标题: 【揽瓜阁语法打卡小分队】Day60 [打印本页]
作者: Hazellto 时间: 2022-11-26 11:43
标题: 【揽瓜阁语法打卡小分队】Day60
想带着大家每天坚持读语法,就用Veritas Prep的语法真题结合曼哈顿论坛的精华讨论帖,每天带着大家打卡,希望大家能坚持每天学习+语法打卡;
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朋友们!揽瓜阁语法小分队上线啦~每日材料我们仍旧会发布在ChaseDream GMAT 语法版块。
3. 本次小分队活动为纯公益性活动,为了督促大家学习,采取严格的打卡审查制度,连续三日不打卡的朋友会被无情清退。
作者: 林limbo 时间: 2022-11-26 11:58
作者: 0974kkk 时间: 2022-11-26 12:29
作者: Ak777 时间: 2022-11-26 12:59
作者: 0974kkk 时间: 2022-11-26 13:01
1B,平行。2A,as……as,不用have been。3D,不用grew,平行。4A,due to 和不定式todo不开头,with不佳,进行时不佳。5B,两个分句不用that不好,单复数。6A,being不好,belief is这种用法没有that好。7A,单复数。8C,表紧密的逻辑关系用commaing更好,不用being修饰。9B,them无指代,不用简单动名。10C,increase本身就是一个数量,再加就redundant,不用by修饰twice,没必要用被动。
作者: 早日脱坑 时间: 2022-11-26 13:13
作者: Ak777 时间: 2022-11-26 14:03
作者: RAISSA700 时间: 2022-11-26 15:09
作者: catcherrye. 时间: 2022-11-26 15:25
作者: Ak777 时间: 2022-11-26 15:55
1B 平行 causing the tearing apart of construction projects
2A 比较as much as; advertising revenue 与 (advertising revenue) they were receiving twenty years ago
3D v+ing 平行
4A determined了一件事,不是B中的obsession一个名词;CDE句子结构明显问题
x5A A少了个that
x7E A
8C 已经被损害的区域,现在完成时揭示了顺序
9B 刚开始犹豫了下,如果这里用it,会不会指代到后面的opportunity itself中的“机会”,但是C them没有能指代的,只能B
10C X double Y
作者: Sharonnnhai 时间: 2022-11-26 16:14
作者: Fruzsi 时间: 2022-11-26 16:14
作者: Fruzsi 时间: 2022-11-26 17:03
1.(191)The tornadoleft a path of destruction in its wake, causing the collapse of several homes,massive power outages, tearing apartconstruction projects, and widespreadbusiness closures.
a) tearing apartconstruction projects 不平行
b) the tearing apart ofconstruction projects
c) tore apartconstruction projects 不平行了
d) construction projects torn apart
e) construction projects that were torn apart
2.(192)Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with abouthalf as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago, have frantically sought other sources of revenue.
(A) Many newspapersacross the country, forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenueas they were receiving twenty years ago,
(B) Manynewspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half the advertisingrevenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(C) Many newspapersacross the country, forced to cope with about half as much as the advertisingrevenue they were receiving twenty years ago,
(D) Many newspapersacross the country have been forced to cope with about half as much advertisingrevenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(E) Forced to copewith about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty yearsago, across the country newspapers
3.(193)Thoughtrained in Sweden, the renowned doctor has spent most of her life in Africa, grew up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s sixchildren, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical schoolin Sweden, did graduate work in the Congo and Zimbabwe.
A. grew up in Kenyaas the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school inNamibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did
B. has grown up inKenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, has attended prepschool in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did
C. having grown upin Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prepschool in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, having done
D. growing up in Kenyaas the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attending prep school inNamibia, and, after college and medical school in Sweden, doing
E. growing up inKenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attending prepschool in Namibia, and, after college and medical school in Sweden, she did
选DABC runon,最后shedid不平行
4.(194)Since OakLodge members of the current generation havedetermined that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness, they recently passed a resolution making it an expellableoffense to fail three sanitation inspections in any six month period.
