
标题: 2022 UVA 弗吉尼亚大学 M.S. in Commerce 官方答疑 [打印本页]

作者: Plastic-    时间: 2022-1-31 06:05
标题: 2022 UVA 弗吉尼亚大学 M.S. in Commerce 官方答疑
Hi大家好,我是今年(2022)弗吉尼亚大学M.S. in Commerce项目常驻CD的Student Ambassador,根据往届的传统开通答疑帖,欢迎大家来踊跃提问哦!
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BA Track 课程详细介绍页面:

Finance Track 课程详细介绍页面:

Marketing & Management Track 课程详细介绍页面:

我们的招生活动(Webinar, workshop)页面:


M.S. Commerce 与MBA的不同之处:


UVA M.S. in Commerce项目已由2019年起成为STEM项目( STEM-designated program), Graduate Marketing 和 Recruiting 的工作人员非常希望更多的同学们能通过CD了解我们项目,他们也很乐于为大家进行解答。

弗吉尼亚大学坐落于弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔,夏洛茨维尔曾被评为美国最宜居城市以第一名,距离首都华盛顿大约三个小时车程。学校由托马斯杰斐逊于1819年创立,是美国历史上首个独立于教会的高校。学校为公立学校,约有两万多名学生,其中超三分之二为本科生。学校规模在所有公立学校的规模中约为中等。弗吉尼亚大学在2022 US. News Best National University 排名中获得第25名。

M.S. in Commerce项目设立在弗吉尼亚大学的本科商学院麦金塔尔商学院(McIntire School of Commerce)下。《经济学人》在2019年将麦金塔尔商学院的商业硕士列为全球排名第六,和美国最顶尖的硕士管理项目。本项目招收约130人,国际学生约30人。由于疫情影响,2021-2022届项目共招收约150人,国际生约为30人。项目共设三个Track:Finance,Marketing and Management, 和Business Analytics。目前只会招收有少量或无工作经验,且本科为非商科的学生
我们与市面上其他项目的不同之处: McIntire的Commerce program更加注重商业体系的培养。通过学习一系列商科基础课程(战略,财务会计,成本会计,金融,组织行为学,市场营销,国际商贸...),学生们可以对商业形成一个系统的理解。这样一个体系化,系统的学习过程有助于学生们在面对商业问题的时候产生更强的洞见,也会因为这种更深层次的认知成为更好的团队领袖。

The teaching philosophy of McIntire's commerce program is what makes the program different from the other MSBA programs, MSF, or MIM programs. McIntire, or what UVA folks called "the Comm School" is dedicated to providing a curriculum to cultivate "a new generation of global business leaders"(quoted from McIntire's information page on Poets and Quant's). At McIntire, we spend a good amount of time learning business fundamental courses such as financial accounting, cost accounting, strategy, finance, global commerce, to appreciate the interconnectedness, and to piece them together to form a big picture of the business world. Those courses will eventually serve as the building blocks that help the students to drive better, deeper insights, and to become better leaders in the business world. In a nutshell, Instead of specializing in one area right away, McIntire trains students to understand how & why businesses work first, which is very important and helpful in leadership development.

M.S. in Commerce的课程设置分为两个学期,第一学期(秋季学期)为Integrated Core Experience,开设的课程有:战略,财务会计,成本会计,金融,组织行为学,市场营销及量化方法(非常基础的统计和应用),R语言Bootcamp,职业探索课,以及一门Track专业课。每门课程都会涉及到进行小组合作的项目。从课程设置的角度上来每门课的内容很紧凑,节奏也非常的快;但是以项目Director开设的战略课举例,上课所受的内容都有很好的与当下实事和业界的实践所结合。一点个人体会:我个人在加入项目之前有做过管理咨询的实习,在平日的课程中也会经常发现我在管理咨询中学到的一些方法论。项目今年也有开设可选的咨询行业入门课,学校一般会请咨询业界的校友来这门课做讲座,或者是之前有咨询行业经验的老师来讲行业洞见,行为面试,以及Case面试。在春季学期,同学们将学习自己track的特定的课程:金融、商业分析或市场营销与管理。同样的,春季学期同学们将专注于自己track的课程,课堂上也将包括互动讨论、小组项目、实践技能和来自不同行业的speakers和大家分享经验。

弗吉尼亚大学本身作为一流学校有非常强大的校友资源,麦金塔尔商学院也提供很好的就业支持。学院有十余人的就业服务团队。来麦金塔尔商学院开设info session的公司包括:麦肯锡,波士顿,贝恩;花旗,瑞信等大银行;四大,Oliver Wyman,埃森哲;Houlihan Lokey等若干顶级精品投行;若干中小型咨询公司;Exxon Mobil,Hilton等大型企业。另外值得一提的是学校有很优秀的Career Service在大家求职的过程中帮助大家。他们会经常邀请雇主和校友举办不同的networking event. 同学们也可以预约与Career Coach会面,探讨自己的职业目标和发展方向或是修改简历。学院有时也会举办模拟面试的活动一对一帮助同学们提高自己的面试技巧。Career Service也会从入学前的暑假开始不断为大家提供招聘信息。同学们有机会接触到超300家公司来麦金塔尔商学院招聘。

Commerce Career Services will host events with employers and alumni throughout the academic year. Students may also schedule to meet with a Career Coach to discuss their goals and develop a plan for the recruitment process; students will start getting information and resources from Career Services over the summer before the programs begin. McIntire will see over 300+ companies come to recruit students.


