楼主在kira这里还碰到不少问题,如果有碰到kira page doesn't exist,然后起因也是和我一样调了chrome的语言的,可以来参考一下kira的回复:
1. Cut and paste your check in URL in the search bar and press "Enter" to load the page. The page will load as a blank page.
2. Click the "..." (3-dots) on the top right corner of the browser, go to "More Tools", and click "Developer Tools".
3. In this new page, click "Application" section, click "Local Storage", and choose the Kira Talent URL (should be https://app.kiratalent.com).
4. Find the key named "i18nextLng" and look at the "Value" section. Change the value to "en" and press enter. Reload the page and then wait momentarily for the Kira interview to load