
标题: finance PhD选校建议 [打印本页]

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-10 07:30
标题: finance PhD选校建议


Florida State U: FSU和USF大概是很多人都会顺手申一下的保底校吧,面试后一周左右就收到了offer,教授人非常好,和在读学长们聊天发现其实placement还不错,比如去年的Tulsa,和今年的pepperdine(非R1的好学校。corp和AP都有教授在做,但是貌似大多数是corp,很乐意带学生,非自己的导师也很乐意带你做project。综排虽然不重要但是US NEWS 53. 由于FSU从去年开始才给国际生免学费,导致之前几乎没有华人在读,在本站Tier排名较低也有这方面原因吧。所有在读学生统一工资明年涨到42k,生活成本低。TA每学期都有但工作量不大,teaching load毕业前3节课。缺点也很明显,专业排名较低,placement会比较担心。学生保有100%。商学院正在盖新楼。

U of South Florida:和FSU差不多,每届2-3人。placement 比FSU好挺多,近年有很多人去了R1。corp和AP都有教授在做,多数是corp,在读学长学姐华人比较多,finance research排名和FSU半斤八两。现在在job market的学长手里有top RR,实力很强。学校官方放了placement在这个tier看起来非常不错。对我来说非常大的优势是位置在Tampa


U Oklahoma:开始申请时非常关注的一个学校,在本站讨论度挺高。因为推荐人和教授有coauthor过,给我的反馈直接明示的positive,面试超时二十分钟,说我在list上很靠前,问我最想去哪,给了offer会不会接,etc。但是面完之后两周了还没动静,捏一把汗。在本站里Ok的名声好像很不错,据说support placement也很好。让人不安的点是xjmr do not go to ou那个帖子。

U Missouri Columbia:面了两轮,说我是他们面的第一个二轮学生,看的出其中个别教授是对我比较感兴趣的,问了一堆机器学习的问题。但是听说他家学生不是很活跃teaching load非常重。感觉可以等等

Drexel:也面了两轮,corp很强,师资强大。龙校紧挨UPenn,费城消费压力大,本来说今天给结果,收到邮件说要推迟一下。总体印象比较一般,邮件typo,admission process安排的有些混乱,一二轮面试问同样的问题。个人prefer非大城市。感觉可以等等


U of Mass Amherst: 在他的申请DDL前就面了,但是一直没收到消息。这家学生几乎都是中国人,少许印度人,背景几乎都是金工金数,跟我类似,AP方向比较强。但stipend很少,生活会比较拮据。位置很北,不太喜欢波士顿。

U Kansas:本站热度也挺高,WL了,就不多评价了。

U Arizona:本次申请申的最好的学校,居然也给了面试,有第二轮, 八成陪跑,不是很抱希望



2.16收到Utah, 前几天收到南卡和UWV。把UWV的面试取消了。Utah和南卡感觉和Arizona一样是陪跑
2.21收到了Nebraska也不准备面了。 南卡和两位中国教授面的,Utah分别和不同的两个教授面了两次,问题很常规。另外关于Ok,包括但不限于养鱼中国申请人。

前几周收到了drexel的通知,3.26收到询问接没接offer,drexel的admission process有点混乱,发第一波offer定位不清,可能大城市学校通病吧。第二天就给了offer, stipend三万五不到,但是教授非常热情,在费城正常生活肯定是要倒贴钱的,鉴于placement较差,拒了。希望他们最后可以收到满意的学生吧。

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-10 07:55
作者: pulpfibre    时间: 2024-2-10 12:23
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-10 12:38
pulpfibre 发表于 2024-2-10 12:23

作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-10 12:52
pulpfibre 发表于 2024-2-10 12:23

clearly U Arizona比这些好一个tier,算是tier2的学校。
作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-10 13:04
FSU和USF这两个学校硬要选的话,我选USF,项目整体是上升趋势。而且他们最近才收到一笔捐款,目前focus fintech在接下来几年应该都不会过时,而且没有TA是很大的一个优势。拿不到tier2学校的情况下,tier3主要看match,还有教授有多愿意带学生,是否active etc.

