
标题: CD历史遗留问题,逻辑大虾请进 (之一) [打印本页]

作者: freegirl    时间: 2003-9-7 10:15
标题: CD历史遗留问题,逻辑大虾请进 (之一)

这几天,着重看了晴天猪的 Lsat CR 逻辑总结大贴,受益匪浅,如久旱逢甘霖,沐浴春风!建议所有朋友都先读一读该牛贴。现仍有若干未讨论彻底的题目或我仍糊涂的题目,请大虾们指点迷津!小虾米先拜过。

12. “Though they soon will, patients should not have a legal right to see their medical records. As a doctor, I see two reasons for this. First, giving them access will be time-wasting because it will significantly reduce the amount of time that medical staff can spend on more important duties, by forcing them to retrieve and return
files. Second, if my experience is anything to go by, no patients are going to ask for access to their records anyway.”

Which one of the following, if true, establishes that the doctor’s second reason does not cancel out the first?

(A) The new law will require that doctors, when seeing a patient in their office, must be ready to produce the patient’s records immediately, not just ready to retrieve them.
(B) The task of retrieving and returning files would fall to the lowest-paid member of a doctor’s office staff.
(C) Any patients who asked to see their medical records would also insist on having details they did not understand explained to them.
(D) The new law does not rule out that doctors may charge patients for extra expenses incurred specifically in order to comply with the new law.
(E) Some doctors have all allowing their patients access to their medical records, but those doctors’ patients took no advantage of this policy.
A: 1. 刚查了字典, moral在这里应该是教训的意思, draw a moral.  
2. 还没弄明白. 前几天有人贴过, 好象1stzhang还是cranberry解释了. 你找找看.


Q: 请教LSAT-3-I-22,23
22. In an experiment, two-year-old boys and their fathers made pie dough together using rolling pins and other utensils. Each father-son pair used a rolling pin that was distinctively different from those used by the other, "father-son pairs, and each father repeated the phrase "rolling pin" each time his son used it. But when the
children were asked to identify all of the rolling pins among a group of kitchen utensils that included several rolling pins, each child picked only the one that he had used.

Which one of the following inferences is most supported by the information above?
(A) the children did not grasp the function of rolling pin.
(B) No two children understood the name "rolling pin" to apply to the same object
(C) The children understood that all rolling pins have the same general shape.
(D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.
(E) The children were not able to distinguish the rolling pins they used from other rolling pins.
1. 此题可以理解成conclusion题型. 答案可以用排除法找到.
A. 错. 原文没有提到是否掌握rolling pin的功能, 他们不挑出其它的pin也不能说明是因为未掌握功能, 可能是其它原因.
B. 对.
C. 错. 与原文的现象相反, 如果知道就不会只找出自己用过的.
D. 错. 这是解释想象的原因之一, 而不是结论, 由只找自己用的rolling pin推广到所有的utensil不对.
E. 与原文相反
Q: 1,其它好排除。就是D不是跟原文说的一样吗:
原文: each child picked only the one that he had used.
D:Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.


10. Almost all of the books published in the past 150 years were printed on acidic paper. Unfortunately, every kind of acidic paper gradually destroys itself due to its very acidity. This process of deterioration can be slowed if the books are stored in a cool, dry environment. Techniques, which are now being developed, to deacidify
books will probably be applied only to books with historical significance.

If all of the statements in the passage above are true, which one of the following must also be true!
(A) If a book was published in the past 50 years and is historically insignificant, it will probably deteriorate completely.
(B) Almost all of the books published in the past 150 years will gradually destroy themselves.
(C) Almost all of the books that gradually deteriorate are made of acidic paper.
(D) If a book is of historical significance and was printed before 150 years ago, it will be deacidified.
(E) Books published on acidic paper in 1900 should now all be at about the same state of deterioration.

答案是: A but I think B is ok as well
his process of deterioration can be slowed if the books are stored in a cool, dry environment.
所以和 (B) Almost all of the books published in the past 150 years will gradually destroy themselves吻合。
A: 1. 同意C.
2. 但是有了新的技术, 除了酸, 这些书就不会destroy themselves
Q: 谢谢mindfree.
This process of deterioration can be slowed if the books are stored in a cool, dry environment. Techniques, which are now being developed, to deacidify books will probably be applied only to books with historical significance.
A: 第一种情况可以减缓destruction,第二种是可以除酸的技术, 从根本上解决了旧书自毁的问题

我的问题是: A不是犯了绝对化的错误吗?completely? 而且如果把不重要的书存放在干爽的地方,也还是可以减慢酸化的嘛。 原文在这里不就是一个让步吗?所以我第一个就排除了A.
作者: vrylwj    时间: 2003-9-7 12:06
(D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.

