发现申请是一个巨大工程,为了节省时间和人力,希望我们能过互相帮助,资源共享,有兴趣的人求留言,或加我msn zcj96(A) hotmail.com
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
我也是准备申请06会计的,本科学的是国际贸易。这两天正在努力找学校呢。 不过很多学校尽管不限专业,但要求要把prerequisition course修完才能申请或者入学,看得我很迷糊,感觉选择一下子小了好多,还请各位高人指点!
最近一直在看各个学校MACC的program,最头疼的就是prerequisiton course的问题,小妹无知,还请各位指点迷津!
Candidates are required to satisfy each of the following six pre-enrollment requirements (University of Michigan courses in bold and in parentheses). All enrollment requirements must be completed with a grade of C or better.
这里是michigan的一段关于prerequisition course的要求,好多学校也有类似的话,比如说, the student must provide other evidence of current knowledge in these areas. Otherwise, applicants may be required to repeat selected courses.
1. 何时修?是必须修完这些prerequisition course才有资格申请呢, 还是只需要在入学之前修完相关课程就行了。如果没有修完这些课程就去申请, 会不会给申请带来不利的因素?如果在发admission的时候, 还没有修完, 会不会拿的是conditional admission?
3,otherwise, applicants may be required to repeat selected courses. 这个貌似说如果你之前没有修完,也是可以到学校补修的。不知道是不是真的可以去补修。
不好意思, 问题一大堆, 也不知道是不是都有价值, 请各位指点喽!其实好多本科非会计的都面临这些问题.我们选择面就更窄了.象我这种应届毕业生,赶不上有些学校要求的SUMMER SESSION.就更难选了..郁闷~每个学校的要求是不同的,所以建议楼上MM还是根据学校来看.有些要求你在进FALL之前上SUMMER SESSION,比如UF,USC,UNC.这些都是要在5,6月左右入学的.而且每个学校对每个COURSE的名字课程安排也不同.所以它就要求你要证明你以前是否学过那些课程,是否和它家要求的相同.大家还是仔细点看好,是个体力活.
顶,没有可能修prerequisition course啊?
恩, 谢谢ritazhouxx。我今天收到了michigan的回信,这里分享一下,希望能对这所学校感兴趣xdjm省点力气,
In order to be eligible to apply to our MAcc Program, we require all of our applicants to complete 5 of the 6 prerequisite courses. Specifically, we require that all applicants complete both of the Introductory of Accounting courses, one of the intermediate accounting courses and both the Economics and Statistics courses. The other intermediate accounting prerequisite course can be completed after applying, but before entering the MAcc if you should be admitted.
All of the accounting courses must be considered equivalent and you will be required to submit copies of the course syllabi and official course description within your application. The course syllabus must include a detailed list of topics covered in the course (not just the chapter numbers) as well as the title/author of the textbook used in the course.
>If you are currently in China, you are more than welcomed to send us the course syllabus prior to taking the exam so that we can review the course to be sure you are taking the correct course.  lease be sure that the course syllabus does list out the detailed topics covered in the course. You can send these syllabi via email (but please make sure they are in English). You will still be required to submit them within your application, but we can review them quickly prior to you taking the courses there.
恩, 谢谢ritazhouxx。我今天收到了michigan的回信,这里分享一下,希望能对这所学校感兴趣xdjm省点力气,
In order to be eligible to apply to our MAcc Program, we require all of our applicants to complete 5 of the 6 prerequisite courses. Specifically, we require that all applicants complete both of the Introductory of Accounting courses, one of the intermediate accounting courses and both the Economics and Statistics courses. The other intermediate accounting prerequisite course can be completed after applying, but before entering the MAcc if you should be admitted.
All of the accounting courses must be considered equivalent and you will be required to submit copies of the course syllabi and official course description within your application. The course syllabus must include a detailed list of topics covered in the course (not just the chapter numbers) as well as the title/author of the textbook used in the course.
>If you are currently in China, you are more than welcomed to send us the course syllabus prior to taking the exam so that we can review the course to be sure you are taking the correct course.  lease be sure that the course syllabus does list out the detailed topics covered in the course. You can send these syllabi via email (but please make sure they are in English). You will still be required to submit them within your application, but we can review them quickly prior to you taking the courses there.
我以前学的专业根会计毫不相干,但是我得朋友都觉得我读会计没问题,因为他们说普通的master很好申请。一个在大学教书的朋友(washington state)说我可以申请top20到50,一些state university都可以。另一个刚毕业的MBA的朋友说如果我把toefl分数重考到250以上,蛮有希望top10.
我也在痛苦的写unc的 essay 中,还是首先看清楚每个学校不同的要求比较重要,在符合它基本硬件要求的情况下都努力去试,不欢迎的就算了,比如像 ND和米歇根这样的program, 其实是不欢迎没有一点背景的人的,虽然没有明说。大部分学生都是本校会计系直接上来的,即使真录取了我们这样没背景的,估计进去了不死也要脱层皮。还有就是不断反复揣摩ps和resume这些我们可以控制的东西吧。我把我的这些材料给native speaker看过,好多东西我觉得自己讲清楚了,可是他们说不能理解,不知道我在写什么,这可能是文化差异的问题,比如怎么翻译“勤工助学”,我到现在都没有想出好的表达方式。唉,我现在在想,即使真地拿到了理想的offer,一两年时间就真能从一个会计盲成为专业人士?现在也想不了那么多了~~~加油加油~~~
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