1. About my background
2. About School (INSEAD + Oxbridge)
3. Essay
4. Interview
5. Final Tips
Appendix: Interview qns
1. About my background
GPA3.63/4; 语言waived; GRE 330; 海外经历还可以(欧洲+新加坡+中国);公司是所在行业的龙头
2. About School (INSEAD + Oxbridge)选校对我来说并没有很纠结,因为个人原因我只想申请1年的MBA项目,因此我只申请了INSEAD + 牛津剑桥。美国虽然也有1年的项目,但是当时在疫情和Trump的双重影响下我还是放弃了申请美国的项目
插一句:1年MBA vs 2年MBA 的对比在网上有非常多的讨论,我这里就不展开了,我认为还是取决于具体每个人的情况来做决定
3.EssayEssay 是最困难也是最重要的一个部分,我的写作能力一直都非常差,我大概花在essay的时间有2个多月,而且绝大部分时间是只针对INSEAD一所学校。所以我强烈建议,如果不是对自己的写作水平非常有自信的同学,申请2-3所学校尽量至少留2个月左右的时间给Essay。 INSEAD的essay非常繁琐,分为Job essay (4篇小essay) 和 Motivation essay (3篇essay),建议采用由简单到难的顺序,先写Job Essay的4篇,再写Motivation Essay的后两篇(Achievement & Failure, Extra-professional activities),最后写最难最直击灵魂的那一篇500字essay: Give a candid description of yourself (who are you as a person), stressing the personal characteristics you feel to be your strength and weakness and the main factors which have influenced your personal development, giving examples when necessary.
1) 非常不建议塑造人设,宁愿多花时间放在深度剖析自我上面。你的CV, Essay, 推荐信, interview 都会是互相验证的,如果能完美编一个人设然后不留任何破绽的话我相信他本身也是非常牛匹的。但我还是建议绝大部分同学不要浪费时间在这上面,还是走大家都建议的Be your self 路线,起码Why MBA, Career goal, Why school 这几个核心问题的答案一定是你真正相信的
2) 多问“so what“,我们从小接受的教育更多是,因为我经历和成绩足够优秀(高考),所以我就能比别人强拿到最好学校的offer。但其实MBA的申请更多需要你解释中间忽略的那一步,”你学习成绩第一,你业绩在行业无敌,so what? ”堆砌achievement更多是在CV里要呈现的,essay里更多的要呈现你是一个什么样的人,是什么重要的因素塑造了现在的你,未来你想去到哪里等等。尤其是中国人相比很多外国同学在背景上天然会少很多“故事性”的地方,比如我们的父母很难是不同国籍,我们不太会在混乱的社会中成长等等,因此我们更要多花时间和经历挖掘自己的闪光点使我们的essay读起来呈现一个更立体生动的形象来stand out
Appendix 面试问题
1) Oxford
Introduce yourself
Career goal
Why mba
Why Oxford
Any other program you applied?
Why Oxford among others?
Do you talk to any students/alumni?
Can you tell me 2 elective course that you want to take in Oxford
An example you have to motivate in a team as a leader
An example about you have to solve disagreement
An example about contribute new idea
2) INSEAD校友1
Career goal
Why MBA now
How do you solve disagreement in a team from your work experience
How do you manage high pressure
Can you share an example on your international experience
Can you share an example to organise an event
Why INSEAD What other school did you applied? What is your preference?
How do you know about INSEAD, from which sources?
Why do you choose Singapore as home campus
Can you share a cross-culture communication example at work
How does your colleagues describe you
Can you share a leadership experience
Introduce yourself
Career goal
Why mba
Why 1-year program?
What other school you applied? Why not US MBA school?
How did your multi-cultural experience help you on cross-cultural communication What is your 3 strength and 3 weakness 作者: 茶茶云猫 时间: 2021-9-9 17:11