
标题: 揽瓜阁训练营 第221天(含CR,RC和DI题目) [打印本页]

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标题: 揽瓜阁训练营 第221天(含CR,RC和DI题目)
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From year X to year Y, the number of immigrants from Latin America to the United States decreased significantly. The number of immigrants from Europe to the United States decreased even more than the decrease in Latin American immigrants during the same period. However, in year Y, the total number of immigrants from Europe was still higher than the total number of immigrants from Latin America.
Which of the following can be most properly inferred from the statements above?
(A) In year X, the number of European immigrants to the United States was higher than the number of Latin American immigrants.
(B) The total number of immigrants to the United States decreased from year X to year Y.
(C) In year Y, European immigrants constituted the largest immigrant group in the United States.
(D) The decrease in Latin American immigrants to the United States was caused by the decrease in European immigrants.
(E) In year Y, the number of European immigrants to the United States was lower than the number of Latin American immigrants.

A study found that children who consumed sugars A, B, and C were not more active than children who consumed sugars D and E. This suggests that the previous research concluding that consuming sugars A, B, and C makes children more active was incorrect.
Which of the following is an assumption underlying the argument above?
(A) Sugars D and E do not make children more active.
(B) The previous research on sugars A, B, and C was conducted using a different methodology than the current study.
(C) The children in the current study consumed equal amounts of sugars A, B, and C.
(D) The children who consumed sugars D and E were less active than those who did not consume any sugar.
(E) The current study controlled for other factors that might influence children's activity levels.



This historical study of the U.S. advertising trade literature represents the first attempt to interpret the enduring debate between advocates of hard- and soft-sell advertising. Primary sources consisted of works published mainly in the historically important trade journal Printers' Ink, supplemented with contemporary professional thought identified in advertising and marketing trade journals. The findings of the study are consistent with what many might recognize as the "received view" of modern advertising. However, they also help establish how and why the terms of this debate remained relatively stable over the course of the previous century, despite the fact that definitions of advertising effectiveness and appropriate strategy continually grew more complex and sophisticated.

Ninety-three years ago, leading U.S. automotive advertisers met head on in the industry's foremost trade journal, Printers'Ink, to debate the merits of "reason-why" versus "atmospheric" or "impressionistic" advertising.' Contemporary advertisers, dubbed "hard-sell killers" and "soft-sell poets,"2 debated roughly the same topic in a 1997 issue of Advertising Age. The 1990s version pitted advocates of rational-oriented "advertising that sells" against those favoring emotional-oriented advertising that entertains and creates bonds with consumers.

Scholars have developed and applied many theories and constructs in their study of modern advertising. Recent studies confirm the importance of various hierarchical models of effects, information content, involvement, cognitive processing, affective cues and responses, and attitude toward the advertisement.3 These efforts to match the characteristics of effective advertising with various situational factors, however, have had little impact on the message strategy debate or advertising practice.4 Furthermore, there is little evidence that industry research has had much influence either. A search of the trade literature published between 1970 and 2002 revealed only five instances of industry research linked to discussions of message strategy.5

Instead, as historian Stephen Fox suggested, hard- and soft-sell advertising seemed to cycle back-and-forth throughout the twentieth century "according to the industry's own rhythms,... its perception of the public's boredom level," and "in apparent independence of the external historical context."6 Despite the significance and longevity of the professional dispute-and the recognized influence of major contemporary figures such as Leo Burnett, John Caples, David Ogilvy, Rosser Reeves, and Bill Bernbach-little scholarship exists describing the substantive nature of the debate from the perspective of either the archetypical or rank-and-file advertising practitioner.

The study of the advertising trade literature presented here uses the method of traditional historical analysis7 to address this gap, examining several influences on the hard- and soft-sell debate. One is the extent to which advertisers' definitions remained consistent. Present-day textbooks suggest the hard sell and its informational product orientation consists of logical appeals, an emphasis on tangible product features, and advertising that encourages a direct response.8 The soft sell and its transformational consumer orientation is typically associated with emotional appeals, an emphasis on psychological benefits, and advertising that causes sales indirectly via entertainment, brand image, or brand liking.

