Kevin, I am just always wondering about the location and the relevant advantages of the City University's connection with the industry in the City of London.
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2006-2-17 23:35
I got an offer!
Thank Kevin for sharing and good luck to u all!
作者: damaohoo 时间: 2006-2-17 23:48
以下是引用sinopolish在2006-2-17 23:35:00的发言:I got an offer!
Thank Kevin for sharing and good luck to u all!
Could you please tell me about your experience in the interview? What kind of question did the interviewer ask? Was the alumni a Chinese or a foreigner? How long did the interview lasted?
Many thanks!
作者: ESeraph 时间: 2006-2-18 00:28
congrats to sinopolish!
i am interested in LBS MiF too. thanks for all you guys' comments.
作者: DDM 时间: 2006-2-18 01:34
Congratulations to Sinopolish!
作者: qingcao 时间: 2006-2-18 02:21
I got the offer too.
Although I haven't decided whether I should go, please keep in touch.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-2-18 07:41
yes, compared with other business schools outside london, city has some advantage. But if you get offer from cam/ox, i still recommend the latter.
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2006-2-18 19:11
Congratulations to Sinopolish and Qingcao!!!!!
I will probably be interviewed next week. Hope that i'll be lucky enough to meet you guys in LBS.
So actually it took them about 2 weeks making decision about your application then, right?
作者: qingcao 时间: 2006-2-19 02:25
I was told that Admission Committee meets every Thursday to make final decisions. So the length of the time depends on 1). When your interviewer send out your valuation report and 2).how many applications Adm. have in hand.
In my case, my interviewer submitted valuation report on Tuesday, and I got the news at Thursday night. Only 2 days, very impressive speed.
Good luck on your interview.
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2006-2-19 21:47
My interviewer is a Chinese alumna.
The interview process lasted 1 hour.I got the result 1 week later.
Most questions were based on my application material.
There are 3 types of questions:
1.Career progress
Why did you choose your first job? Why did you change jobs?
How did you cope with knowledge/skills gap in career transition?
2.Motivation of study
Career goals/Why LBS? Why a specialised programme as opposed to a general MBA.....
3.Soft skills
Contributions to a team/typical work day/comparison with other colleagues....
And questions you would like to ask...
作者: qingcao 时间: 2006-2-22 00:07
Hi Kevinao:
Just saw your picture in MiF Directory of Participants. .
Could I ask you some job related questions?
I am pretty interested in International Finance Corporation, do you know whether IFC recurit on compaus?
I read that a 2005 MiF student got the offer from IFC, are you aware any Chinese student (current or previous) get in to IFC?
Also regarding Mckinsey-corporate finance, do they hire for global or for Europea only?
作者: damaohoo 时间: 2006-2-22 08:10
Sinopolish, thanks a lot!
I will take an interview next month. Your message must be very usefull to me.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-2-22 18:17
HI Qingcao, congratulations!
- IFC: it's very difficult to join IFC since only 4 in LBS were shortlisted for 1st round interview last year and i didn't hear any one got an offer. But I do find some Chinese Alumni working in IFC EU, Beijing and even sichuan. It's interesting that I was told that IFC Beijing is not as good as expected.
- Mckinsey: Mckinsey is a global firm and you can choose which area you want to work when you apply. I would apply Mckinsey China. One classmate just got offer from Mckinsey Switzerland and another is waiting for final result in Mckinsey London. But I think many of us will join as general consultant and later may transfer to specific area, e.g. corporate finance or a certain industry. One friend in Mckinsey China corporate finance team did a lot of M&A work.
作者: oakhut 时间: 2006-2-24 02:52
Hi Kevin,
How do you compare corporate finance division in consulting firms with IBD in investment banks, in terms of functions and roles in the deal making? In recruitment, are they looking for similar qualifications? Many thanks!
