
标题: GWD 17-11 帮忙看看吧 [打印本页]

作者: Joey    时间: 2005-11-13 11:33
标题: GWD 17-11 帮忙看看吧


Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species.  Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates.  Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.


Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?

  • Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response to a sharp decline in the population of snow geese. 几年前,无关

  • It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date. 连续很多年因为这项政策导致狩猎期提前结束=〉被捕杀得天鹅少了=〉别的鸟类不能recovery 

  • The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every year for several years. 被捕杀天鹅的天鹅每年数目都在增多,继而削弱即使不放弃捕猎的限制,别的鸟类也可以recovery

  • As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.

  • In the snow goose’s winter habitats, the goose faces no significant natural predation.

  • Answer: B,可是按照我以上的思路怎么也不觉得B削弱啊?

    作者: sparks    时间: 2005-11-13 13:28
    B mean that it can not be close early in this year
    作者: Joey    时间: 2005-11-14 00:54

    先谢,but still did not get it.

    How can you get the information"it can not be close early in this year" from B?

    作者: amacd    时间: 2005-11-14 01:11

    i dont understand this question either..

    argument: Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.

    B It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.  --> does that mean for so many years, snow geese have been reduced by 5% by hunters?

    作者: zimmer5    时间: 2005-11-15 22:09


    作者: 不知不觉    时间: 2005-11-17 12:45


    作者: yangsh    时间: 2005-11-17 15:26
    pls, lawyer_1!!
    作者: wzhyan    时间: 2005-11-22 21:59



    作者: tonywzj    时间: 2005-11-23 21:55
    作者: 116559    时间: 2005-11-24 01:00

    选b: 1) 文章说只要when hunting has reduced the population by five percent,那么hunting season 就会结束,因此,不论是提前结束还是按时结束,都会产生一个相同的结果,就是population of the snow geese was reduced by five percent. 2)文章还有snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters 所以在hunting season 其他birds 也是会捕杀的。由 1,2 可得 hunting season 的提前结束,会给其他birds更多的时间来recover.所以restriction是有利的,也就weaken了结论。

    joey的推理有漏洞, B "连续很多年因为这项政策导致狩猎期提前结束=〉被捕杀得天鹅少了" 没根据,文章只说了一个相对数 five percent,绝对数的变化是推不出来的。

                                         C "被捕杀天鹅的天鹅每年数目都在增多" 又忘了文章中的相对数 five percent,捕杀的是多了,那是因为总量也大了嘛。那剩下还活着的也多了呢,呵呵。   

    作者: XUANYA2005    时间: 2005-11-27 04:36

    我也选择了C,但是我觉得C是不正确的。C说被捕杀的天鹅每年都再增加,那么如果每次都是总数的5%,那么就是说天鹅的数量每年都在增加,所以正好strength the conclusion。



    既然每年狩猎期提前结束,那么就是说明天鹅的总数一直在减少(隐含假设捕杀的速度不变),那么不需要drop那个policy,也可以allow the other species to recover。但是这样的反对好像不是很强,最多只能算是勉强。如果本题的结论是:“to allow the other species to recover, dropping the plicy is nesscessary",那么B就肯定对了。

    open to discuss.

    作者: shashaxz    时间: 2005-11-28 22:15



    [此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-28 22:16:30编辑过]

    作者: dpreview    时间: 2005-11-30 11:55
    标题: 回复:(Joey)GWD 17-11 帮忙看看吧


    [此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-30 12:31:24编辑过]

    作者: livary    时间: 2005-12-10 17:39


    the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent,表示hunting geese太多就会结束hunting,那么如果不结束hunting就表示其他种类可以recover;要削弱这个结论,可以说就算不结束hunting,也不会增加geese的猎捕因此不会使其他种类recover;

    B)It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.(很多年来hunting season都提前结束),表示很多年来geese的猎捕都提早达到5%的数量,无关;

    D)As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.(随着数量增加,他们冬天会移居到其他季节不用的地方去),表示可能找不到它们或者hunt不了它们,因此就算不结束hunting也不会猎捕更多的geese-->削弱

    to be discussed...