Another potentially important influence relates to changing professional perspectives regarding the role and characteristics of effective advertising. Richard Pollay, who identified phases of hard sell and soft sell in his study of magazine advertising between 1900 and 1980, noted the possibility that "many of the apparent differences between the advertisements of various eras are simply different means of trying to accomplish the same ends."9

This analysis also examines the criticisms and arguments advertisers have used to attack their opponents and defend their own positions. …

1. The passage suggests that the enduring debate between hard-sell and soft-sell advertising:
   (A) Has been largely influenced by the development of sophisticated advertising theories and constructs
   (B) Has remained relatively stable despite the increasing complexity of definitions of advertising effectiveness and strategy
   (C) Has been primarily driven by the work of major contemporary figures such as Leo Burnett and David Ogilvy
   (D) Has been resolved through the application of hierarchical models of effects and cognitive processing theories
   (E) Has been significantly impacted by industry research on message strategy
2. According to the passage, which of the following best describes the relationship between the hard-sell and soft-sell advertising debate and the external historical context?
   (A) The debate has been primarily driven by changes in the external historical context
   (B) The debate has been largely independent of the external historical context
   (C) The external historical context has helped to resolve the debate
   (D) The debate has significantly influenced the external historical context
   (E) The relationship between the debate and the external historical context is unclear
3. The author's analysis of the advertising trade literature aims to address the lack of scholarship on:
   (A) The influence of major contemporary figures on the hard-sell and soft-sell debate
   (B) The impact of industry research on the hard-sell and soft-sell debate
   (C) The substantive nature of the hard-sell and soft-sell debate from the perspective of advertising practitioners
   (D) The historical development of advertising theories and constructs
   (E) The role of external historical context in the cycling between hard-sell and soft-sell advertising
4. The passage suggests that the cycling between hard-sell and soft-sell advertising throughout the twentieth century was:
   (A) Primarily influenced by the development of new advertising theories and constructs
   (B) Largely determined by changes in the external historical context
   (C) Driven by the industry's own rhythms and perception of the public's boredom level
   (D) A result of the work of major contemporary figures in advertising
   (E) A consequence of the increasing complexity of definitions of advertising effectiveness and strategy
5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of soft-sell advertising in present-day textbooks?
   (A) Emotional appeals
   (B) An emphasis on psychological benefits
   (C) Advertising that causes sales indirectly via entertainment or brand image
   (D) A transformational consumer orientation
   (E) Advertising that encourages a direct response
6. The passage suggests that the study of the advertising trade literature examines:
   (A) The extent to which advertisers' definitions of hard-sell and soft-sell advertising have remained consistent
   (B) The influence of industry research on the hard-sell and soft-sell debate
   (C) The impact of external historical context on the cycling between hard-sell and soft-sell advertising
   (D) The role of major contemporary figures in resolving the hard-sell and soft-sell debate
   (E) The development of new advertising theories and constructs to address the hard-sell and soft-sell debate
7. According to the passage, Richard Pollay's study of magazine advertising between 1900 and 1980 suggests that:
   (A) The hard-sell and soft-sell debate has been primarily influenced by changes in the external historical context
   (B) The differences between advertisements of various eras may be due to different means of trying to accomplish the same ends
   (C) The definitions of hard-sell and soft-sell advertising have remained consistent over time
   (D) The cycling between hard-sell and soft-sell advertising is a result of the development of new advertising theories and constructs
   (E) The hard-sell and soft-sell debate has been largely resolved through the application of sophisticated advertising theories and constructs
8. The passage suggests that the criticisms and arguments used by advertisers in the hard-sell and soft-sell debate:
   (A) Have been primarily focused on the role of external historical context
   (B) Have been largely influenced by the development of new advertising theories and constructs
   (C) Have been used to attack opponents' positions and defend their own
   (D) Have been primarily driven by the work of major contemporary figures in advertising
   (E) Have been largely resolved through the application of industry research on message strategy
9. 根据文章,下列哪项最能描述硬销和软销广告之间持久辩论的特点?
   (B) 尽管广告效果和策略的定义日益复杂,但辩论仍保持相对稳定。
10. 根据文章,下列哪项最能描述硬销和软销广告之间的辩论与外部历史背景之间的关系?
    (B) 这场辩论在很大程度上独立于外部历史背景。
    解析:文章引用Stephen Fox的观点,指出硬销和软销广告在整个20世纪似乎"根据行业自身的节奏"和"对公众厌倦程度的感知"而循环往复,"显然独立于外部历史背景"。这表明辩论与外部历史背景之间没有明显的关联。
11. 作者对广告贸易文献的分析旨在解决以下哪个方面缺乏学术研究的问题?
    (C) 从广告从业者的角度看,硬销和软销辩论的实质性本质。
12. 文章表明,二十世纪硬销和软销广告的循环往复主要是:
    (C) 由行业自身的节奏和对公众厌倦程度的感知所驱动的。
    解析:文章引用Stephen Fox的观点,指出硬销和软销广告在整个20世纪似乎"根据行业自身的节奏"和"对公众厌倦程度的感知"而循环往复。这表明辩论的循环主要由行业内部因素驱动,而非外部历史背景或广告理论的发展。
13. 根据文章,当前教科书中没有提到以下哪项作为软销广告的特征?
    (E) 鼓励直接回应的广告。
14. 文章表明,对广告贸易文献的研究考察了以下哪个方面?
    (A) 广告商对硬销和软销广告定义的一致性程度。
15. 根据文章,Richard Pollay对1900年至1980年期间杂志广告的研究表明:
    (B) 不同时代广告之间的差异可能是由于试图达到相同目的的不同手段造成的。
    解析:文章提到,Richard Pollay在研究1900年至1980年期间的杂志广告时指出,"不同时代广告之间的许多明显差异可能只是试图达到相同目的的不同手段"。这表明,尽管不同时期的广告在风格和手法上有所不同,但其根本目的可能是一致的。
16. 文章表明,广告商在硬销和软销辩论中使用的批评和论点:
    (C) 被用来攻击对手的立场并为自己辩护。