(A) Since OakLodgemembers of the current generation have determined that the esteemed founder ofOakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness,
(B) Since anobsession with cleanliness by the esteemed founder of OakLodge was determinedby members of the current generation,
(C) Members of thecurrent generation, having determined the esteemed founder of OakLodge to beobsessed with cleanliness,
(D) Due to the factthat the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness asdetermined by members of the current generation,
Due to 加名词
(E) To havedetermined the esteemed founder of OakLodge to be obsessed with cleanliness,members of the current generation
5.(195)One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease coulddevastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that anisolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a populationcrash.
(A) One of thefirst hints that yet another fungal disease could devastate wildlife wasemerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash.
(B) One of thefirst hints that yet another fungal disease that could devastate wildlife was emergingin Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winterden of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia had suffered a population crash.
(C) With a reportin 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia havesuffered a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another diseasethat could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada.
(D) With a reportin 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia weresuffering a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another diseasethat could devastate wildlife had emerged in Canada.
(E) With a report in2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering apopulation crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease coulddevastate wildlife were emerging in Canada.
6.(196)Historians believe that, for most countries involved in theconflict, World War I's root causes were varied and complex, though many still point to the assassination ofArchduke Franz Ferdinand as the immediate precursor to war.
(A) Historiansbelieve that, for most countries involved in the conflict, World War I's rootcauses were varied and complex
(B) Historiansbelieve that variation and complexity were there for most countries involved inthe conflict by the World War I's root causes
(C) The historians'belief is, for most countries involved in the conflict,root causes were varied and complex for World War I
(D) For mostcountries involved in the conflict, the historians' belief that World War I's root causes were varied and complex主语
(E) For mostcountries being involved in the conflict, historians believe that the rootcauses that World War I had were varied and complex
7.(197)Most ofthe exhibit’s 350 sculptures, monumentaland minute, are national treasures in Boliviaand Peru and now can be seen by patrons across the globe.
(A) monumental andminute, are national treasures
(B) including thosethat are monumental and minute, are national treasures
(C) monumental andminute, is a national treasure
(D) including thosethat are monumental and that are minute, are a national treasure
(E) monumental orminute, have been a national treasure
8.(198)Aftersuffering a stroke, some patients must relearn seemingly simple tasks likewalking or speaking, which trains thehealthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that havebeen damaged.
A) speaking, which trainsthe healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas thathave been damaged
B) speaking that trainsthe healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas thathave been damaged
C) speaking, trainingthe healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas thathave been damaged
D) speaking,training the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of theareas that are being damaged
E) speaking, whichtrains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of theareas that are being damaged
9.(199)Studies atU.C.L.A. show that children who grow up in homes with restrictive food rules,where a parent is constantly dieting or desirable foods are forbidden or placedout of reach and often developstronger reactions to food and want more of them when theopportunity presents itself.
A. reach and oftendevelop stronger reactions to food and want more of them
B. reach, often developstronger reactions to food and want more of it
C. reach, oftendevelop stronger reactions to food, wanting more of them
D. reach, oftendeveloping stronger reactions to food and wanting more of it
E. reach, oftendeveloping stronger reactions to food and want more of it
10.(200)The numberof vehicles on the road classified as "light trucks" in the UnitedStates increased by more than twice from 1980 to 1992.
