
标题: 揽瓜阁训练营 第135天(含CR,RC和DI题目) [打印本页]

作者: 小白斩鸡    时间: 2024-5-24 09:06
标题: 揽瓜阁训练营 第135天(含CR,RC和DI题目)
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Email #1
From: Mailman Company CEO
To: Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Legal Officer
Subject: Urgent - Critical Customer Data Breach and Potential Regulatory Violations

I have just received a letter from the attorneys of our largest client, GlobalTech, alleging that their sensitive data has been compromised within our systems. This data includes their customer lists, contact information, purchase histories, financial records, and other proprietary information. GlobalTech is threatening to terminate their multi-year, multi-million dollar contract with us and pursue legal action, seeking damages upwards of $50 million. Considering that GlobalTech accounts for 30% of our annual revenue, losing this client would have a catastrophic impact on our financial position and could potentially lead to bankruptcy.

More importantly, this data breach has caused severe damage to our reputation and could jeopardize our relationships with other key clients. Furthermore, the attorneys have indicated that the nature of the breach suggests potential violations of multiple data privacy regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Non-compliance with these regulations could result in significant fines and legal penalties, further compounding the financial impact of this incident.

We must take immediate action to determine the cause of the breach, assess the scope of the damage, and implement measures to prevent such incidents from occurring again. As a company that prides itself on data security and customer privacy, we cannot afford to let this incident undermine the trust our clients have placed in us. I am calling for an emergency meeting of the executive team to discuss our response and develop a comprehensive action plan. Please come prepared with any relevant information and insights from your respective areas of responsibility.

Email #2
From: Chief Information Officer
To: Mailman Company CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operations Officer, Chief Legal Officer
Subject: Re: Urgent - Critical Customer Data Breach and Potential Regulatory Violations

Thank you for bringing this critical issue to our attention. I have been working closely with my team to investigate the GlobalTech data breach incident and have uncovered some alarming findings. It appears that the breach was caused by a combination of factors, including inadequate data segregation, insufficient access controls, and outdated security technologies.

Our current data management system relies on a complex network of interconnected databases, which has made it challenging to maintain proper isolation between customer data. While we have implemented access controls based on employee roles and responsibilities, our audit logs have revealed instances of unauthorized access attempts, some of which may have been successful. Furthermore, our encryption technologies have not been updated to keep pace with the latest industry standards, potentially leaving sensitive data vulnerable to interception and decryption.

These findings suggest that the GlobalTech data breach may be just the tip of the iceberg. If similar vulnerabilities exist across our systems, it is possible that other customer data may have been compromised without our knowledge. The potential scale and scope of this incident are deeply concerning and could have far-reaching consequences for our company.

To address these issues, I propose a comprehensive overhaul of our data management infrastructure and security practices. This will require significant investments in new technologies, employee training, and process improvements. Some key initiatives I recommend include:

1. Implementing a zero-trust architecture that assumes breaches and requires strict verification for every access attempt.
2. Adopting advanced data encryption and tokenization techniques to protect sensitive information both at rest and in transit.
3. Deploying machine learning-based anomaly detection systems to identify and alert on suspicious activities in real-time.
4. Conducting regular penetration testing and vulnerability assessments to proactively identify and remediate weaknesses.
5. Enhancing our incident response capabilities to enable rapid containment, investigation, and recovery in the event of a breach.

I have prepared a detailed proposal outlining these initiatives, along with projected timelines, resource requirements, and budget estimates. Given the urgency of the situation, I recommend that we prioritize these efforts and allocate the necessary resources to implement them as quickly as possible. We cannot afford to take a reactive approach to data security and privacy - we must be proactive in safeguarding our customers' trust and our company's future.

Email #3
From: Chief Legal Officer
To: Mailman Company CEO, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Information Officer, Chief Operations Officer
Subject: Re: Urgent - Critical Customer Data Breach and Potential Regulatory Violations

I have reviewed the information provided by the Chief Information Officer and have consulted with our external legal counsel regarding the potential regulatory implications of the GlobalTech data breach. Based on our preliminary assessment, we believe that the incident may constitute violations of multiple data privacy regulations, including GDPR and CCPA.

