Interview Qs:
1. Introduce yourself
2. why UST (很意外没有问Why MBA)
3. ST & LT career goal
4. Why apply so late
5. Tell me about your industry
6. Tell me what you’ve done in your recent job
7. How did you make a career transition to asset management
8. Any conflicts experienced, internally or externally
9. Tell me some difficulties that you had experienced in your job
10. How many people under your management and what’s your leadership style
11. Tell me a little about your interest in aerial photography (提了DJI老板想舔一波UST,但很意外面试官没有概念我在说什么)
12. How will you balance your time between MBA and your job
13. Ask back 作者: fantasy000 时间: 2023-7-5 17:36