(A) increased bymore than twice
(B) increased more thantwo times
(C) more thandoubled
(D) was more thandoubled
(E) had more thandoubled
作者: Holly01 时间: 2022-11-26 17:40
作者: xxxx44 时间: 2022-11-26 17:56
作者: PJm 时间: 2022-11-26 18:02
作者: daHearthCliff 时间: 2022-11-26 18:29
作者: sesan 时间: 2022-11-26 19:09
作者: Serenatt 时间: 2022-11-26 20:25
作者: Serenatt 时间: 2022-11-26 21:02
A 后面也该是名词,这里ing很容易被看做是跟causing平行,就不对了
C 直接跟动词也不对
D 跟前面的the collapse of 平行,所以后面还是the...好一些
E 同D
B as...as不完整
C revenue放在as...as中间
D 划线句子后面给出谓语了,所以前面have been重复了
E 没体现主语
A 不该是过去分词,应该是主动的,ing
B 俩动词了,也没连接词连接
C 不是过去的过去吧,所以前面的having grown up不对,后面的attended新动词,也没连接词连接
D 后面and隔开了,但是句子又不完整了,直接doing不对
E {好吧,D全是ving平行,但是E不是}
B 主语是obesession ,后面they不对
C 没动词
D they又指谁啊
E 没谓语
A 确实是过去的过去,suffered是在emerging前
C have不对
D were不对
E 同A
B 看起来句式很冗杂
C 俩谓语,is were
D 没谓语
E being错
B including不能包括所有内容
C is错误
D 不是a treasure吧
E 不是have,没有体现这个时态
A which不能指代前面的所有
B 其实that也是,很容易被看做只修饰了speaking,但是应该指的是tasks
D are being不对
E 同A
A 平行的话,前面俩是逗号,后面一个动词前才and
C 没平行。develop前少个连接词
D 不是修饰的关系
E 同D
A incresed这里像是非谓语,那句子就没谓语了{twice是副词,需要修饰动词,不能作为by的宾语}
B 同{increased more than很冗杂})
C 没谓语{谓语就是doubled}
D {number是doubles itself,而不是was doubled}
E had不对
作者: sesan 时间: 2022-11-26 21:03
1.主语:the tornado 谓语left 宾语:a path of destruction
A:没有平行:X, Y ,and Z
B:the collapse of several homes, massive power outages, _____, and widespread business closures. -------- apart 与他们平行
D. E:cause the costruction projects??? 造成一件事而不是construction projects
A:正确 cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving.
B:并没有as ... as 的结构
C:比较的是advertising revenue 一样
E:Forced to cope with...., 修饰的不是accross country
A:grew up 这里不对。
C:having grown 和attened 不一致
D:growing, attending ,and doing graduate work 修饰的是the renowned doctor spent most of her life in Africa,具体的描述
C:两个主语members of the current generation,they/ having determined 不合适
D:due to=caused by 错误, they are caused by... 谁造成they错误
选择A:时态的平行/ 主谓一致
B:there were variation and complexity for the World War’s cause 这个variation 和complexity 用于cause???
D:the belief were varied and complex:首先主谓不一致/ 并且varied and complex是root cause 不是belief
E:the World War had the cause 错误
A:which 修饰的是speaking, speaking trains 不对
C:training 修饰的是 病人重新学习简单tasks, 并且areas have been damaged
D:areas that are being damaged正在破坏的areas,不太符合
A: 句子结构不完整
B:children often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of it平行/ it指代食物
C:them 指代的是reactions,想要更多reactions??? develop 和want 应该平行
E:developing 和 want 不平行
D:the number was more than double....
E: the number had more??? 数字有更多???
作者: island0927 时间: 2022-11-26 21:28
作者: Dreambig13 时间: 2022-11-26 23:14
作者: 肥宅二号 时间: 2022-11-27 00:49
作者: 肥宅二号 时间: 2022-11-27 02:37
1. B 考点平行 原句平行元素都是名词,因此先排结构完全错误的A(ving modifer)/D ed modifer/E从句
C和B中, Tornato不能导致tore apart construction projects,它只能导致这个东西被tear了,因此应该选B
2. A 考点比较 rhetorical construction
先排掉as much as用的不完整的B
D的have been foreced to cope,逗号后面还是have frantically,属于run-on 排掉
E的Forced to cope with about...这个是修饰语 后面主句应该马上接上逻辑主语,这里还有modifer 不优
剩下的A/C as much as结构必须是as much (noun) as这里固定搭配错误
3. 错选A 考点平行 修饰
B先用has grown up再接did,好家伙意思是先毕业再出生的
C attended prep school接having done,意思先上的研究生再上的prep school呗
E 把三个平行元素错开了,growing up, attending 和did不平行 错误
错误点:以为C的错误在于has spent 之后不能接doing graduate,但其实没有考虑到grew up不可以做插入语修饰
但这里用ing modifier是最正确的
4. A 考点Rhetorical Constructions 修饰
B 从句主语是An obsession,主句they只能指代an obession,这里语义逻辑错误
C Members of the current generation, they...主语冗余了
D They(members of the OakLodge) 不能被due to 这里due to使用错误
E 同C 主语冗余
5. B 考点修饰 grammatical constructions
A的问题出现在disease could devastate wildlife这里没有that,could就变成了谓语动词,后面又有came in,整个句子逻辑就变得很奇怪
C/D/E的问题是一样的 One of the first hints不能拥有a report,因此排掉
6. A 考点diction rhetorical construction
E和A之间 E的being involved这里being表正在被,语义是错误的,另外Historians believe the root causes that WWI had这个表达也非常的没必要 错误
7. A 考点修饰 主谓一致 时态
用including的都是错的,原句意思应该是修饰most of the sculptures,没有包含的意义,这里排掉B/D
Most of the sculptures 因此是复数 排掉C
最后陈述事实应该用一般现在时 选A
8. C 考点修饰 时态 主谓一致
A/B/E的which和that只能就近修饰speaking,但这里修饰的应该是relearn simple tasks(最好是一整个从句),排掉ABE
C和D之间,are being damaged表正在被damaged,但句子明显说的是after suffering a stroke,逻辑错误
9. B 考点平行 修饰
A把often develope和where引导的修饰语放一起平行,sentence fragment 排掉