我想utensil这个词太模糊了。each child 用的都是rolling pin.  但是他们不能区分别的rolling pin. 所以严格来讲,they was able to identify the utensils that they had used.
作者: vrylwj    时间: 2003-9-7 12:08
我的问题是: A不是犯了绝对化的错误吗?completely? 而且如果把不重要的书存放在干爽的地方,也还是可以减慢酸化的嘛。 原文在这里不就是一个让步吗?所以我第一个就排除了A.

A  还用了propralby. 所以不绝对。

作者: vrylwj    时间: 2003-9-7 12:11
以下是引用freegirl在2003-9-7 10:15:00的发言:
12. “Though they soon will, patients should not have a legal right to see their medical records. As a doctor, I see two reasons for this. First, giving them access will be time-wasting because it will significantly reduce the amount of time that medical staff can spend on more important duties, by forcing them to retrieve and return
files. Second, if my experience is anything to go by, no patients are going to ask for access to their records anyway.”

Which one of the following, if true, establishes that the doctor’s second reason does not cancel out the first?

(A) The new law will require that doctors, when seeing a patient in their office, must be ready to produce the patient’s records immediately, not just ready to retrieve them.
(B) The task of retrieving and returning files would fall to the lowest-paid member of a doctor’s office staff.
(C) Any patients who asked to see their medical records would also insist on having details they did not understand explained to them.
(D) The new law does not rule out that doctors may charge patients for extra expenses incurred specifically in order to comply with the new law.
(E) Some doctors have all allowing their patients access to their medical records, but those doctors’ patients took no advantage of this policy.
A: 1. 刚查了字典, moral在这里应该是教训的意思, draw a moral.  
2. 还没弄明白. 前几天有人贴过, 好象1stzhang还是cranberry解释了. 你找找看.

作者: freegirl    时间: 2003-9-7 12:50

(D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.

我想utensil这个词太模糊了。each child 用的都是rolling pin.  但是他们不能区分别的rolling pin. 所以严格来讲,they was able to identify the utensils that they had used.



我的问题是: A不是犯了绝对化的错误吗?completely? 而且如果把不重要的书存放在干爽的地方,也还是可以减慢酸化的嘛。 原文在这里不就是一个让步吗?所以我第一个就排除了A.

A  还用了propralby. 所以不绝对。


作者: freegirl    时间: 2003-9-7 23:35

斑竹都到哪去了, 看看嘛!
作者: oldreaper    时间: 2003-9-8 04:37
第一题: "cancel out" means counterbalance in oxford. 中文:抵偿
注意, 这里有一个隐藏的关系, 原因2对原因1是有作用的, 即如果病人要求看病例>>原因1起作用>>索取病例>>费时间>>结论;相反 如果病人不要求看病例>>原因1不起作用。所以也就是说原因2实际上可以 抵偿 原因1作为论证原因的作用。

提干要求你建立一个情况,记住在这种情况下,第二个原因发生与否,对原因1没有影响,即原因1可以作为独立的原因:索取病例>>费时间>>结论, 不受原因2的影响

其它答案 都没有建立这样的一种情况

作者: oldreaper    时间: 2003-9-8 05:14
22. In an experiment, two-year-old boys and their fathers made pie dough together using rolling pins and other utensils. Each father-son pair used a rolling pin that was distinctively different from those used by the other, "father-son pairs, and each father repeated the phrase "rolling pin" each time his son used it. But when the
children were asked to identify all of the rolling pins among a group of kitchen utensils that included several rolling pins, each child picked only the one that he had used.

Which one of the following inferences is most supported by the information above?
(A) the children did not grasp the function of rolling pin.
(B) No two children understood the name "rolling pin" to apply to the same object
(C) The children understood that all rolling pins have the same general shape.
(D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.
(E) The children were not able to distinguish the rolling pins they used from other rolling pins.