Manchester United, one of the most iconic and successful football clubs in the world, has a rich history that spans over a century. From its humble beginnings as Newton Heath LYR Football Club in 1878 to its current status as a global brand, the club has experienced a remarkable journey filled with triumphs, challenges, and unforgettable moments. As the club looks towards the future under the guidance of its new owners and management, it has unveiled an ambitious plan to celebrate its legacy while embracing innovation and sustainability.

The plan, dubbed "United for the Future," is a multi-faceted initiative that aims to transform not only the club but also the wider community. At its core, the plan seeks to leverage the power of football to drive positive change, both on and off the pitch. This includes a renewed focus on youth development, with the club investing heavily in its academy system to nurture the next generation of talent. The academy, which has produced countless stars over the years, including the likes of Bobby Charlton, George Best, and Marcus Rashford, will be expanded and modernized, with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology to support the development of young players.

In addition to its commitment to youth development, Manchester United is also placing a strong emphasis on sustainability. The club recognizes the urgent need to address the environmental challenges facing the world today and is determined to play its part in creating a more sustainable future. To this end, the club has set ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint, with plans to achieve net-zero emissions by 2035. This will involve a comprehensive overhaul of the club's operations, from the way it sources its energy to the materials it uses in its merchandise.

One of the most exciting aspects of the "United for the Future" plan is the proposed redevelopment of Old Trafford, the club's iconic stadium. The Theatre of Dreams, as it is affectionately known, has been the club's home since 1910 and has witnessed some of the greatest moments in football history. However, the stadium is in need of modernization to keep pace with the evolving demands of the game and the expectations of fans. The redevelopment plan envisions a complete transformation of the stadium, with increased capacity, improved facilities, and a range of new amenities to enhance the matchday experience for supporters.

The financial implications of the "United for the Future" plan are significant, with the club estimating that it will require an investment of over £1 billion. This includes £500 million for the redevelopment of Old Trafford, £200 million for the expansion of the academy, and £300 million for sustainability initiatives and community projects. To fund this ambitious plan, the club will be seeking investment from a range of sources, including its owners, commercial partners, and potentially even the public through a bond issue.