C后面ving Modifer,但wanting more of them没有逻辑放在后面,不是单拿出来的逻辑
D和E ving没有谓语 错误
10. C 考点比较(量词的应用)时态
A increased by more than twice连用了两个比较标志词 错误 (补充,twice是adverb副词,不能做宾语)
D/E 过去式用在这里表示以前doubled了现在没有,这个逻辑错误
B的increased more than two times不优,redundant
作者: 花花嘛嘛 时间: 2022-11-27 09:20
作者: soulgirlrosyli 时间: 2022-11-27 09:30
作者: 水树奈奈 时间: 2022-11-27 13:20
作者: 花花嘛嘛 时间: 2022-11-27 14:43
Day60 (错了1,2,5,10)
1.(191)The tornado left a path of destruction in its wake, causing the collapse of several homes, massive power outages, tearing apart construction projects, and widespread business closures.
a) tearing apart construction projects
b) the tearing apart of construction projects
c) tore apart construction projects
d) construction projects torn apart
e) construction projects that were torn apart
Several homes, massive power outages, construction projects and widespread closures并列,排除A B C; that were torn apart不如torn apart简洁,优先选择D
2.(192)Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago, have frantically sought other sources of revenue.
(A) Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(B) Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half the advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(C) Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half as much as the advertising revenue they were receiving twenty years ago,
(D) Many newspapers across the country have been forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(E) Forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago, across the country newspapers
A? B?
Have been forced与have sought没有连词,排除D
Forced 后面未立马给出主语,排除E
3.(193)Though trained in Sweden, the renowned doctor has spent most of her life in Africa, grew up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did graduate work in the Congo and Zimbabwe.
A. grew up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did
B. has grown up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, has attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did
C. having grown up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, having done
D. growing up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attending prep school in Namibia, and, after college and medical school in Sweden, doing
E. growing up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attending prep school in Namibia, and, after college and medical school in Sweden, she did
Growing, attending and doing平行并列,选择D
4.(194)Since OakLodge members of the current generation have determined that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness, they recently passed a resolution making it an expellable offense to fail three sanitation inspections in any six month period.
(A) Since OakLodge members of the current generation have determined that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness,
(B) Since an obsession with cleanliness by the esteemed founder of OakLodge was determined by members of the current generation,
(C) Members of the current generation, having determined the esteemed founder of OakLodge to be obsessed with cleanliness,
(D) Due to the fact that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness as determined by members of the current generation,
(E) To have determined the esteemed founder of OakLodge to be obsessed with cleanliness, members of the current generation
B? members和they同为主语,错误,排除C;due to+n.排除D;members 与they同为主语,错误,排除E
5.(195)One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash.
(A) One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash.
(B) One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease that could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia had suffered a population crash.
(C) With a report in 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia have suffered a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease that could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada.
(D) With a report in 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia were suffering a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease that could devastate wildlife had emerged in Canada.
