
标题: OG-160 关于suggest doing [打印本页]

作者: kathy8446    时间: 2005-11-4 21:58
标题: OG-160 关于suggest doing
og 160

160.While some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to change people's attitudes toward pirating, others by suggesting reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by calling for the prosecution of those who copy software illegally.

(A)  by suggesting reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by calling

(B)   by suggesting the reduction of software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others call

(C)  suggest the reduction of software prices for decreasing the incentive for pirating, and still others call

(D)  suggest the reduction of software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others by calling

(E)   suggest reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still  others are calling

关于为什么选E答案已经说很多了。但是还是有个问题,suggest doing不是“暗示”的意思吗?似乎不再是“建议”了啊。这样改变词义的,ets会考查吗?

作者: kathy8446    时间: 2005-11-6 00:45
今天又看到OG 77

     Though the term "graphic design" may suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, they have come to signify widely ranging work, from package designs and company logotypes to signs, book jackets, computer graphics, and film titles.

(A)  suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, they have come to signify widely ranging

(B)   suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, it has come to signify a wide range of

(C)  suggest corporate brochure and annual report layout, it has signified widely ranging

(D)  have suggested corporate brochure and annual report layout, it has signified a wide range of

(E)   have suggested laying out corporate brochures and annual reports, they have come to signify widely ranging


这里的suggest doing个人认为确实是“暗示”“意思是”的含义。这样看来C/D中的suggest sth只是建议的意思,就不对了。


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-6 0:45:32编辑过]

作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-11-6 17:01

字典上并没有suggest doing表“暗示”的说法,即使不加doing,suggest一样可以表示暗示的意思,如:

That girl's sun-tanned face suggests excellent health .


作者: kathy8446    时间: 2005-11-7 20:11

这样,是不是可以理解为suggest 本身就有:建议、暗示两种不同意思,与结构搭配无关。这个和allow+to do 表允许,+that表承认,这一类词是不一样的?


作者: wingkim    时间: 2005-11-7 23:40
AHD:[s…g-jµst“, s…-jµst“]
D.J.[s*g6d9est, s*6d9est]
K.K.[s*g6d9Wst, s*6d9Wst]及物动词)
sug.gest.ed,, sug.gests
To offer for consideration or action; propose:
suggest things for children to do; suggested that we take a walk.
To bring or call to mind by logic or association; evoke:
a cloud that suggests a mushroom; a ringlike symbol suggesting unity.
To make evident indirectly; intimate or imply:
a silence that suggested disapproval.
To serve as or provide a motive for; prompt or demand:
Such a crime suggests apt punishment.
作者: icare1    时间: 2005-11-7 23:55
sug‧gest S1 W1 [transitive]

1 to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc [↪ propose]:
They keep suggesting ways to keep my weight down.

She wrote to me and suggested a meeting.

suggest (that)
I suggest you phone before you go round there.

It has been suggested that the manager will resign if any more players are sold.

suggest doing something
Joan suggested asking her father for his opinion.

suggest how/where/what etc
The therapist suggested how Tony could cope with his problems.

can/may I suggest (=used to politely suggest a different idea)
May I suggest that you think carefully before rushing into this?

No possible explanation suggests itself (=is able to be thought of).

2 to make someone think that a particular thing is true [= indicate]:
Trends in spending and investment suggest a gradual economic recovery.

suggest (that)
Opinion polls suggest that only 10% of the population trusts the government.

evidence/results/data/studies etc suggest(s) that
The evidence suggests that single fathers are more likely to work than single mothers.

作者: kathy8446    时间: 2005-11-8 01:24

太感谢了~ wingkim和icare1:)

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