我口语考试犯的错误主要是对考官理解不够多,比如她问我。What is your apartment like? 我回答的是It is clean, with tiles on the floor. And it is a big apartment. 但是这不是她问的!!她又问了一遍:What is your apartment look like? 我马上反应过来了:It has many aisles as well as apartments, it's a tall building with beautiful sights around it.
这还没完:她又问:What kind of museum do you like? 我回答的是:I like museums with cutting edge technology which can display different kinds of arts. 但这又是答非所问!!她又重复了一遍:What kind of museum do you like? 我改口了:I like the ones that discontent with paintings.虽然后来答得不错,但是她已经对我有一定的印象了。我想就是主要因为part一和part二两个部分我重复回答了,所以分数不是很高。