Under GDPR, companies are required to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data. The regulation also mandates prompt notification to affected individuals and relevant authorities in the event of a data breach. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in fines of up to 4% of a company's global annual revenue or €20 million, whichever is greater.

Similarly, CCPA requires businesses to maintain reasonable security procedures and practices to protect consumer data. In the event of a data breach, companies must notify affected consumers without unreasonable delay. Violations of CCPA can result in civil penalties of up to $7,500 per intentional violation and $2,500 per unintentional violation.

Given the scale and nature of the GlobalTech data breach, we could be facing significant legal and financial exposure under these regulations. In addition to the potential fines, we may also be subject to lawsuits from affected individuals and regulatory investigations.

To mitigate these risks, I recommend that we take the following actions:

1. Conduct a thorough investigation to determine the full scope of the breach and identify all affected individuals and data.
2. Notify relevant authorities and affected individuals in accordance with applicable regulations and contractual obligations.
3. Engage an independent forensic firm to assist with the investigation and provide an objective assessment of our security practices.
4. Collaborate with our public relations team to develop a transparent and proactive communication strategy to manage the reputational fallout from the incident.
5. Work closely with the Chief Information Officer to implement the proposed security enhancements and ensure ongoing compliance with data privacy regulations.

We should also anticipate potential legal action from GlobalTech and other affected clients. I recommend that we engage in good faith negotiations with GlobalTech to reach a mutually acceptable resolution, which may include compensation for damages and assurances regarding our future security practices. If negotiations fail, we should be prepared to vigorously defend ourselves in court.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the critical importance of data security and privacy in today's digital landscape. As a company entrusted with sensitive customer data, we have a legal and ethical obligation to safeguard that information from unauthorized access and disclosure. We must use this incident as an opportunity to re-evaluate our practices, strengthen our defenses, and reaffirm our commitment to data security and privacy.

I will continue to work closely with the executive team and our external counsel to navigate the legal and regulatory challenges arising from this incident. Please keep me apprised of any new developments or concerns.

1. The Mailman Company CEO's email suggests that the data breach is likely to have the most significant impact on which of the following?
(A) The company's ability to attract new clients in the short term
(B) The company's competitive position relative to its industry peers
(C) The company's compliance with data privacy regulations
(D) The company's financial stability and long-term viability
(E) The company's ability to retain key executives and technical staff

2. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of the Chief Legal Officer's email?
(A) To outline the company's legal defense strategy in response to the data breach
(B) To advise the executive team on the potential legal and regulatory consequences of the breach
(C) To negotiate a settlement agreement with GlobalTech on behalf of the company
(D) To assign blame for the data breach to specific individuals or departments within the company
(E) To downplay the severity of the data breach and reassure the executive team

3. According to the Chief Information Officer, which of the following factors contributed to the data breach?
(A) The use of outdated software that was no longer supported by the vendor
(B) The failure to encrypt sensitive data while it was being transmitted over public networks
(C) The lack of proper data segregation between customer databases
(D) The use of weak or default passwords by employees with access to sensitive systems
(E) The absence of a dedicated cybersecurity team within the IT department

4. The Chief Legal Officer's email indicates that the company may be subject to penalties under GDPR if it fails to do which of the following?
(A) Notify affected individuals and relevant authorities of the data breach
(B) Provide affected individuals with free credit monitoring services
(C) Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure data security
(D) Obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting their personal data
(E) Appoint a Data Protection Officer to oversee GDPR compliance efforts

5. Based on the information provided in the emails, which of the following statements about the potential financial impact of the data breach is most accurate?
(A) The company's liability is limited to the $50 million in damages sought by GlobalTech.
(B) The company's financial exposure is primarily driven by the risk of regulatory fines and penalties.
(C) The company can easily absorb the potential costs associated with the data breach without significant impact to its financial position.
(D) The company's financial stability is at risk due to the combination of direct costs, lost revenue, regulatory fines, and reputational damage.
(E) The company's cybersecurity insurance policy will fully cover any financial losses resulting from the data breach.