(E) With a report in 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease could devastate wildlife were emerging in Canada.
Came in 2006 修饰Canada,排除A B; had emerging 无需使用过去完成时,排除D;one of the first hints的谓语应该为单数,排除E
6.(196)Historians believe that, for most countries involved in the conflict, World War I's root causes were varied and complex, though many still point to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the immediate precursor to war.
(A) Historians believe that, for most countries involved in the conflict, World War I's root causes were varied and complex
(B) Historians believe that variation and complexity were there for most countries involved in the conflict by the World War I's root causes
(C) The historians' belief is, for most countries involved in the conflict, root causes were varied and complex for World War I
(D) For most countries involved in the conflict, the historians' belief that World War I's root causes were varied and complex
(E) For most countries being involved in the conflict, historians believe that the root causes that World War I had were varied and complex
Variation and complexity were there 句子糅杂,排除B; belief不如believe简洁,排除C;主句不完整,排除D;the root causes that World War I had 冗长,排除E
7.(197)Most of the exhibit’s 350 sculptures, monumental and minute, are national treasures in Bolivia and Peru and now can be seen by patrons across the globe.
(A) monumental and minute, are national treasures
(B) including those that are monumental and minute, are national treasures
(C) monumental and minute, is a national treasure
(D) including those that are monumental and that are minute, are a national treasure
(E) monumental or minute, have been a national treasure
Including those that are 句子糅杂,排除B;most做主语,主谓一致,用is错误,排除C;D同B,排除;have been a national treasure, 前后矛盾,排除E
8.(198)After suffering a stroke, some patients must relearn seemingly simple tasks like walking or speaking, which trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged.
A) speaking, which trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged
B) speaking that trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged
C) speaking, training the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged
D) speaking, training the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that are being damaged
E) speaking, which trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that are being damaged
Which代指speaking,逻辑错误,排除A E; simple tasks为复数,that trains错误,排除B;that are being damaged冗杂,排除D
9.(199)Studies at U.C.L.A. show that children who grow up in homes with restrictive food rules, where a parent is constantly dieting or desirable foods are forbidden or placed out of reach and often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of them when the opportunity presents itself.
A. reach and often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of them
B. reach, often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of it
C. reach, often develop stronger reactions to food, wanting more of them
D. reach, often developing stronger reactions to food and wanting more of it
E. reach, often developing stronger reactions to food and want more of it
Studies show that children develop stronger reactions and want more
句子不完整,排除A D E; food为单数,用it指代,develop and want平行,选择B,排除C
10.(200)The number of vehicles on the road classified as "light trucks" in the United States increased by more than twice from 1980 to 1992.
(A) increased by more than twice
(B) increased more than two times
(C) more than doubled
(D) was more than doubled
(E) had more than doubled
Increased 与more than重复,排除A B; 缺少谓语,排除C;be more than固定搭配,排除E
作者: island0927 时间: 2022-11-27 18:31
1. B?
2. A
3. E
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. C
作者: ladyJH 时间: 2022-11-27 20:57
作者: 水树奈奈 时间: 2022-11-27 21:31
1. A
Use ving adverbial modifier to indicate results. Eliminate other options
2. C
ABDE的 they were receiving错,应该是二十年前的广告收入这个数值
3. D
v-ing adverbial modifier: more specific description of the preceding statement描述前面 spent most of her life in Africa
ABCE不平行 且与前句不该是并列关系
4. A
C 不是句子
D due to can only modify nouns
E sentence fragment
5. B
A run on
C have should be has
D Were should be was
E with有歧义
6. A
B variation and complexity were there用法太怪 意思也不对
D 不是句子
E being is wrong
7. B
A sculptures不止包括 monumental and minute 所以不能用同位语
C is主谓不一致
D and that are is wordy
E have been时态错
8. C
ABE中的 which 就算指代 tasks单复也不对,何况本题应该用ving表结果,而d中being 错,不该表正在进行时
9. B
ADE lack verbs
C wanting should be parallel with develop and them has nothing to refer to
10. C
E had 时态错
作者: Marvnt 时间: 2022-11-28 09:30
作者: G_ellen 时间: 2022-11-28 09:57
作者: G_ellen 时间: 2022-11-28 11:58
1.(191)The tornado left a path of destruction in its wake, causing the collapse of several homes, massive power outages, tearing apart construction projects, and widespread business closures.
a) tearing apart construction projects
b) the tearing apart of construction projects 平行
c) tore apart construction projects
d) construction projects torn apart
e) construction projects that were torn apart
2.(192)Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago, have frantically sought other sources of revenue.