Q: Is TOEFL/IELTS still required for students applying from colleges outside of the U.S?
Q: 非美国本科的申请者是否还需要递交托福/雅思的成绩?
A: Yes. A minimum of 100 is required. Tentatively before entering the program will may be asked to participate in UVA’s EAP program. English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is an intensive language and culture course designed for non-native speakers of English who have been admitted to an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the University of Virginia or who are prospective UVA research associates or visiting scholars.

Q: What is GIE? Is it optional?
Q: GIE(Global Immersion Experience)是什么? 可以不上吗?
A: It is a 5 credit hour course that takes students abroad in an effort to give students an understanding of global businesses. Each student can only select one track of the GIE track offerings. By visiting different countries and the businesses there, you learn to appreciate how economic, social, political, and cultural dynamics drive both the opportunities and challenges facing today’s global organizations. GIE begins in the spring semester with a foundational course in global commerce and is followed by an overseas course led by McIntire faculty in a particular region of the world. It was 2020 that was completely online, 2021 would have been hybrid, and 2022 has yet to be determined. GIE will happen, just the format will look differenty as we will keep health and safety as top priority. Students will still gain a great understanding of global business; even in the virtual and hybrid models of the course, faculty has still brought in the speakers they would have meet while abroad; students will continue to learn from global business leaders.
A:GIE是一个五个学分的游学课程。GIE通常提供多个游学路线选项,学生选择某一个路线,并在老师的带领下参观当地的景点,公司,了解国际企业在发展中面临的机遇与挑战。整个GIE模块分为两门课,分别为春季学期的foundational course in global commerce及海外游学课程。
*由于疫情影响,2020年的GIE全部改为线上课程,由项目中不同的老师开设围绕新兴话题的课程。2021年采取混合模式, 2022年学校尚未确定将如何进行。

Q: I have absolutely no background in quantitative subjects, can I still apply to MSC-Finance/BA?
Q: 如果我没有任何数理背景,是否还可以申请finance track或者BA track呢?
A: Yes. The program is designed to help students who come with no/little prior background to succeed in his or her future careers. To prepare you for the upcoming track courses, in the fall term the program will provide relevant finance courses including 1) Corporate Valuation (Finance Prep) and 2)Financial Management, and/Quantitative Analysis components include 1) R Bootcamp and 2)Quantitative Analysis, both of which are a part of the Marketing and QA [url=]course[/url]. Moreover, to be a competitive applicant for the finance track, it is important to demonstrate some forms of quantitive ability whether through course work, experience, a test score, or a combination of those factors. The program will prepare students though to get them to where they need to be in their understanding of those subject matters before they take their track-specific courses.
A:可以申请,因为这个项目可以帮助没有数理背景的学生完成对专业方向的转换。对于Finance track的学生,在秋季学期我们商科通识课程中的Corporate Valuation和Financial Management会帮助你们做好下学期金融专业课的准备;对于Business Analytics track的学生,在秋季我们课程中的R Bootcamp和Quantitative Analysis也会帮助你们对BA中比较量化的知识进行很好的进行准备。这里特别提醒对于准备申请金融专业的同学们,量化能力还是很重要的哦!

Q: Can I still apply without the 3 Prerequisite courses?
Q: 对于官方网站要求的三门先修课(Intro to Accounting, Microeconomics, Intro to Statistics),是否能在尚未修/尚未修完的情况下进行申请?
A: You can apply while still taking the prerequisite courses, those courses have to be completed by the time you would matriculate into the program. On your application, though please make sure you denote your plan to complete the prerequisite courses so the Committee knows how you plan to complete them. Online courses can be acceptable, but they must be through an accredited institution and you have to get a grade. We do not accept courses from Coursera and other MOOC platforms. Sometimes students find acceptable online options from other universities, and also UVA offered an online intro to financial accounting during the summer. Before taking any courses with other accredited institutions we recommend you contact our admission office to make sure that the course is acceptable.
A:可以。但是这三门课程在入学前必须要完成,必须要有成绩,且必须要通过一所受认证的学校完成。有些同学会在别的大学找到一些网课,UVA夏季学期也有开设financial accounting的网课。在修任何一门网课之前我们推荐大家先联系UVA的招生官对该门网课进行确认,确保我们认可这门课及其给出的成绩。同时,希望你们在申请中也与招生委员会进行联系,确保招生委员会知道所有欠缺的先修课会在某一个时间点完成。

