The Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore is seeking to fill at least one Ph.D. students and research assistants (RA) in Information Systems (IS,管理信息系统) starting in January 2023 (博士生申请) and in April 2022 (研究助理申请). The student will participate in research projects, which combine rigor and relevance in formulating and solving problems, generate papers to top academic (UTD 24) journals, and engage with policy and managerial practice. Competitive stipend and strong support for professional development will be provided.
Motivated to develop as a scholar to generate innovative insights through entrepreneurial research activities and engagement with both academics and practitioners. Interested in and familiar with news/knowledge in technology, economics, and/or business strategy;
Strong foundations in mathematics, computer science, and econometrics; Experience in data collection, data cleaning, exploratory analysis, and causal analysis; Proficient in programming languages such as Python and Stata;
Comfortable with English working environment with strong verbal and written skills;
Bachelor or Master’s degree in Economics, Information Systems, Business Analytics, Computer Science, Statistics, Applied Math, and other related areas;
感兴趣的方向(3页以内)或writing sample(10页以内);
Personal Statement;
有意向的申请人请email联系递送简历:, 请在邮件主题处写:“IS_Scholar_2022”。博士生申请6月15日截止,研究助理申请on a rolling basis,名额有限,择优考虑。如希望与教授提前开展课题研究(RA方向),请在邮件中特别注明。