
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第172天 建房贷款法HCLA [打印本页]

作者: 小白斩鸡    时间: 2021-10-8 20:03
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第172天 建房贷款法HCLA
1. 文章大概结构
2. 自己写的答案




The ill-fated Home Construction Lending Act of 1901 (the HCLA) was intended to help families pay for the construction of their homes. Americans were flocking to rented apartments in big cities (as were immigrants from around the world), and the biggest supporters of the HCLA were builders and real estate firms located in rural areas. Their hope was that a family that could afford to buy property and build a house in a rural area, as opposed to renting an inexpensive, but crowded and possibly dangerous, apartment in a city, would choose the former. Ostensibly, the HCLA would make it easier for potential homeowners to borrow by providing a federally backed guarantee to the lender, which at the time was more likely to be an insurance company than a bank. In other cases, the government would actually buy the property and pay for the construction of the house. A family could move in and make payments to the government over a much longer period than they could if they were repaying a commercial lender. Unlike the typical amortized 30-year mortgage of today, home loans at the time were usually repaid over three or perhaps five years, and the borrower made a balloon payment of the entire principal at the end of the term. An HCLA loan from the government could be repaid—interest and principal—over as many as 15 years, and did not require a large final payment.

Many lenders, however, did not actually want to have their loans guaranteed, and they resisted providing HCLA loans. For these companies, more profit could be realized by repossessing property when borrowers defaulted on their loans. As to the properties bought and resold by the government, the relatively small payments made at a fixed interest rate cost the government money, and this arrangement was abandoned.

In the same year that saw the passage of the HCLA, the Tenement House Act forced builders in New York to improve the condition of their apartments. Lighting, ventilation, and toilet facilities were improved, and the Tenement House Commission was established to enforce the new law. Other cities followed suit. Urban life was now more attractive to men and women who would have otherwise preferred to live in a rural area, but who needed the employment opportunities that the cities could provide.
1. What is the primary purpose of this passage?
(A) To describe why the HCLA was passed, and why it proved ineffective
(B) To provide an overview of the home building situation in the early 20th-century America
(C) To give an example of a misguided attempt to regulate the urban housing industry
(D) To contrast the HCLA with current housing and home construction laws
(E) To elaborate on the reasons that Americans and foreigners flocked to the big cities in the United States during the early 1900s

2. Which of the following would most appropriately conclude this passage?
(A) The HCLA could not withstand this migratory push from rural life to city life, and was repealed less than six years after becoming law.
(B) At the same time, the farming industry was increasingly in the hands of large corporations.
(C) Even those elected officials who voted against the HCLA were surprised by its unpopularity.
(D) Though jobs were to be found in the large American cities, adjusting to urban life was still a shock for many young people who arrived at this time.
(E) The societal effect of the Tenement Housing Act continues to this day.

3. According to the passage, one reason that the HCLA was expected to increase home construction in rural areas was that, under the HCLA, _______.
(A) interest rates were lower
(B) the borrower could make smaller payments
(C) insurance companies, not banks, loaned the money
(D) the borrower would not be able to default
(E) the net cost to the borrower was reduced

4. According to the passage, the repercussions of the Tenement Housing Act _______.
(A) provided more employment for people moving to cities from rural areas
(B) had little effect on builders outside of New York City
(C) was abandoned because of its cost to the federal government
(D) convinced some people to try to find work in the big cities of the United States
(E) led to the passage of the HCLA


作者: 佛系A子在線讀書    时间: 2021-10-8 22:22
作者: 断了的弦    时间: 2021-10-9 10:37
作者: 黄富贵1926    时间: 2021-10-9 11:18
作者: 山言寺林    时间: 2021-10-10 10:54
1. 介绍HCLA设立的意图,希望人们多在rural地区买房子,这个法令给borrower带来一些好处,但是整体效果不佳
2. 解释原因,对lenders来说是一种损失利益
3. 另一个原因是THA的法令和HCLA冲突,THA使得城市对年轻人更有吸引力
作者: NCse    时间: 2021-10-10 14:43

作者: clairettt    时间: 2021-10-10 17:44
作者: hedy1210    时间: 2021-10-10 21:12

作者: xxnikk.k    时间: 2021-10-11 09:27
作者: 750Gogogo    时间: 2021-10-11 11:48
作者: 大月亮cyn    时间: 2021-10-11 13:55
HCLA = ill-fated HCLA内容+目的+作用
Against HCLA lenders
HCLA -- THA urban life *√ employment
1. A The ill-fated  HCLA
2. C ?
A 没找到哪里有暗示6年后 B farming industry?C THA做了一些调整就是为了应对HCLA D shock? E? was now 不确定是不是...
3. B --> did not require a large final payment
4. D 最后一句 attractive A? 感觉也差不多?但限定了moving to cities from rural areas感觉不合适

作者: ran.takahashi    时间: 2021-10-11 20:05

作者: 123ffff    时间: 2021-10-11 20:35
balloon payment-a repayment of the outstanding principal sum made at the end of a loan period, interest only having been paid hitherto. 在贷款期结束时偿还未偿还的本金,迄今为止只支付利息。

HCLA吸引rural area置业, 利于borrower
又出台了THA/THC 用于urban
作者: juno_yf    时间: 2021-10-11 21:55
作者: w627w    时间: 2021-10-12 05:39
作者: GGGG了    时间: 2021-10-12 14:08
作者: Titi1126    时间: 2021-10-14 23:15
作者: 斯麦尔糖    时间: 2021-10-15 09:48
作者: vivianjy    时间: 2021-10-19 09:06
作者: Blackui    时间: 2021-10-22 16:01
作者: GengJyyy    时间: 2021-10-25 11:15
1. HCLA介绍,希望人们住在农村。这对borrower有一定好处
2. 然而leaders反对HCLA
3. 同年THA提升了城市住房条件,吸引想在农村居住但需要城市工作机会的人

作者: Erebuslee    时间: 2021-10-30 20:08
p1 介绍HCLA + 出台原因 + 和之前法案相比的特点(did not require a large final payment)
p2 一些反对HCLA的原因——可以同过欠款违约,收回借款
p3 HCLA出台,促进了THA出台+THA的内容+对人们态度的影响
1 A
2 A
3 B
4 D
作者: foxli2020    时间: 2021-11-3 01:13
172建房贷款1th:introduce what is HCLA loan,and its characteristics
2th: why HCLA loans were abandoned
3th: Tenement House Act made the city apartment more attractive for those who needed employment in the cities.
1-4 AACE

作者: VickyPiggyZhu    时间: 2021-11-4 22:53
BDBD 8:32
guarantee by govenment、先买后还钱期限更长
2、howeve default→profit→abandon
3、THA:urban condition↑→attract
第二题的理解有问题most appropriately conclude the passage指的是最适合作为结尾的而不是从文章得到的结论

作者: AmberZhaoya    时间: 2021-11-5 09:23
作者: svwma    时间: 2021-11-10 00:13

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