6. Which of the following can be inferred from the Chief Information Officer's statement that the company's encryption technologies "have not been updated to keep pace with the latest industry standards"?
(A) The company's encryption technologies are based on open-source software that is widely used in the industry.
(B) The company's encryption technologies are proprietary and have never been independently audited for security.
(C) The company's encryption technologies were developed in-house by a team of experienced cryptographers.
(D) The company's encryption technologies may be vulnerable to attacks that exploit known weaknesses or flaws.
(E) The company's encryption technologies are regularly tested through simulated attacks and penetration testing.

7. The Chief Information Officer's email is most likely intended to serve which of the following purposes?
(A) To shift blame for the data breach away from the IT department and onto other parts of the company.
(B) To justify the need for increased budget and resources to address the company's security weaknesses.
(C) To downplay the severity of the data breach and reassure the executive team that the situation is under control.
(D) To provide a comprehensive assessment of the data breach and recommend a plan of action to prevent future incidents.
(E) To argue that the company's current security practices are adequate and do not require significant changes.

8. If the company fails to take adequate steps to address the weaknesses in its data management practices, which of the following is most likely to occur?
(A) The company will face criminal charges and potential imprisonment of its executives.
(B) The company will be forced to sell its assets and intellectual property to its competitors.
(C) The company will be banned from collecting or processing personal data in the future.
(D) The company will experience additional data breaches and face increased regulatory scrutiny and legal liability.
(E) The company will be required to provide free cybersecurity training to all of its clients and their employees.

Sarah Scott's life and opus have become separated from those of her sister, Elizabeth Montagu, by some accidents of history and ideology that have determined and partly falsified our interpretations of their work.1 The persistence of the notion that the sisters' lives took divergent, if not actively antagonistic, courses at or before Scott's marriage in 1751 is curious, since, even after sanitizing excisions made by early editors, Montagu's correspondence with Scott and other family members indicates not only that the sisters spent part of each year together and remained in close physical and epistolary contact throughout their lives, but also that they knew the same people, collaborated in the same philanthropic activities, shared reading matter, political positions, and a secretary, discussed each others' writings, and gave each other mutual authorial aid, as well as personal, familial, and social support.

Rereading the sisters' relationship through their discussions about patronage and lifelong cooperation in a variety of philanthropic endeavors reintegrates Sarah Scott and her opus into the Bluestocking circle, as recent collections by Nicole Pohl, Betty Schellenberg, and Gary Kelly have begun to do.2 Restoring Montagu to her place in Scott's life, and Scott to [End Page 25] her place in Montagu's inner Bluestocking circle, changes our understanding of Scott's concept of philanthropy and of the social position from which she advocated reform. It also gives Scott's estate novels central political relevance, and makes Montagu and second-generation Bluestockings heirs to Scott's utopian vision at Millenium Hall.

The sisters also add significantly to what we know about women's patronage. It has become clear that eighteenth-century women in the upper ranks did exercise power and participate in the public sphere in a number of important but informal ways. But perhaps inevitably, given our disciplinary divisions, we have been discovering these separately. Feminist historians, such as Elaine Challus, Sarah Richardson, and Judith Lewis, have uncovered the important roles that aristocratic women played both in electoral and family politics, and as patrons or brokers in the patronage system on which all political and ecclesiastical appointments depended.3 Literary and cultural historians, such as Dustin Griffin and Sarah Prescott, have shown that ladies were also active participants in the literary patronage system.4Other scholars, such as Beth Fowkes Tobin, Patricia Comitini, and Dorice Williams Elliott, have traced upper- and middle-class women's ultimately successful efforts to appropriate the new managed and institutionalized forms of philanthropic activity as a "properly female" activity, while demonstrating the efficacy of fictions such as Hannah More's Coelebs in Search of a Wife.