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-2-24 09:16
i am not an expert in this area. i heard that IBD in ibanks cover more than corporate finance in consulting firm, which mainly cover advisory work. but i believe if you have corporate finance experience in consulting firm, definitely it's good for you to be shortlisted.very few MIF apply for corporate finance division in consulting firm. Probably mckinsey is the main consulting firm that 10+ mif are interested.
作者: qingcao 时间: 2006-3-2 18:24
Thank you for your insights.
1). For McKinsey, what is general accept rate for Chinese applicant of MIF?
2). For people without previous experience in financial industry, is it almost mission impossible to find a job in private equity/venture capital? Have you heard any successful case so far?
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2006-3-2 21:18
for your questions:
1. for chinese applicants, very low
2. yes
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-3-2 21:58
Thanks to icbcbj,1) there are few mif interested in mckinsey. 1 in 2004 and 1 in 2005 joined mckinsey China. i heard at least 1 mif2005 rejected mckinsey and choose an ibank in london (don't ask me why)
2) pe/ve tend to recruit people within the same industry, corporate finance in ibanks, or transaction services team in big 4. i heard some in big 4 joined PE, but their pay is not high, mainly CNY30K/month. PE is difficult to enter, but i don't think mif are interested in such offer.
any way, no matter what you did before, there is no guarantee to enter PE industry. It's really very difficult. If you don't have ibanks, consulting or big 4 experience, it's almost mission impossible to join PE.
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2006-3-2 22:23
finally got the offer today. have to start thinking about whether it is really worth it to pay 28k.
So my question is that do many Chinese graduates of MIF get into I-banking in London provided that they can sort out the VISA thing by themselves and have a few years' experience of I-banking in Chinese bank? I know this is a question that is too general, but I just want to know the figures, or other people's experience.
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2006-3-3 00:31
以下是引用kevinao在2006-3-2 21:58:00的发言:Thanks to icbcbj,
1) there are few mif interested in mckinsey. 1 in 2004 and 1 in 2005 joined mckinsey China. i heard at least 1 mif2005 rejected mckinsey and choose an ibank in london (don't ask me why)
2) pe/ve tend to recruit people within the same industry, corporate finance in ibanks, or transaction services team in big 4. i heard some in big 4 joined PE, but their pay is not high, mainly CNY30K/month. PE is difficult to enter, but i don't think mif are interested in such offer.
any way, no matter what you did before, there is no guarantee to enter PE industry. It's really very difficult. If you don't have ibanks, consulting or big 4 experience, it's almost mission impossible to join PE.
actually, McKinsey is a very good firm. Why few MiF guys got its offer was not because they were not interested in it , but for the fact that usually consulting firms are not interesed in MiFs.
That MiF guy who rejected Mck applied for the Asia House program of is more like a traning the base pay is not very high...even quite low compared to the postions in IB firms...that is why he took another offer ....Another MiF lady joined MiK China team...yes...but she has particular not put her in the statistic sample...
Above, for MiF is quite difficult, if not impossible, to touch consulting industry...of couse...still one or two luck MiF guy said bingo with the offers of McK in 2005...
About the Private Equity issue....i bet 90% MiF students are interesed in the industry....but....unfortunately...that is too hot and tough....
But....this year...the market in London is fantastic....I would not worry that every single MiF could land a job finally....i said finally....that is exciting.....
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-3 11:28:32编辑过]
作者: qingcao 时间: 2006-3-3 11:04
Thanks Kevin and icbcbj:
How about private equity division/group within i-bank? From what I read the GS has a separated Merchant banking/private equity division, while ML has its private equity group within Investment banking division. It seems GS hires new graduates for analyst and associate positions in this division. So I am wondering in those cases, are the hiring requirements similar to those of IBD instead of other pure PE firms?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-3-4 00:27
GS PE should be extremely difficult to join. Unless you are very confident about your background (e.g. Harverd undergraduate, GS IBD/Mckinsey etc), otherwise just forget it. One MiF joined PE division of one eupean Ibank in HK last year, but that's related to the industry he worked in Shanghai. About 8-9 MiF last year joined PE, and most of them have PE experience or have industry background that PE need.