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-10 13:56
raccoon_paw 发表于 52分钟前

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-10 14:00
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-02-09 23:52:52

Arizona感觉是纯陪跑,第一轮面试老师很冷漠。drexel如果有录取的话我会去找在读学生多了解下support情况。Ok感觉有点养鱼,不知道会不会真的发offer。不知道前辈对Missouri怎么看呢?我只知道他的teaching load比较重
作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-10 14:21
roy226 发表于 2024-2-10 14:00
Arizona感觉是纯陪跑,第一轮面试老师很冷漠。drexel如果有录取的话我会去找在读学生多了解下support情 ...

那我还是选USF。另外,单独教课多未必是坏事,tier3的学校大概率出路就是balance/teaching school(2-2 or更多),几乎很难去到3-0的学校,这也就意味着中国人英语再差点在这个市场上的竞争力非常弱。有加分的反而是你有很好的teaching evaluation,教过一些比较specialize而非fundamental的课。你应该关注的是这些学校一般会怎么安排博士生的教课。
作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-10 14:43
roy226 发表于 2024-2-10 14:00
Arizona感觉是纯陪跑,第一轮面试老师很冷漠。drexel如果有录取的话我会去找在读学生多了解下support情 ...

如果老师冷漠就建议你热情点。首先,按你自己的说法你的BG一般,那就不是他们的第一选择;其次,tier越高的学校教授时间越紧张,招PHD学生只是各种admin service里面的一个不太重要的部分。有空和你唠个把小时如沐春风的陌生教授,deadwood的概率比较大。最后,tier2的学校算是AFA守门人,从整个PHD期间的学术体验到最后找工作,还是很不一样的。
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-10 15:18
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-2-10 14:43
如果老师冷漠就建议你热情点。首先,按你自己的说法你的BG一般,那就不是他们的第一选择;其次,tier越高 ...

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-10 17:10

To recap the other responses with a little variance, placement-wise Oklahoma, Missouri, and FSU are at least one tier above USF and Drexel. FSU is kind of unsung and underrated in this forum. Although it is included in Tier 4 in the Placement Rankings, it rightfully belongs to the upper bracket of the tier or even the lower bracket of Tier 3. For Fin (and probably some of the other concentrations), both Oklahoma and FSU outshine Missouri. The choice among USF and Drexel should be made by weighing, among other things, curriculum, faculty support availability, funding, teaching load, and geographical location. I would give most serious consideration to USF. By the way, Drexel is often singled out as a classical case in which performance of the PhD program is glaringly incompatible with faculty research reputation.
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-11 03:59
Tripleg 发表于 2024-2-10 17:10
To recap the other responses with a little variance, placement-wise Oklahoma, Missouri, and FSU are ...

Thank you, Triplet. I've been tracking your posts even before I signed up on this forum, and they've served almost as a guidebook for me, as I'm sure they have for many others
作者: deadtomb    时间: 2024-2-11 17:36
LZ,请问Missouri是在 WL 吗?你这么好的背景怎么会被 WL。。。。。我比你弱一个 order of magnitude,申 mizzou 之前给 director 发邮件他说我是个 strong candidate,申了之后再发就说我们的 pool很大。。。估计是没戏了
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-12 02:18
deadtomb 发表于 8小时前
LZ,请问Missouri是在 WL 吗?你这么好的背景怎么会被 WL。。。。。我比你弱一个 ord...

作者: 没有自信了    时间: 2024-2-12 02:49
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-12 08:02
没有自信了 发表于 2024-2-12 02:49
要是我选,首先等Arizona;其次Oklahoma;再然后Kansas;Missouri。FSU那个去Tulsa我看过他的简历,不建议 ...