In the middle of the eighteenth century, however, these several strands of female power and activity were not yet necessarily separate and distinct. They were interwoven, first of all, in the language. Patronage referred both to the right to dispose of government or military offices, church livings, or other employments, and to "the action of a patron in giving influential support, favor, encouragement or countenance to a person, institution, or work" (OED). In this latter sense, institutional philanthropy—the financial support of a charity school or hospital—and the support or reward of a writer figured as forms of patronage.6 Indeed, as late as 1772, booksellers were being described as writers' patrons, as was the public when authors printed by subscription or on their own account.7 These different strands of patronage were also interwoven in women's lives in sometimes unexpected ways, for a variety of conflicting motives. The Bluestocking sisters, Sarah Scott and Elizabeth Montagu, who have not been considered from this point of view either in the literature on patronage and philanthropy or in critical studies of their lives and writings, have something to teach us here. [End Page 26]

A much-cited letter from Elizabeth Montagu to one of her cousins, William Freind, describes Scott's and Lady Bab's household at Bath Easton, after the breakup of Scott's marriage, as a convent, "for by its regularity it resembles one." With Lady Bab's support...)

Question 1: The author's primary purpose in the passage can best be described as an attempt to:
(A) Elucidate the historical and ideological factors that have obfuscated the symbiotic relationship between Sarah Scott and Elizabeth Montagu, while advocating for a more holistic understanding of their lives and works.
(B) Juxtapose the divergent trajectories of Sarah Scott and Elizabeth Montagu's lives post-Scott's marriage, underscoring the sanitizing excisions made by early editors that have impeded accurate interpretations of their relationship.
(C) Explicate the multifaceted nature of female power and activity in the eighteenth century, highlighting the interwoven strands of patronage and philanthropy in the lives of aristocratic women.
(D) Accentuate the pivotal roles played by aristocratic women in the realms of electoral and familial politics, as well as in the male-dominated patronage system, as uncovered by feminist historians.
(E) Illustrate the instrumentality of fictional works, such as Hannah More's Coelebs in Search of a Wife, in galvanizing philanthropic endeavors among upper- and middle-class women, as posited by literary and cultural historians.

Question 2: The passage implies that the persistence of the notion that Sarah Scott and Elizabeth Montagu's lives took divergent courses after Scott's marriage in 1751 is:
(A) Attributable to the sanitizing excisions made by early editors, which have obfuscated the true nature of their relationship.
(B) Incongruous with the evidence found in Montagu's correspondence, which attests to the sisters' close physical and epistolary contact throughout their lives.
(C) Reflective of the ideological biases that have shaped the interpretation of their works and lives.
(D) Indicative of the sisters' conscious efforts to maintain a façade of estrangement while secretly collaborating on various endeavors.
(E) A consequence of the disciplinary divisions that have led to the separate examination of their lives and works by historians and literary scholars.

Question 3: The author suggests that reintegrating Sarah Scott and her opus into the Bluestocking circle and restoring Montagu to her place in Scott's life would:
(A) Fundamentally alter our understanding of Scott's philanthropic philosophy and the social context in which she advocated reform.
(B) Underscore the peripheral role played by Scott's estate novels in the political discourse of the time.
(C) Reinforce the notion that Montagu and second-generation Bluestockings were merely tangential to Scott's utopian vision at Millenium Hall.
(D) Perpetuate the disciplinary divisions that have hindered a comprehensive understanding of women's roles in the eighteenth century.
(E) Illuminate the stark contrast between Scott's concept of philanthropy and the social position from which Montagu advocated reform.

Question 4: The author's discussion of the work of feminist historians and literary and cultural historians serves to:
(A) Emphasize the disparate nature of women's roles in the eighteenth century and the necessity of examining them in isolation.
(B) Highlight the need for an interdisciplinary approach to fully understand the interwoven nature of women's roles in the eighteenth century.
(C) Demonstrate the superiority of feminist historians' findings over those of literary and cultural historians in uncovering women's participation in the public sphere.
(D) Argue for the primacy of aristocratic women's roles in electoral and family politics over their contributions to the literary patronage system.
(E) Suggest that the separate examination of women's roles by different groups of historians has led to a more comprehensive understanding of their activities in the eighteenth century.

Question 5: The passage suggests that in the middle of the eighteenth century, the strands of female power and activity related to patronage and philanthropy were:
(A) Clearly demarcated and pursued independently by women of different social classes.
(B) Intertwined in both language and practice, with women engaging in these activities for a variety of conflicting motives.
(C) Primarily focused on the financial support of charitable institutions and the reward of writers, with little overlap with other spheres of influence.
(D) Considered entirely separate from the male-dominated realms of electoral and family politics.
(E) Viewed as a unified and coherent sphere of female influence, with women working towards a common goal of social reform.