作者: amazingsummer 时间: 2006-3-6 17:47
IB backoffice有哪些工作呢?这些工种的起薪大概多少呢。front office是不是就research/sales之类。
说IB会给entry-level associate发sign-on bonus(10K-30Kpounds),这种现象普遍吗?在中国学生身上发生过吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-6 18:13:12编辑过]
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-3-6 19:14
middle/backoffice jobs should offer lower pay and much lower bonus. these jobs include accounting, operation, IT, system control. product control, risk management, credit control etc. Normally MiF will only take product control/risk control funtions since they are more related to business. Front office include IBD (IPO, M&A etc), capital markets (fixed income, derivative etc), research etc.I think sign-on bonus is normal for IB and consulting firms.
作者: amazingsummer 时间: 2006-3-6 22:57
以下是引用kevinao在2006-3-6 19:14:00的发言:middle/backoffice jobs should offer lower pay and much lower bonus. these jobs include accounting, operation, IT, system control. product control, risk management, credit control etc. Normally MiF will only take product control/risk control funtions since they are more related to business. Front office include IBD (IPO, M&A etc), capital markets (fixed income, derivative etc), research etc.
I think sign-on bonus is normal for IB and consulting firms.
dear shixiong, thank you for your info.......
let all of us strive for front-office to get sign-on bonus, higher pay, and much higher year-end bonus......
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2006-3-7 00:25
LBS's degree can not get you to the heaven if your background prior to the shcool was not that shining...
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2006-3-8 00:26
以下是引用icbcbj在2006-3-7 0:25:00的发言:LBS's degree can not get you to the heaven if your background prior to the shcool was not that shining...
icbcbj 的话正是我担心的也。觉得自己的学前经验似乎没有那么shining的说,但是反过来想想,要是我不好,LBS不会要我去凑数吧,所以自信心又膨胀一些。
作者: jennynrick 时间: 2006-3-8 16:27
Kevin and icbcbj
How do u think…LBS MIF vs Duke mba?
U got both two…thanks….
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-3-8 20:03
difficult decision. both are very good. it's up to you. if i were you, i will consider:1) US/EU: are you very interested in working in US or knowing US culture/economics. If yes, Duke. If you are a fun of London or EU culture, then LBS
2) 1 year specialized program or 2 year general MBA: Do you have strong finance background? are you sure you are only interested in finance after graduatation? If you are not strong in finance (finance mean investment bank, assets/investment management, PE/VC, corporate finance, not commercial banking and accounting!), then you should choose a 2 year program since you can have more opportunities for a career change, incl internship. If you are interested in marketing or consulting, then MBA.
作者: jennynrick 时间: 2006-3-9 09:15
以下是引用kevinao在2006-3-8 20:03:00的发言:difficult decision. both are very good. it's up to you. if i were you, i will consider:
1) US/EU: are you very interested in working in US or knowing US culture/economics. If yes, Duke. If you are a fun of London or EU culture, then LBS
2) 1 year specialized program or 2 year general MBA: Do you have strong finance background? are you sure you are only interested in finance after graduatation? If you are not strong in finance (finance mean investment bank, assets/investment management, PE/VC, corporate finance, not commercial banking and accounting!), then you should choose a 2 year program since you can have more opportunities for a career change, incl internship. If you are interested in marketing or consulting, then MBA.
kevin....great thanks....very thoughtful....i know..but still difficult
yes..........i m from global-IB. want to do PE after B-school..........
作者: michiemeng 时间: 2006-4-27 19:45
请问KEVIN,ZJ诸位高手,在一家跨国大公司财务部做高级会计去LBS MIF的机会有多大?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-4-27 21:27
possible if you can prove that your career goal is finance in finance industry or industrial companies. The problem is, after you come to LBS (and any other top schools) and find that you don't want to work in finance department in multinational companies, then you need career change, e.g. to investment bank, hedge funds etc. If you are young and have good communication skills, then you can manage career change. Otherwise, it can be painful though in the end, you may still get a decent job.