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-12 11:21
Missouri vis-à-vis Oklahoma and FSU

Prompted by the chat here on Missouri vis-à-vis Oklahoma and Florida State, I could not help spending a few minutes perusing the school’s placement information for the Fin concentration. I was able to identify two errors (Missouri is not alone in having inaccurate or erroneous placement information, and the more lower-ranking a school is, the more pronounced the problem tends to be). The 2021 graduate (name omitted for privacy consideration, the same below) was initially placed at Northeastern as a visiting AP (currently at a seemingly ‘balanced’ school). The 2018 graduate was initially placed at Tulane as a visiting AP (currently at a teaching school). Note that both Northeastern and Tulane have a ‘notoriety’ for having hired a large number of visiting APs over the years. In addition, while the 2020 graduate is at UC Colorado Springs, which is an R2 institution, its business school is heavily teaching-focused and thus is a balanced school as a matter of fact. Also, the 2017 graduate is currently with Univ. of Northern Arizona, which is a typical teaching school, although his initial placement was Tulsa (an R2 institution with a balanced business school). Therefore, in a strict sense, of the Missouri Fin graduates since 2017, only one is currently with a research school, namely Miami University (in OH). Although being an R2 institution, Miami is a liberal arts college in disguise, that is, distinguished by a strong emphasis on teaching (the school is virtually absent from all research rankings of universities). In the final analysis, for the Fin domain Oklahoma and Florida State outperform Missouri to a large extent.

I also looked into Missouri’s placements in other concentrations, and similar errors caught my eyes. For Management, the 2018 graduate is currently at Eastern CT State, not UIUC or any of its satellite campuses as reported. For Marketing, the 2023 graduate is recorded as being initially placed at Univ of Southern California. This is undoubtedly an error – egregious in nature. The Management and Marketing concentrations are similar to Fin, with the former having one research school placement (Kansas State) and the latter two or three (e.g., Kentucky). However, Missouri deserves kudos for Accounting placements, most of which are research schools (e.g., ASU and Temple).

While I only took a cursory look at Oklahoma and FSU's non-Fin placements, I can safely claim that they are as good as those at Missouri. For instance, to my amazement, one FSU accounting graduate is currently an AP at UCLA Anderson School of Managament. To conclude, Oklahoma and FSU trump Missouri. Of the former, FSU seems to be slightly better than Oklahoma --an assertion backed by incomplete information as neither school publishes complete placements.

Finally, to address the queries posed above, Oklahoma allegedly has a relatively high rate of attrition given the low number of currently matriculated students despite annual intake being said to be up to five. The concern about the funding for the 5th year and beyond at FSU (or any other full-time program) is unwarranted in the majority of cases. The school ensures that it is covered by teaching and other avenues as long as one progresses satisfactorily toward the degree.

作者: deadtomb    时间: 2024-2-12 12:12
roy226 发表于 2024-2-12 02:18
谢谢你的夸奖,不过你没仔细看贴子吧。Mizzou没有wl我,他们应该还没出消息,因为我周三才面完二轮。而且说 ...

谢谢你的信息哈,竟然忘了恭喜你的offer 了哈哈。btw,我也在你的群里,你给大家建立组织和 shared doc 这件事本身就帮助了很多申请人(包括我),respect!
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-12 12:29
By the way, with respect to placements, USF is two tiers below FSU.
作者: Clarence-405    时间: 2024-2-12 14:12
congrats! 我到目前为止申请的13个学校就只有硕士母校意思了一下给了个一面...我24Fall感觉直接结束了...lz能麻烦拉我进一下群吗?我的微信是ZERODAWN405
作者: juvsk    时间: 2024-2-12 16:27
Tripleg 发表于 3小时前
By the way, with respect to placements, USF is two...

作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-12 21:30
juvsk 发表于 2024-2-12 16:27
对于fin来讲,好像并不是吧,不管是排名publish还是placement来讲最近都没有看到fsu比usf高这么多啊 ...

I had made the claim based on preconceptions rather than facts. I now took a deeper look at USF, and indeed it is not that far behind FSU at all for FIN or other concentrations. As for research, the two schools are basically on par.
作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-12 22:42
Tripleg 发表于 2024-2-12 12:29
By the way, with respect to placements, USF is two tiers below FSU.

作者: 没有自信了    时间: 2024-2-12 23:26
roy226 发表于 2024-2-12 08:02
谢谢你的回复,很有趣的观点。请问为啥拒了FSU呢?为什么Ok“人多应该不会怎么踢人”?可以也帮忙给几个 ...

