We will be having our first-ever PolyU MM Online PhD Recruitment Summer Camp on 15 AUG 2024. It will be an one-day online event, including sharing from MM faculty members, PhD alumni, current PhD students, research presentations of potential PhD applicants, and interactions between PhD applicants and faculty members. Please see enclosed for the camp poster.
We plan to invite highly-qualified undergraduate/postgraduate students to join this camp, so we can have a better understanding of them and encourage them to apply to our PhD program later on. The summer camp welcomes applications who fulfill all of the following criteria:
a. plan to apply for our PhD programs in management, marketing, or information systems.
b. have (/anticipate) an undergraduate degree from a top university (e.g., a World Top-200 university based on QS/THE rankings, or a Top-10 university in China)
c. have an excellent undergraduate GPA (e.g., 3.5/4 or higher)
d. possess additional academic merits (e.g., postgraduate degrees, national scholarships, research publications, competition awards, etc.)
Please refer to the MM website for more details: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/mm/about-mm/news-and-events/news/2024/polyu-mm---online-phd-recruitment-summer-camp-2024/.
The deadline of camp application will be 15 JUNE 2024 (Application link: https://hkpumarketing.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1BlQUlVUtS6CTIO). ”