Q:   What is the employment rate?
A: For the class of 2020, it was about 50/50; 50% of our international student's secured work in the U.S., while the other 50% secured work elsewhere. There are several factors though that play into these results, it is a constantly shifting environment with respect to those companies who are willing to sponsor, for example, a few years ago many companies decided they would no longer sponsor, but this year our international studies are getting many offers for work here in the U.S. Our Commerce Career Service Center encourages our students that they are their own best advocates in this process. Career Services can provide support, advice, and resources to each student, but they have the power to make things happen in their search. It is always a combination of what the market has to offer, but also what the student does to get their name out there (networking).
A: 根据学校Career Service 的数据, 2020届国际生的就业率大约在50%。由于每年的形势都不同,这个数据也会有一些变化。

Q:   Am I allowed to switch tracks? What is the deadline for track switching?
A:   You are allowed to switch tracks in the fall semester. Students will be asked at the start of the program if they are interested in switching tracks. The deadline to switch tracks is typically in early October; you will have to submit a page essay indicating why you want to switch track, and the result will be based on several factors, including the number of students in each track, performance in the program, and fit. The result is not guaranteed.
A: 可以。在秋季学期是可以switch track的。2021年秋季track switch的截止日期是10月初。因为项目是8月开学,同学们可以对课程有一个基础的了解和感受后再决定自己是否要换track,并且和track相关的课程在11月初开始,所以大家也不用担心前两个月的课程和专业不对口。到时候需要提交一页纸的申请作文,主要是表达一下自己为什么想要更换track,为什么更适合另一个track。学校会考虑多方面因素然后在10月底给出答复。

作者: YUKIfeng    时间: 2022-1-31 09:49
作者: josielinli    时间: 2022-2-1 10:56
请问先修课基本都没修是不是影响录取呀 收到拒信了想知道这是不是个原因
作者: Daniel331    时间: 2022-2-3 04:05
josielinli 发表于 2022-01-31 18:56:24
请问先修课基本都没修是不是影响录取呀 收到拒信了想知道这是不是个原因

作者: Plastic-    时间: 2022-2-3 08:34
YUKIfeng 发表于 2022-1-31 09:49

同学你好,建议可以多备选几节所需选修科目的课程,然后可以给学院发邮件咨询一下哪一节课更符合要求。比如我当时需要修statistic,我就选了两个不同的statistic的课程,发邮件给学校确认承不承认,如果承认的话哪节课相关性更高,学院也会给我一些建议。需要注意的是课程必须来自accredit institution, 不可以在Coursera这种网站上,如果同学是在美国,也可以在community college上。下面是官方回复:
The prerequisites courses must be completed through an accredited institution for credit and a grade; Coursera is not accepted. University extension programs such as Open SUNY, UCLA extension(just a couple of examples) are accepted. If students are in the U.S. course work completed at a community college will work as well. If a student has questions if a prerequisite meets the requirement they can always reach out to your office: .
作者: Plastic-    时间: 2022-2-3 08:35
josielinli 发表于 2022-2-1 10:56
请问先修课基本都没修是不是影响录取呀 收到拒信了想知道这是不是个原因

同学你好,这个项目是从多方面来综合考虑学生的背景和项目的匹配程度, 先修课只是希望大家能在项目开始前具备基础理解帮助开展后续课程,并不会作为影响录取的唯一考量哦。同学如果有疑问也可以给Admission Office发邮件再沟通一下
作者: unathi    时间: 2022-2-24 08:17
作者: 橙子陈皮酱    时间: 2022-2-24 19:03
请问如果要修UVA summer school的accounting网课,接到offer之后进行申请就可以是不?感谢老师!
作者: Plastic-    时间: 2022-2-24 22:07
unathi 发表于 2022-2-24 08:17
lz你好,请问marketing和BA在留美难度上差距大吗?另外转track是不是越早越容易呢?谢谢答复! ...

作者: Plastic-    时间: 2022-2-24 22:09
橙子陈皮酱 发表于 2022-2-24 19:03
请问如果要修UVA summer school的accounting网课,接到offer之后进行申请就可以是不?感谢老师! ...

作者: 橙子陈皮酱    时间: 2022-2-25 08:25
Plastic- 发表于 2022-2-24 22:09
hello同学你好,我不是老师哈哈我是目前项目在读的学生,接到offer之后就可以开始上网课了,建议你把想上 ...

噢噢谢谢前辈!我是想修UVA自己的summer school的那个accounting网课做先修,应该是没问题的吧?还有就是请问先修课有学分要求吗,麻烦前辈啦!感谢!
作者: cpp_1106    时间: 2022-4-5 21:42

作者: Billywung    时间: 2022-12-7 23:16

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