    作者: steveyangxt    时间: 2005-12-13 08:27
    以下是引用Joey在2005-11-13 11:33:00的发言:


    Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species.  Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates.  Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.


    Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?

    1. Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response to a sharp decline in the population of snow geese. 几年前,无关

    2. It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date. 连续很多年因为这项政策导致狩猎期提前结束=〉被捕杀得天鹅少了=〉别的鸟类不能recovery 

    3. The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every year for several years. 被捕杀天鹅的天鹅每年数目都在增多,继而削弱即使不放弃捕猎的限制,别的鸟类也可以recovery

    4. As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.

    5. In the snow goose’s winter habitats, the goose faces no significant natural predation.

    Answer: B,可是按照我以上的思路怎么也不觉得B削弱啊?

    b的意思理解有误。应该是因为这项政策导致狩猎期提前结束是很多年前的事了。 暗指禁令早不管用了 记得讨论过了 不知道在那里

    作者: steveyangxt    时间: 2005-12-13 08:35
    以下是引用livary在2005-12-10 17:39:00的发言:


    the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent,表示hunting geese太多就会结束hunting,那么如果不结束hunting就表示其他种类可以recover;要削弱这个结论,可以说就算不结束hunting,也不会增加geese的猎捕因此不会使其他种类recover;

    B)It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.(很多年来hunting season都提前结束),表示很多年来geese的猎捕都提早达到5%的数量,无关;

    D)As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.(随着数量增加,他们冬天会移居到其他季节不用的地方去),表示可能找不到它们或者hunt不了它们,因此就算不结束hunting也不会猎捕更多的geese-->削弱

    to be discussed...

    楼上法语MM说得有漏洞,D是以雪鹅增长为前提的,recolonized 表示重占,正常理解为别的栖息地都满了才跑到别处的。不影响捕杀几率,甚至加大哦哦 OUI OU NON
    作者: jackzhu69    时间: 2005-12-13 23:33



    论点:Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.

    B中说It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.

    所以对照黄区内容看,dropping=being closed,可是recently=红区文字却recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese,所以dropping 看来无法decrease snow geese, 因而无法帮助other species to recover.

    作者: bigtone    时间: 2005-12-14 03:45
    Thanks steveyangxt。jackzhu69说的没看懂。
    作者: bigtone    时间: 2005-12-14 04:07
    不过不一定是禁令不管用了,可能是增长的snow geese太多了,猎杀5%需要超过原来的预定时间一些,比如1天;那么放开还是可以有效果的啊。

    作者: vedder    时间: 2005-12-16 00:47






    作者: adelineyao    时间: 2005-12-16 01:27

    for discussion purpose.

    I would support answer choice D.

    1) do agree with 116559, 文章说只要when hunting has reduced the population by five percent,那么hunting season 就会结束,因此,不论是提前结束还是按时结束,都会产生一个相同的结果,就是population of the snow geese was reduced by five percent. therefore answer B is irrelevant to the conclusion.

    2) D [As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons.] indicates that even the government drops the restriction, the hunters might not be able to hunt more snow geese who have already recolonized wintering grounds.  

    作者: dpreview    时间: 2005-12-16 13:51

    [此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-30 12:32:07编辑过]

    作者: elvislg2003    时间: 2005-12-21 13:38

    I believe it's B.

    the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates.根据官方统计,当打到减少了5%时,狩猎季节也结束了; 同时如果在狩猎季结束之前达到5%, 则提前结束[this is teh restriction mentioned in the question]。 所以如果象B所说, it undermines the argument that lift of restriction on 5% will reduce the population of snow geese.

    作者: tomasy    时间: 2006-1-18 18:13
    作者: hedonism555    时间: 2006-1-19 00:56
    以下是引用Joey在2005-11-13 11:33:00的发言:


    Some species of Arctic birds are threatened by recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese, which breed in the Arctic and are displacing birds of less vigorous species.  Although snow geese are a popular quarry for hunters in the southern regions where they winter, the hunting season ends if and when hunting has reduced the population by five percent, according to official estimates.  Clearly, dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover.


    Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument?

    1. Hunting limits for snow geese were imposed many years ago in response to a sharp decline in the population of snow geese. 几年前,无关

    2. It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date. 连续很多年因为这项政策导致狩猎期提前结束=〉被捕杀得天鹅少了=〉别的鸟类不能recovery 

    3. The number of snow geese taken by hunters each year has grown every year for several years. 被捕杀天鹅的天鹅每年数目都在增多,继而削弱即使不放弃捕猎的限制,别的鸟类也可以recovery

    4. As their population has increased, snow geese have recolonized wintering grounds that they had not used for several seasons. which means geese will expend their habitate beyond the southern region and so the  increased hunting in the south will not effect geeses in other part of Arctic region.

    5. In the snow goose’s winter habitats, the goose faces no significant natural predation.

    Answer: B,可是按照我以上的思路怎么也不觉得B削弱啊?

    作者: kingler    时间: 2006-1-29 08:46
    以下是引用steveyangxt在2005-12-13 8:27:00的发言:

    b的意思理解有误。应该是因为这项政策导致狩猎期提前结束是很多年前的事了。 暗指禁令早不管用了 记得讨论过了 不知道在那里




    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-29 9:01:11编辑过]

    作者: jinni    时间: 2006-4-6 14:16




    [此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-6 14:16:42编辑过]

    作者: cdqhndx    时间: 2006-5-7 19:50




    作者: 司香尉    时间: 2006-5-20 15:45
    以下是引用jinni在2006-4-6 14:16:00的发言:





    It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.


    作者: shanexin    时间: 2006-5-23 17:35


    It has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date.


    作者: rosmarine    时间: 2006-6-2 12:34
    作者: findjuhl    时间: 2006-9-20 18:34




    作者: tootoo5478    时间: 2006-9-20 22:50

    I have different opinion.

    "dropping this restriction would allow the other species to recover." has an assumption~~

     decline of  the amount of snow geese make the other species to increase...

       "it has been many years since the restriction led to the hunting season for snow geese being closed earlier than the scheduled date." imply "it has been many years the population of snow geese cut down by five percent"

    but " recent sharp increases in the population of snow geese"

    conclusion:  the restriction is not related to the amount of snow geese ,so dropping this restriction couldn't make other species to recover~~~

    作者: dot_deng    时间: 2006-10-11 04:07

                    SNOW GEESE
    只是在冬天回到这个南部地区,冬天过了也就飞走了),也就是说,只要SNOW GEESE还在就一致狩猎,所以是否取消并不影响狩猎的SNOW GEESE的数量。

    作者: yogaII    时间: 2006-10-11 08:49
    作者: adpang    时间: 2006-10-16 01:30
    以下是引用dot_deng在2006-10-11 4:07:00的发言:

        SNOW GEESE
    只是在冬天回到这个南部地区,冬天过了也就飞走了),也就是说,只要SNOW GEESE还在就一致狩猎,所以是否取消并不影响狩猎的SNOW GEESE的数量。

    反对, 原句是it has been,如果是had been我觉得是 dot_deng的意思."狩猎期提前结束已经是很多年前的事情了"

    我理解的是,"很多年了,限制条件导致猎取snow geese的猎季节比预订时间提前结束(led to ....season.... being closed;  led sth. being done) ."意思很清楚,说的是,猎人们只用了很短的时间就消灭了5%,所以如果增加限制是有用的.加强.

    作者: snowofjune    时间: 2007-10-14 12:51
    作者: wenzhi116    时间: 2008-3-22 17:32


    简化思路:A—Some species of Arctic birds G—snow geese H—hunters










    [此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-22 17:36:15编辑过]

    作者: Zspirit    时间: 2008-11-10 22:43

    作者: gmatwc    时间: 2009-8-3 11:22

    为什么杀吧杀吧就到5%了,导致还没到scheduled date狩猎期就结束了呢,这是因为geese的数量已经很少了。




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