阿姆斯特丹大学UvA Accountancy and Control 11.07提交--12.20 offer
斯德哥尔摩经济学院SSE International Business 11.15提交--2.1 reject
ETHZ International and Comparative Study 12.14提交--3.1 reject
EPFL Sustainability management and technology 12.15提交--3.16 reject
LSE Accounting and Finance 12.29提交--1.18 reject
IC Finance&Accounting 1.4提交--2.8 reject
法国SAI五校 GE项目 1.6提交--2.27 HEC面拒,其他四所offer
KCL Accounting, Accountability, and Financial Management 1.7提交
爱宝 Accounting and Finance 1.10提交
斯德哥尔摩经济学院SSE Accounting, Valuation and Financial Management 1.14提交--3.15 offer
博科尼 Accounting, Financial Management and Control 1.26提交--3.14 offer
巴黎文理研究大学PSL Control, Auditing, Financial Reporting 2.24提交