现在,我就矛盾了,面临读博士和选择留在香港工作以后再申请MBA举棋不定,大家能否给我一些建议呢。真得很感谢。作者: lewis 时间: 2003-9-7 19:06
It is pretty tough when it comes to the crossroad of one's future. One way to pull you out the trouble is to decide by you own what's you career goal as well as your life-sytle. If you really like the job, go for it. If you prefer much more to live an American life very soon, then work your application out. All are up to you. Good luck.作者: yyjiang 时间: 2003-9-7 19:18
lewis,thanks for your suggestions. 心底里来说,我可能还是惧怕5年的工科研究生活,而更多的喜欢和人的交往工作。 但是,或许是看到身边的朋友都去了美国,心里有一直有些想往哪里的生活,所以很犹豫。毕竟,放弃一条好像比较稳定的可以实现自己美国梦的路而去选择一条看来困难重重不一定会实现的道路,对我来说真的很难。
作者: tsljz 时间: 2003-9-7 20:48
yyjiang 兄弟,建议你问问自己以下问题: 1)你对於什么更看重:工作前途还是生活方式? 2)make sure you understand the american life style and whether you like it or not. 3)make sure you understand the career in finance industry.
我想搞清楚这些问题的话,对你作决定可能会容易一些。作者: siebel 时间: 2003-9-7 20:52
美国梦 may be the key here. Actually, it is only a dream, not only from the point of the practical view, but also from the ideal view. If you'd like to communicate with your friends in US more, you might find that 美国梦 is not worth anything, at least, is not so valuable as several years ago, or as valuable as your career, life, family, and happiness.
One of the funny things is that some of Chinesse in US have China-Dream, while, some in China have the dream of US.
Make some more friends of US, make some more friends who are 5-6 years younger than you. I think there should be no problem for you to make the decision.
Good luck! 作者: chipmunk 时间: 2003-9-8 02:30
Actually, it's a career question between Ph.D and MBA. If you want to experience American life, you can make it when you pursue your MBA in the future.作者: yyjiang 时间: 2003-9-8 23:32
其实这几天也去了很多其他论坛,很多给我的建议也是不同的。 我很清楚,无论别人怎么说,最终作决定的还是自己。 自己已经25,快26乐,也不小了,但是其实对于未来的职业规划还是很模糊的,有的时候喜欢不一定适合,适合不一定能给我成就感,或许,还需要时间和磨练来让自己清楚。
不过,仍然很苦恼,应为没有办法作决定。一条是好像比较稳定的可以实现自己美国梦的路 另一条吸引人,但是看来困难重重不一定会实现的道路,好难阿:((作者: luyiut 时间: 2003-9-11 02:27
You should applied some MBA programms. I don't think being a researcher is suitable for you. You have every good background to purdsue your MBA career and it sounds like you have more interest in the industry.作者: mango 时间: 2003-9-11 03:03
Man, Everything is given and take, you can't have it all. 作者: funnytiger 时间: 2003-9-11 06:14
if you are talking about business PHD, well, the question is difficult to answer. If you are good at research and look for a stable life. US Business PHD sounds better.
for your MBA track, you will have a lot of challenge and uncertainties. Financial Anlyst is an entry job. To be able to move up, you have to get a MBA. with your status, you will make it to a good MBA program. but where, what is going to happen after that? nobody knows
if you are talking about Economics PHD. JUST forget about it and tell the company you will be in office tomorrow. It aint worth it.