作者: CDer78 时间: 2006-4-27 22:53
以下是引用kevinao在2006-4-27 21:27:00的发言:
The problem is, after you come to LBS (and any other top schools) and find that you don't want to work in finance department in multinational companies, then you need career change, e.g. to investment bank, hedge funds etc.
Kevin, a further question. Which detial function(s) in IB or hedge funds is realizable for such a career change from finance in corporate? IBD, research, trading, asset managment, consulting....?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-4-28 16:19
all possible and difficult. But as I said, if you are young, English is OK, have good interpersonal skills, it's more possible. Accounting itself will not make you different from other applicants, and you have to show your other shining points, e.g. industry background, Mandarin.
作者: michiemeng 时间: 2006-5-5 22:33
Thank Kevin.
But how young is young enough? I found the average age on graduation in LBS MiF is 31 years old. Does it mean people over 33 or 34 are too old to land any good investment-related jobs?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-5-6 17:57
i mean too old to change career. of course if you have strong investment background, you can find a better job than average MiF. But if you are an accountant or relationship manager and want to be associate in investment bank, it should be difficult
作者: michiemeng 时间: 2006-5-6 20:53
How is the job searching going at this moment for those Chinese students?
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-5-7 04:17
it all depends on personal situation - i mean experience and personality. Generally the younger people with strong finance background can find fairly good jobs. More experienced people can find good jobs related to their experience.
作者: michiemeng 时间: 2006-5-7 22:36
Thanks. But too general. what kinds of jobs are 'fairly good' and what are 'good jobs', i don't think you just mean the amount of salary.
作者: kevinao 时间: 2006-5-7 23:27
Good depends on personal situation. Some people like IB, but the others may never think of IB. Some prefer challenging jobs that request overnight work every day, and the others may prefer stable jobs with enough time to spend with family/friends. All depends on what you want to do and whether your background and skills can match with your goal. However, if you are young (say 3-5 years experience), people tend to think you can learn faster and work harder than those with longer experience though none of you have directly related experience for the job.For MiF, since it's only 10 months without internship, career change for people with long experience (e.g. 7+ years) can be difficult even though job market is good.
作者: michiemeng 时间: 2006-5-8 15:16
Thanks kevin, do you mind settng up a more personal channel to communicate? is it possible to talk in person, I am accessible to IDD for free. My email: michiemeng(A) or michiemeng{a}
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2007-5-19 04:04
still think the thread is quite informative
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2007-5-20 08:47
以下是引用icbcbj在2007-5-19 4:04:00的发言:
still think the thread is quite informative
作者: Bridgetyun 时间: 2007-5-26 00:29
Hi Kevinao & icbcbj!
I am seeking for your advise if MiF is suitable for me
My previous W/E: P&G Finance & Big 4 transaction service
My career interest is equity research in ibank or PE/VC, though I know it is very hot nowadays.
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2007-5-26 17:28
For sell-side equity research, the following skill set is essential:
-analytical(accounting, modelling, corporate finance)
-communication (writing, reading, people skills)
-selling (convincing presentation)
Of course, your personal interest is the most important. Industry experience also helps.
Many firms like candidates with Big 4 or strategic consulting background.
作者: icbcbj 时间: 2007-5-29 02:52
以下是引用Bridgetyun在2007-5-26 0:29:00的发言:Hi Kevinao & icbcbj!
I am seeking for your advise if MiF is suitable for me
My previous W/E: P&G Finance & Big 4 transaction service
My career interest is equity research in ibank or PE/VC, though I know it is very hot nowadays.
别读MiF了,去lbs读个2年的MBA, 中间抓住机会做intern, 既然你去做equity research, 2年当中顺便把CFA考了.
