如果你有无限资金可以建一个自己的房子,你将一直住在这里,你会怎样建? |
别人不同意你的意见你怎么办? |
想写谁的 biography,why? |
如果别人 disagree with you,你会怎么办? |
What is the job/role you think you are weakest to? |
What will you do if today is the last day on Earth? |
If you can choose any job in the world, which job would you like to do? |
Talk about the TV show you have seen recently. |
你对于 social media 在 gain popularity 方面怎么想? |
有没有 one thing 是你 have done 但是 will never do again 的。 |
你喜欢美人鱼还是恐龙 |
想选什么做超能力 |
你觉得 good leaders 应该是怎么样的,为什么 |
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