作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-13 00:27
没有自信了 发表于 2024-2-12 23:26
是我的消息落后了?还是我们对balance的定义不同?Oklahoma在我心中一直都挺不错的,而且人数多给我更好 ...

balance一般是新AP 2-2/2-3 teaching load 的学校,9个月工资大概在15-20W这个区间,属于tier3的学生比较好的placement。
项目人多人少这个case by case,还是要看项目氛围。
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-13 02:21
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-2-13 00:27
balance一般是新AP 2-2/2-3 teaching load 的学校,9个月工资大概在15-20W这个区间,属于tier3的学生比较 ...

For most typical teaching schools, compensation packages concentrate in the $100K-$120K range (it is not uncommon that some are below the $100K threshold). This is consistent with those of the several APs I know who are at teaching schools. Usually, only some balanced schools offer packages up to $150K.
作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-13 03:16
Tripleg 发表于 2024-2-13 02:21
For most typical teaching schools, compensation packages concentrate in the $100K-$120K range (it  ...

都懒得和你争这个,你觉得是就是吧,可能你的信息茧房里就这个salary。我之前申请的一堆balance schools没有哪所才给到120K的。balance school的要求放在那,再往下的一些teaching schools倒是有可能120K,我就不怎么了解了。
作者: zuoyz    时间: 2024-2-13 04:32
umass一般有面试就意味着进入wait list了
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-13 05:03
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-2-13 03:16
都懒得和你争这个,你觉得是就是吧,可能你的信息茧房里就这个salary。我面过的一堆balance schools没有 ...

I was talking about compensations at teaching schools. Nonetheless, I ended that comment by mentioning that some balanced schools could extend offers reaching $150K, which are consistent with those that you have received. But I know I am not quite up-to-date with the market.

By the way, as an example illustrating the pay conditions at teaching (and 'balanced') schools, a person I know started at East Tennessee State in 2021 with a starting pay around $105K (base pay, of course, supplemented with some benefits). While the business school of ETS may be considered as balanced, ETS itself is classified as an R2 institution (with quite a few PhD programs offered).  
作者: Tripleg    时间: 2024-2-13 22:13
zuoyz 发表于 2024-2-13 04:32
umass一般有面试就意味着进入wait list了

Rumor has it that the UMASS program is nicknamed "teacher training program". Those who have applied to it but aspire for a research career should take heed of that.
作者: 没有自信了    时间: 2024-2-14 02:50
作者: 没有自信了    时间: 2024-2-14 02:52
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-2-13 00:27
balance一般是新AP 2-2/2-3 teaching load 的学校,9个月工资大概在15-20W这个区间,属于tier3的学生比较 ...

作者: raccoon_paw    时间: 2024-2-14 03:01
没有自信了 发表于 2024-2-14 02:52
学长,balance要想最终拿到offer,一般要什么样的背景啊?我才进来不久,在这方面不是很了解。 ...

我个人感觉看市场情况,市场不好的时候balance school面试都基本只面有top RR/conference及以上的rookie。两种学校面试的时候感觉还是比较明显,research school基本不会问teaching,或者一笔带过;balance school会花一些时间聊teaching。然后balance school也会appreciate B level journal,比如JBF JCF这些。反正还是尽量卷paper的同时teaching上不要拉胯,如果学校tier不高,先target个B刊,手上有东西总比光头上市场强。
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-14 03:29
Tripleg 发表于 2024-02-11 23:29:47
By the way, with respect to placements, USF is two...

Thanks so very much for your comment and your kind efforts in this discussion; they are quite informative. I’d probably go for FSU
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-14 03:39
deadtomb 发表于 2024-02-11 23:12:50
谢谢你的信息哈,竟然忘了恭喜你的offer 了哈哈。btw,我也在你的群里,你给大家建立组织和 sh...

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-14 03:41
Clarence-405 发表于 2024-02-12 01:12:25
congrats! 我到目前为止申请的13个学校就只有硕士母校意思了一下给了个一面...我24Fal...

嗯嗯 没问题,xhs的群比较冷清,cd另一个人比较多也比较活跃的群也拉一下你。会有offer的,耐心等待就好啦!加油
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-14 03:52
没有自信了 发表于 1小时前

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-14 03:55
raccoon_paw 发表于 53分钟前
我个人感觉看市场情况,市场不好的时候balance school面试都基本只面有top RR/con...