Question 6: According to the passage, the work of Beth Fowkes Tobin, Patricia Comitini, and Dorice Williams Elliott contributes to our understanding of women's roles in the eighteenth century by:
(A) Demonstrating the effectiveness of fictional works in promoting philanthropic activity among upper- and middle-class women.
(B) Tracing the gradual appropriation of managed and institutionalized forms of philanthropic activity by women as a "properly female" domain.
(C) Highlighting the distinct and separate nature of women's philanthropic endeavors from their involvement in patronage and politics.
(D) Arguing for the primacy of women's philanthropic activities over their participation in the literary patronage system.
(E) Suggesting that women's philanthropic efforts were primarily motivated by a desire for social reform rather than personal or familial gain.

Question 7: The author's characterization of the language surrounding patronage in the middle of the eighteenth century serves to:
(A) Emphasize the distinct and non-overlapping meanings of patronage in the context of government appointments and literary support.
(B) Highlight the fluidity and interconnectedness of the various forms of patronage, including institutional philanthropy and the support of writers.
(C) Argue for the primacy of the political dimension of patronage over its literary and philanthropic aspects.
(D) Suggest that the language of patronage was primarily used to describe male-dominated activities, with women's involvement being marginalized.
(E) Demonstrate the lack of a clear distinction between patronage and philanthropy in the minds of eighteenth-century individuals.

Question 8: The passage's discussion of the "much-cited letter" from Elizabeth Montagu to William Freind is most likely intended to:
(A) Provide evidence of the divergent paths taken by Sarah Scott and Elizabeth Montagu after Scott's marriage.
(B) Highlight the sanitizing excisions made by early editors that have obscured the true nature of the sisters' relationship.
(C) Demonstrate the close physical and epistolary contact maintained by the sisters throughout their lives.
(D) Illustrate the ideological biases that have shaped the interpretation of the sisters' works and lives.
(E) Suggest that the sisters' relationship was characterized by a façade of estrangement while they secretly collaborated on various endeavors.

The advent of the internet, along with the proliferation of alternative news media such as radio, has posed a formidable challenge to the viability of traditional print newspapers. In one particular metropolitan area, numerous newspapers find themselves embroiled in an intense competitive landscape, with prices being driven down to levels that fail to cover operational costs. This unsustainable situation is likely to result in a significant number of these publications being forced to cease operations. Paradoxically, unlike other industries where a reduction in the number of competitors typically leads to a more stable market, the newspaper industry in this locality has experienced an exacerbation of competitive pressures.
Which of the following, if true, would most effectively account for the counterintuitive intensification of competition among newspapers, despite the fact that many of them are being driven out of business?
(A) Historically, readers had restricted access to a diverse array of print newspapers; however, the digital age has ushered in an era where a wide variety of online editions are readily accessible.
(B) A substantial proportion of newspapers' revenue is derived from advertising, with subscription fees constituting a comparatively minor contribution to their overall financial model.
(C) In an effort to expand their readership, many smaller newspapers have opted to transition their content to online platforms.
(D) Technological progress has significantly reduced the expenses associated with the production and circulation of physical newspapers.
(E) The emergence of online news aggregators has streamlined the process for readers to consume articles from a multitude of newspapers through a single, centralized platform.

In country A, there exists a crime known as libel, which is defined as an individual spreading defamatory rumors about another person in written form while simultaneously claiming that these rumors are false. However, the interests of the injured party cannot be improved by filing a lawsuit, as such legal action is merely a piece of paper that will only serve to further exacerbate the situation by drawing more attention to the matter.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument that filing a lawsuit would not benefit the injured party in a libel case?
(A) The majority of the public's attention, when a lawsuit is filed, is focused on seeing justice served rather than being driven by ulterior motives.
(B) The complexity of libel laws in country A makes it difficult for the average person to comprehend the legal intricacies involved in such cases.
(C) In most instances, the financial costs associated with filing a libel lawsuit far outweigh any potential damages that may be awarded to the injured party.
(D) The introduction of the libel law has led to a significant decrease in the number of individuals who are willing to spread defamatory rumors, as they fear legal repercussions.
(E) Many people who have been the target of libelous statements choose not to pursue legal action because they believe it will only bring more unwanted attention to the false rumors.