(A) Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(B) Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half the advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(C) Many newspapers across the country, forced to cope with about half as much as the advertising revenue they were receiving twenty years ago,
(D) Many newspapers across the country have been forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago,
(E) Forced to cope with about half as much advertising revenue as they were receiving twenty years ago, across the country newspapers
3.(193)Though trained in Sweden, the renowned doctor has spent most of her life in Africa, grew up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did graduate work in the Congo and Zimbabwe.
A. grew up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did
B. has grown up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, has attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, did
C. having grown up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attended prep school in Namibia, and after college and medical school in Sweden, having done
D. growing up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attending prep school in Namibia, and, after college and medical school in Sweden, doing
E. growing up in Kenya as the eldest of a missionary couple’s six children, attending prep school in Namibia, and, after college and medical school in Sweden, she did
4.(194)Since OakLodge members of the current generation have determined that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness, they recently passed a resolution making it an expellable offense to fail three sanitation inspections in any six month period.
(A) Since OakLodge members of the current generation have determined that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness,
(B) Since an obsession with cleanliness by the esteemed founder of OakLodge was determined by members of the current generation,
(C) Members of the current generation, having determined the esteemed founder of OakLodge to be obsessed with cleanliness,
(D) Due to the fact that the esteemed founder of OakLodge was obsessed with cleanliness as determined by members of the current generation,
(E) To have determined the esteemed founder of OakLodge to be obsessed with cleanliness, members of the current generation
5.(195)One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash.
(A) One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash.
(B) One of the first hints that yet another fungal disease that could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada came in 2006 with a report that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia had suffered a population crash.
(C) With a report in 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia have suffered a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease that could devastate wildlife was emerging in Canada.
(D) With a report in 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia were suffering a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease that could devastate wildlife had emerged in Canada.
(E) With a report in 2006 that an isolated winter den of rattlesnakes in Nova Scotia was suffering a population crash, one of the first hints that yet another disease could devastate wildlife were emerging in Canada.
6.(196)Historians believe that, for most countries involved in the conflict, World War I's root causes were varied and complex, though many still point to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand as the immediate precursor to war.
(A) Historians believe that, for most countries involved in the conflict, World War I's root causes were varied and complex
(B) Historians believe that variation and complexity were there for most countries involved in the conflict by the World War I's root causes
(C) The historians' belief is, for most countries involved in the conflict, root causes were varied and complex for World War I
(D) For most countries involved in the conflict, the historians' belief that World War I's root causes were varied and complex
(E) For most countries being involved in the conflict, historians believe that the root causes that World War I had were varied and complex
7.(197)Most of the exhibit’s 350 sculptures, monumental and minute, are national treasures in Bolivia and Peru and now can be seen by patrons across the globe.
(A) monumental and minute, are national treasures
(B) including those that are monumental and minute, are national treasures
(C) monumental and minute, is a national treasure
(D) including those that are monumental and that are minute, are a national treasure
(E) monumental or minute, have been a national treasure
8.(198)After suffering a stroke, some patients must relearn seemingly simple tasks like walking or speaking, which trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged.
A) speaking, which trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged
B) speaking that trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged
C) speaking, training the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that have been damaged
D) speaking, training the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that are being damaged
E) speaking, which trains the healthy areas of their brains to take over the functions of the areas that are being damaged
9.(199)Studies at U.C.L.A. show that children who grow up in homes with restrictive food rules, where a parent is constantly dieting or desirable foods are forbidden or placed out of reach and often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of them when the opportunity presents itself.