我一直以为JCF是A level的A-,原来是B,受教
作者: zuoyz    时间: 2024-2-14 07:12
Tripleg 发表于 2024-2-13 22:13
Rumor has it that the UMASS program is nicknamed "teacher training program". Those who have applied ...

umass里面也就fin的placement不行,商学院其他专业都挺好,r1 r2都有
作者: xyz1815    时间: 2024-2-14 22:19
roy226 发表于 2024-2-14 03:52
哈哈哈!很有道理,有理有据。我家境也非常“一般”,佛州两者确实南佛的fin各种方面都会比州立高一些, ...

A-一般指JFQA,top school不把jfqa算到premier里
作者: 刺猬鱼    时间: 2024-2-14 23:01
作者: 没有自信了    时间: 2024-2-14 23:44
raccoon_paw 发表于 2024-2-14 03:01
我个人感觉看市场情况,市场不好的时候balance school面试都基本只面有top RR/conference及以上的rookie。 ...

作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-15 05:14
刺猬鱼 发表于 6小时前

作者: 吃豌豆的小熊    时间: 2024-2-16 02:05
Tripleg 发表于 2024-2-13 22:13
Rumor has it that the UMASS program is nicknamed "teacher training program". Those who have applied ...

前面几楼有提到了一些关于umass teaching load (teaching rumor)以及stipend 可能低的信息,于是我去考证了一下。rumor可能是关于这个学校项目以前的信息,但是项目可能也在发展,以下我查到单信息只针对它最新的情况。关于stipend,它的项目官网明确列出来了9个月stipend ‘at least $30000’,暑假还有额外的钱(不需要做ta或教课就能拿到),travel funding也另给。查阅handbook以及咨询在校学生后得知一般这个学校的学生不做ta,前两年是ra,同时每年上一门教你怎么教课的课(包括会写teaching statement),第三年开始教课(平均一年教一节),包括线上课线下课,学院认为这是为了学生上market时候的teaching evaluation做准备。据我了解,大部分的公立大学stipend应该都小于$30000,以及很多公立大学我知道ta要从第一学期做到最后一学期,但未必需要独立教课。umass这个学校看起来似乎学生是不做ta的,要么独立教课要么ra。至于第三年以后是否是独立教课好,还是做ta好,就见仁见智了 (教课workload肯定会大一些,但上市场的时候更有用些)。以上就是我去考证后得到的信息,希望能帮上楼主。加油!

作者: 刺猬鱼    时间: 2024-2-16 19:51
roy226 发表于 2024-2-15 05:14
等等吧,可能bg有些缺陷优先级不高?其实Arizona第一轮面后也才没多久,说不定还在process。每个教授水 ...

谢谢你! 我昨天收到missouri的offer了,祝你offer多多!
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-2-17 02:02
刺猬鱼 发表于 2024-2-16 19:51
谢谢你! 我昨天收到missouri的offer了,祝你offer多多!

作者: syeira    时间: 2024-2-18 00:16
恭喜楼主!!能否请问下lz背景?我家人因为地理位置原因想明年申Drexel, 不知道有没有希望。。还有,能请问下他家面试是个什么风格吗?大概问了什么问题?如果可以分享的话。感谢感谢!
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-3-21 09:53
syeira 发表于 2024-2-18 00:16
恭喜楼主!!能否请问下lz背景?我家人因为地理位置原因想明年申Drexel, 不知道有没有希望。。还有,能请 ...

你好呀,我好久没打开cd了,刚刚看到。drexel的面试很轻松,具体问题我不太记得了,但是印象中没有奇怪的问题,主要问经历,经典三问。 第一轮非常轻松,两个教授非常年轻。第二轮问的问题是重复的,体验不是很好,后来一直在wl,应该就是因为我回答的太重复了吧。第二轮是资历最老的一个男教授和一个女教授,他俩没有第一轮俩年轻教授这么‘友善’。 加油!
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-3-21 10:59
作者: roy226    时间: 2024-4-5 09:06

作者: TTPePPer    时间: 2024-7-12 18:39
作者: TTPePPer    时间: 2024-7-31 20:22
恭喜lz 可以蹲蹲楼主背景吗

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