作者: BWV1007    时间: 2024-5-24 10:31
作者: 狗熊要吃肉    时间: 2024-5-24 12:05
作者: 为了G700    时间: 2024-5-24 14:15
Day135 CR
第一题, C,答案B解释为什么竞争者的减少没有带来行业的稳定。

A. 对比前后,读者的渠道增加了,没有讲报纸行业内竞争者减少这事的影响。
B. 报纸的营收来源和问题无关。
C. 小报纸转去做线上,说明竞争者依然存在只是换赛道了。


B. 加强。
作者: jeilham    时间: 2024-5-24 14:55
作者: 杨翠花    时间: 2024-5-25 00:18
作者: setmefree1    时间: 2024-5-25 22:02
- 因为一些历史和意识形态的偶然,SS和EM的生活和作品有所不同,决定和部分歪曲了我们对她们工作的解读。节目俩一年的部分时间呆在一起,一生保持密切联系
- 通过她们在各种慈善事业中的赞助和终身合作的讨论来重新解读这对姐妹的关系
- 增加了对女性慈善的理解,贵族女性在选举和家庭政治中扮演重要角色,女性也是文学赞助系统的积极参与者
- 在18世纪中期,女性权力和活动的几股力量还不是分开和明确的。首先在语言上交织

作者: Dreambig13    时间: 2024-5-26 14:39

作者: 杨翠花    时间: 2024-5-26 17:34
1. P:新媒体的出现冲击传统媒体,使得他们的降价甚至无法cover运营成本,导致大量传统媒体退出

2. P:城市出现L罪-一个人散播谣言,另一个人写声明澄清。但是诉讼反而使得情况更糟糕
作者: Perilla    时间: 2024-5-26 18:32

作者: Tian809809    时间: 2024-5-26 20:12
Thanks !
作者: maryyy1019    时间: 2024-5-26 22:14
作者: Yeelin椰林    时间: 2024-5-27 00:22
1、        选C。一些线下转战线上媒体了。
2、        选D。没太看懂文章。

作者: 徐公子~    时间: 2024-5-27 15:21


作者: Eunice12    时间: 2024-5-27 16:43
作者: 有机盐    时间: 2024-5-29 10:05
作者: hyjsamantha    时间: 2024-5-29 11:07
作者: 薯片家的    时间: 2024-5-29 17:47
作者: cecilia_770    时间: 2024-6-2 15:08

作者: Katelynns    时间: 2024-6-2 18:31
CR:1.C(E) newspaper行业的竞争对手减少,但是很多小型报社选择将内容搬到线上,做线上内容的竞争可能也异常激烈。
2.A 大家不是单纯看热闹,而是期待justice is served 利于起诉人
作者: xiaoyuzhou90    时间: 2024-6-6 12:58
我的答案:A;网络和其它可选择的媒体的出现对于纸质报纸的生存带来了可怕的挑战;在一个地区,报纸发现自己卷入了一场激烈的竞争中,价格下降导致不能cover日常运作;这种不可持续的状态很可能会导致很多这样的出版社被迫停业;反常的,不想其它行业,竞争者少了之后会带来一个稳定的市场,报纸业在这个地区因为竞争压力加剧;---哪个为真支持这种反常,despite the fact that many of them are being driven out of business ---A 以前只有报纸,现在电子时代,选择非常多且易得;(所以尽管有些被迫退出了,但是竞争还是很激烈)
embroiled in:卷入、陷入
我的答案:D;A国有一个罪名叫作L,被定义为,一个人以文字的形式传播另一个人的诽谤性的谣言但是同时澄清这些谣言是假的;但是,受害方的利益不能被提升通过提交诉讼,因为这样的法律措施只会让大家更关注这件事来恶化这种情况;---哪个为真,削弱提交诉讼无用---D L的引入导致了愿意传播诽谤谣言的个人数量的显著减少,因为他们担心法律后果。
Defamatory:诽谤的 中伤的
the injured party:受害方

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