A. reach and often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of them
B. reach, often develop stronger reactions to food and want more of it
C. reach, often develop stronger reactions to food, wanting more of them
D. reach, often developing stronger reactions to food and wanting more of it
E. reach, often developing stronger reactions to food and want more of it
10.(200)The number of vehicles on the road classified as "light trucks" in the United States increased by more than twice from 1980 to 1992.
(A) increased by more than twice
(B) increased more than two times
(C) more than doubled
(D) was more than doubled
(E) had more than doubled
作者: soulgirlrosyli 时间: 2022-11-28 18:04
A tearing如果作为定语修饰,主干projects和其他语义上不平行;tearing作为动名词结构不如B
B correct.
C tore作为一般过去时,不平行
D 主干为projects,语义上不平行
E 同D
A correct.
B half the ad revenue,后面没有修饰成分,导致the revenue不清楚是什么时候的revenue;as作为“正如”的含义,变成了报社面临一半的收入,正如他们二十年前收到的一样。句意错误
C ad revenue被放在了as much as的外面,导致half并不完整,比较对象变成了①half(half what?)②ad revenue
D 句子结构
E initial modifier和主语间有干扰
half as much + noun1 + as noun2
后面的动作和前面的has spent不平行,且语义上也不应该和其并列,应该是对has spent的描述ABCE
A correct.
B 被动语态不如A选项
C 结构为members, having done(modifier), they passed...,主语重复的错误
D due to用法错误
E to have determined,to do表目的,与have done的时间顺序上有矛盾;且此处逻辑语义是表原因,而不是目的
A could devastate是修饰disease的定语从句,且disease应该做主语,缺少连词that导致句子有两个连在一起的谓语
B correct.
C 句子结构不完整。One of the hints (that another disease (that could devastate...) was emerging),缺少谓语动词
D 同C
E could devastate前不可以省略that,其他问题同C
A correct.
B by the world war I’s root causes错误修饰conflict,不符合逻辑;宾语从句的主干变成了variation and complexity were there,错误
C for most countries存在修饰歧义,因为没有that隔开,可能错误修饰主句的谓语动词is,也可能修饰从句的root causes were varied...
D 句意发生改变“对于大多数参与矛盾中的国家,学者的观点是:一战的根本原因是多变且复杂的”,但本来的句意应该是“学者认为,对于大多数参与矛盾的国家一战的根本原因是多变且复杂的”
E being很多余;that WWI had的定语从句修饰不如所有格简洁;修饰问题改变了句意参考D
A correct. 形容词作为同位语修饰主语;主谓一致,主语为most of sculptures为复数
B “including those that are” the structure is unnecessarily wordy.
C 主谓不一致
D 比B还冗余
E monumental or minute的语义错,并不是两者选其一,而是两种都有;现在完成时没有必要
ABE 定语从句的修饰错误,并不是说话去训练,而是“relearn”这个动作去训练
D 现在进行时错,大脑区域不是正在受损,而是已经受损了
A and导致children缺少谓语动词,句子结构不完整;且X and Y and Z错误;them只能指代reactions,但语义上应该指代单数food
B correct. Develop作为children的谓语动词,wanting作为comma-ing描述develop stronger reactions to food这个动作,it正确指代food
C them错误指代reactions
DE children缺少谓语动词
A by后面应该加具体的数量或名词,twice是副词,错误
B two times存在“两次”的歧义,可能做副词错误修饰increased这个动作
C more than doubled正确,表示数量增长了不止一倍,more than修饰动词double
D was doubled错,the number不能被谁double
E 过去完成时错
作者: Marvnt 时间: 2022-11-28 18:51
1.B 平行结构,最好是adj+n形式
2. A 语义
3. D 考察v-ing逻辑主语问题
4. A
5. E 语义 with结构
6. A 语义
7. A 主谓一致,选择简洁表达
8. C 平行问题
9. D
10. B BD间犹豫,不太确定,感觉语义上来说应该是B增长
作者: 断了的弦 时间: 2022-11-28 22:25
作者: petittomato 时间: 2022-12-7 16:27
作者: 粉墨婉转 时间: 2022-12-9 14:40
作者: eva133 时间: 2022-12-10 19:40
作者: eva133 时间: 2022-12-10 20:13
DAY 60
DE as much advertising revenue as用法不佳
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