Hot Cup Cafe 六個月前launch了customer feed back website, 並說這website link is widely printed at every receipt in the cafe, so customers should not have difficulty finding it. 又說到現在賣了300,000 drinks, but only received 178 complaints + 56 suggestions, 說明overall most of the customers are satisfied with their services/products。結論:咱們服務超級棒棒,no need for evaluating and improving!
CR: 好多jj都有了 補充一個
有一種clearing fish, 他會幫client fish 洗澡什麼的, 然後自己還有一個clearing station。科學家就假設了,他們覺得這種魚不會服務他們的predator的,畢竟non-predator比較abundant之類的。BUT實驗證實,他們不但會服務predator,還會優先服務(就是predator客人來得時候,他會放下手邊的non-predator跑去服務predator)問解釋?
選了predators will not then deter other fish
其他選項都是些無關的 說什麼體型大小 年紀 常不常來光顧