好好努力, 有希望
另: 多说几句, 在美国区和亚洲区,包括欧洲区,经常看到一些自认为是牛人的人, 对问基本问题的朋友出言不逊, 实在不对. 人外有人, 还是低调点好
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-29 3:00:56编辑过]
作者: 站在水的中央 时间: 2007-5-29 03:29
以下是引用icbcbj在2007-5-29 2:52:00的发言:别读MiF了,去lbs读个2年的MBA, 中间抓住机会做intern, 既然你去做equity research, 2年当中顺便把CFA考了.
好好努力, 有希望
另: 多说几句, 在美国区和亚洲区,包括欧洲区,经常看到一些自认为是牛人的人, 对问基本问题的朋友出言不逊, 实在不对. 人外有人, 还是低调点好
严重同意读lbs mba的说法.
虽然说MIF学的金融知识比较多一些,但是对于想要转行的朋友来说,一年时间,没有SUMMER INTERN,不是太容易的,尤其是对于原先在亚洲工作的中国学生来说.
作者: xiaoyi2015 时间: 2007-6-6 20:35
kevin,icbc等大牛,麻烦问一下,LBS的MBA和MiF比起来总体来说哪个毕业后的placement更好啊? 毕竟MBA要多读一年而且费用更大呢? 如果前景还没MIF好那多郁闷啊.
有没有牛人先读了MiF,然后工作几年再读MBA的啊? 还是大多数人只会在MiF和MBA里选择一个啊? 虽然读2个这样很牛,但是毕竟时间要用很多了啊,短短的20多岁的青春都用了读书上了,感觉还是经验更重要些吧?
还有,想问下,如果是在GE的金融集团里的analytic group里做analyst,这算不算finance/investment background?
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2007-6-7 07:36
只见过不少在别的地方读完MBA后再来念MiF的。从就业统计上看两个programme出来的区别不大,但要转行的话就来MBA吧,有无实习差别很大,work-life balance也好些。GE Capital算相关经验。
作者: xiaoyi2015 时间: 2007-6-7 15:12
如果是在美国top 10拿了MBA了,还用得着去读LBS的MiF吗? 楼上的说2个项目出来就业差不多,那MBA毕竟多用一年而且费用也大,那优势体现在哪里呢?
小弟本科刚毕业,可能去LSE读个MSOR,以后是工作几年读好MiF再读MBA好还是直接申请TOP MBA呢? 又读金融硕士又读MBA,时间和金钱实在耗得太厉害了.
作者: 难道 时间: 2007-6-7 15:53
HI kevinao,
I also target MiF in LBS. My bachground.
Working experiences: PwC- 4 years
CFA charterholder
CGA (Canada) memeber
Any suggestion to me on my application process, I just started preparing for GMAT
作者: windboy 时间: 2007-6-7 20:48
以下是引用难道在2007-6-7 15:53:00的发言:HI kevinao,
I also target MiF in LBS. My bachground.
Working experiences: PwC- 4 years
CFA charterholder
CGA (Canada) memeber
Any suggestion to me on my application process, I just started preparing for GMAT
I would bet that you will get into the programme WITHOUT any problem....if the background info provided is true...
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2007-6-8 04:16
Xiaoyi,Mif or MBA or both, the choice all depends on your career aspiration, which should be based on your experience and personality. As for GE experience, again, it is hard to give a general answer.
There are mifs who already has a top MBA even PhD but they want to change careers either geographically or functionally. Some are sponsored by companies as well.
Major differences between the two programmes: 1.Lots of soft-skills and general mgmt trainings in MBA while Mif course is more quant 2. MBA recruiters are much more diverse in terms of industries and functions. MiFs can be competitive in market and derivative jobs while 1st year MBAs in general are ill-prepared for such positions. 3. Since Mif programme is shorter, candidates are expected to have very clear and focused career plans.
作者: europa268 时间: 2007-6-9 02:08
those who has been admitted to MIF, did LBS carry out Bacground checking before send you offer?
作者: sinopolish 时间: 2007-6-10 00:54
Never heard of that. Untill last year, no background check was required.
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