标题: NEU MSBA Kira 面經[2022.02.02] [打印本页] 作者: CHJEN 时间: 2022-2-2 00:57 标题: NEU MSBA Kira 面經[2022.02.02] 看板上好像還不多NEU MSBA今年的Kira面經 剛剛做完熱騰騰的分享給大家!
01.20 壓線提交申請
01.27 kira invitation(一周內須錄完)
02.02 面
1.(口說/30sec準備/60sec回答) Short term career goal+how NEU MSBA help you achieve it
2.(口說/ˋ45sec準備/90sec回答) Tell me an experience when you work with someone and argue about something you know would possibly bring push backs. What was the result?
3.(寫作/沒有準備時間直接開始/10 min)你implement一個新的change in a team, 但是team member不認同,你會怎麼處理?(我word by word翻譯,有點忘記整題的全貌了)
*寫作題好像沒有字數限制,我打了120字左右,左下角會幫你計算字數,拼錯字也會有紅底線提醒你,覺得kira系統很善良 哈哈
4.(口說/30sec準備/60sec回答) Please tell me about a time when you got involved in your school or work community outside of your required tasks. What impact did this have on you and why was this experience important to you?