下面开始正题,整个面试时长差不多50分钟到1个小时,面试官人很好也很健谈。只要你能说她就会给你很多的positive feedback,但是她会非常仔细的记录和听你说的话。所以大家一定要保证自己在面试过程中避免假大空的吹嘘,一定要多用逻辑想想怎么一步一步连接到自己的身上。
我的整个面试过程中没有问到behavioral question!但是看到往年的面经的时候多多少少都会掺杂一些behavioral questions,所以大家还是要多做准备。
1. Tell me something that's not on your resume. It can be a hobby, past experience, etc.
2. Why MM?
3. Why UBC Sauder? Why Vancouver?4. While applying to UBC mm, did you apply to other schools' programs? Why did you apply to these programs?
5. What do you want to learn from MM?
6. What can you contribute to the peers in MM?
7. What have you done so far to prepare for this program?
8. What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
9. What skills or knowledge do you lack in order to achieve your career goals? How will MM help you fill these gaps?
10. Tell me about your personal strengths.
12. Q&A