1. 大概是问毕业后三到四年想干啥 What companies, functions, jobs, or industries interest you the most? 45sec准备,90sec说
2. 25kg大米有多少粒。没有和其他题一样问3piece of information来获得更精确答案,只说了要什么information 2mins准备,2mins说。准备时唯一没有定量计算的,用标志重捕法回答,不知道行不行。
3. 没变,粘贴了下别人发的。Please describe your training in mathematics, statistics, and coding. What classes have you taken, either at your university or online? Feel free to include any additional experience in this area you may have, such as projects, work experience, or internships. 写作10mins