The benefits of the plan, however, are expected to be far-reaching and long-lasting. By investing in youth development, the club aims to create a sustainable pipeline of talent that will ensure its competitiveness on the pitch for years to come. The focus on sustainability, meanwhile, will not only help the club to reduce its environmental impact but also to inspire others to follow its lead. The redevelopment of Old Trafford, for its part, will create thousands of jobs and generate significant economic activity in the local area, while also providing a world-class venue for fans and visitors from around the globe.

As Manchester United embarks on this exciting new chapter in its history, it is clear that the club is not content to rest on its laurels. Instead, it is embracing the challenges and opportunities of the future with a bold and ambitious plan that seeks to build on its rich heritage while also charting a course for a more sustainable and inclusive future. With the support of its fans, partners, and the wider community, there is no doubt that Manchester United will continue to be a force for good, both on and off the pitch, for generations to come.


1. According to the passage, what was Manchester United's original name when it was founded in 1878?
   A. Manchester United Football Club
   B. Old Trafford Football Club
   C. Newton Heath LYR Football Club
   D. United for the Future Football Club
   E. The Theatre of Dreams Football Club
2. How much money does Manchester United plan to invest in the redevelopment of Old Trafford stadium?
   A. £200 million
   B. £300 million
   C. £400 million
   D. £500 million
   E. £1 billion
3. By what year does Manchester United aim to achieve net-zero emissions as part of its sustainability initiatives?
   A. 2025
   B. 2030
   C. 2035
   D. 2040
   E. 2050
4. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a key aspect of Manchester United's "United for the Future" plan?
   A. Youth development and academy expansion
   B. Sustainability and reducing the club's carbon footprint
   C. Redevelopment and modernization of Old Trafford stadium
   D. Acquisition of high-profile players in the transfer market
   E. Community projects and initiatives
5. How much money does Manchester United plan to invest in sustainability initiatives and community projects as part of the "United for the Future" plan?
   A. £100 million
   B. £200 million
   C. £300 million
   D. £400 million
   E. £500 million
6. According to the passage, which of the following players is mentioned as a product of Manchester United's academy system?
   A. David Beckham
   B. Wayne Rooney
   C. Cristiano Ronaldo
   D. Marcus Rashford
   E. Ryan Giggs
7. What is the estimated total investment required for Manchester United's "United for the Future" plan?
   A. Over £500 million
   B. Over £750 million
   C. Over £1 billion
   D. Over £1.5 billion
   E. Over £2 billion
8. Which of the following is mentioned as a potential source of funding for Manchester United's ambitious plan?
   A. Government grants and subsidies
   B. Crowdfunding from supporters
   C. A public bond issue
   D. Selling naming rights to Old Trafford stadium
   E. Merging with another football club
9. According to the passage, how is Manchester United's focus on sustainability expected to impact the wider community?
   A. It will create thousands of jobs in the local area
   B. It will attract more tourists to Manchester
   C. It will inspire others to follow the club's lead in reducing environmental impact
   D. It will lead to the development of new green technologies
   E. It will improve public health by promoting eco-friendly lifestyles
10. The passage suggests that Manchester United's "United for the Future" plan is:
    A. A conservative approach to maintaining the status quo
    B. A short-term strategy to boost revenue and profits
    C. A bold and ambitious plan to build on the club's heritage while embracing the future
    D. A risky gamble that could jeopardize the club's financial stability
    E. A response to pressure from environmental activists and regulators


1. C. Newton Heath LYR Football Club
   解析:文章开头提到,曼联的前身是1878年成立的Newton Heath LYR Football Club。
2. D. £500 million
3. C. 2035
4. D. Acquisition of high-profile players in the transfer market
   解析:文章没有提到购买高调球员是"United for the Future"计划的一部分,而是侧重于青训、可持续发展、老特拉福德改造和社区项目。
5. C. £300 million
6. D. Marcus Rashford
7. C. Over £1 billion
   解析:文章估计"United for the Future"计划总共需要超过10亿英镑的投资。
8. C. A public bond issue
9. C. It will inspire others to follow the club's lead in reducing environmental impact
10. C. A bold and ambitious plan to build on the club's heritage while embracing the future
    解析:文章多次强调,"United for the Future"计划是一项大胆而雄心勃勃的计划,旨在继承曼联的丰富传统,同时迎接未来的挑战和机遇。

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