A. the children did not grasp the function of rolling pin. 根据题,each child 应该知道 rolling pin 的作用,否则他们被要求拿rolling pin among a group of kitchen utensils时他们有可能会拿起它的工具。但试验的结果是他们都拿到了rolling pin.
B. No two children understood the name "rolling pin" to apply to the same object, 取非,two children understood the name "rolling pin" to apply to the same object。 试验的结果会是两个孩子取同一个rolling pin。但实验结果却不是。所以B 被支持了
(C) The children understood that all rolling pins have the same general shape (通用形状). 这里的the same general shape不好理解,如果说有让成人去拿rolling pin(擀面杖)他们可能拿的绝对不是他们先前用的,因为他们是根据the same general shape of rolling pin去判断。而child却不是这样,他们都拿了先前使用的,这证明他们是通过具体细节 the detail of the rolling pin去判断,所以C不对
(D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used. 这个最简单,如果child不能识别别人的,他就不会在别人的rolling bin中选出自己的
(E) The children were not able to distinguish the rolling pins they used from other rolling pins. 道理同上


作者: freegirl    时间: 2003-9-8 22:17

Oldreaper bro.,

提干要求你建立一个情况,记住在这种情况下,第二个原因发生与否,对原因1没有影响,即原因1可以作为独立的原因:索取病例>>费时间>>结论, 不受原因2的影响-----I see!

其它答案 都没有建立这样的一种情况-----------------我明白 A 断开了两种原因之间的关系,但我怎么觉得 A 既削弱了第一种情况,也削弱了第二种情况。提干有问到削弱的意思吗?请在赐教!

-----哦,I see !
作者: oldreaper    时间: 2003-9-8 23:46
以下是引用freegirl在2003-9-8 22:17:00的发言:
其它答案 都没有建立这样的一种情况-----------------我明白 A 断开了两种原因之间的关系,但我怎么觉得 A 既削弱了第一种情况,也削弱了第二种情况。提干有问到削弱的意思吗?请在赐教!

作者 : 取简历+病人不愿意看 >>立法没什么用。

A)成立时并没有说作者的论证的逻辑有错误, 两个原因仍然可以成为支持其结论的原因。
作者: oldreaper    时间: 2003-9-9 00:01
以下是引用freegirl在2003-9-7 10:15:00的发言:
10. Almost all of the books published in the past 150 years were printed on acidic paper. Unfortunately, every kind of acidic paper gradually destroys itself due to its very acidity. This process of deterioration can be slowed if the books are stored in a cool, dry environment. Techniques, which are now being developed, to deacidify
books will probably be applied only to books with historical significance.

If all of the statements in the passage above are true, which one of the following must also be true!
(A) If a book was published in the past 50 years and is historically insignificant, it will probably deteriorate completely.
(B) Almost all of the books published in the past 150 years will gradually destroy themselves.
(C) Almost all of the books that gradually deteriorate are made of acidic paper.
(D) If a book is of historical significance and was printed before 150 years ago, it will be deacidified.
(E) Books published on acidic paper in 1900 should now all be at about the same state of deterioration.

我的问题是: A不是犯了绝对化的错误吗?completely? 而且如果把不重要的书存放在干爽的地方,也还是可以减慢酸化的嘛。 原文在这里不就是一个让步吗?所以我第一个就排除了A.

A没有犯了绝对化的错误, (A) If a book was published in the past 50 years and is historically insignificant, it will probably deteriorate completely.

这里的50year 应该是 150year. 可能是抄错了
作者: freegirl    时间: 2003-9-9 08:16

oh, 明白了!明白了!谢谢!谢谢!
作者: jq_jou    时间: 2003-9-12 06:39
标题: 质疑
1. 所以A正好建立一个这种情况:医生在病人来之前必须准备好病例,不管病人是否要求看病例。
质疑: be ready to =be prepared to 表示准备发生, 还没有发生

2.D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used. 这个最简单,如果child不能识别别人的,他就不会在别人的rolling bin中选出自己的
质疑: 我选了D), 不理解为什么错. 不认识别人的不代表不能选出自己的. 我觉得可能是UTENSIL> ROLLING STONE, 原文换成ROLLING STONE, 就是RIGHT CHOICE, 你觉得呢?
作者: oldreaper    时间: 2003-9-15 23:34

D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used. 这个最简单,如果child不能识别别人的,他就不会在别人的rolling bin中选出自己的
质疑: 我选了D), 不理解为什么错. 不认识别人的不代表不能选出自己的. 我觉得可能是UTENSIL> ROLLING STONE, 原文换成ROLLING STONE, 就是RIGHT CHOICE, 你觉得呢?

D) Each child was able to identify correctly only the utensils that he had used.

这里的only, 通过题你推不出来。 我的回答中包括了child能识别别人的rolling pin的可能性, 所以only在这里不成立

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