标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第91天 柯伊伯带天体(KBO) [打印本页]
作者: 小白斩鸡 时间: 2021-6-29 08:40
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第91天 柯伊伯带天体(KBO)
1. 文章大概结构
2. 自己写的答案
A sizable portion of the general public knows that there has been some controversy regarding Pluto's classification, though officially it has remained a planet since its discovery. Less well known is the existence of at least 70,000 other small bodies orbiting the sun beyond Neptune. These objects, most likely formed during the accretional phases of the solar system, are primarily found within a ring known as the Kuiper Belt.
Classical Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) orbit far from Neptune, allowing them to survive for the age of the solar system. They also have relatively small eccentricities in their orbits, though some Classical KBOs have orbital inclinations high enough to imply that they had been excited, possibly by planetesimals, possibly by a passing star, or possibly by some as yet unknown means. The passing star hypothesis requires a star to pass about 100 Astronomical Units from our sun, a rare event, though certainly possible if our sun formed with others in a cluster. (One Astronomical Unit or AU is the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.)
Scattered KBOs have large, eccentric orbits. The scattering effect of their occasional proximity to Neptune can send them out of the solar system entirely, where they may end up orbiting in the Oort Cloud. The influence of Neptune can also send the objects into planet-crossing orbits, where these objects are then classified as short-period comets. KBOs in a third category orbit the sun twice during the time it takes Neptune to orbit three times. As the same can be said of Pluto, these objects are known as Plutinos. (This has led to a semantic conundrum, since Pluto fits the definition of a Plutino, which, however, means "little Pluto.")
The Kuiper Belt is actually much smaller than it once was. The development of Neptune caused collisions that turned many KBOs into dust that blown into interstellar space by the Solar wind. However, some objects, larger even than Pluto, may yet be found beyond 70 AUs.
1.According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about Kuiper Belt Objects?
A.They orbit between Neptune and Pluto.
B.They are all affected by the presence of Neptune.
C.At least 70,000 of them are known to exist.
D.The number of them is decreasing.
E.Some of them travel beyond the solar system.
2.It can be inferred from the passage that Scattered KBOs
A.have orbits that are more eccentric than those of Plutinos
B.have smaller inclinations than Classical KBOs
C.end up as comets or as objects that orbit outside the solar system
D.are at times far enough from Neptune to escape its scattering effect
E.have been effected by planetesimals
3.According to the passage, which of the following can be inferred about Pluto?
A.It travels around the sun twice in the time it takes Neptune to orbit three times.
B.There is no consensus in the scientific community about Pluto's' official classification
C.It is the largest object in the Kuiper Belt.
D.It is located more than 70 AUs from the sun.
E.Its orbit is characterized by relatively small eccentricities.
作者: CaryX 时间: 2021-6-29 10:31
作者: 690387114 时间: 2021-6-29 17:15
C定位句at least 70,000 other small bodies... These objects...are primarily found within a ring known as the Kuiper Belt.注意primarily一词,不是全部的70,000,所以在KB的数量会少些
D定位句The Kuiper Belt is actually much smaller than it once was。只有对比逻辑,没有趋势trend特征
E第3段Scattered KBOs,The scattering effect...can send them out of the solar system entirely,
ABD内容与第二段Classical Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs)串了
D选项The scattering effect of their occasional proximity to Neptune只有偶尔靠近,才会有scattering effect,这里注意occasional
题3:全文提到Pluto的只有两处:1.开头Pluto's classification 2. A选项KBOs in a third category orbit the sun twice during the time it takes Neptune to orbit three times. As the same can be said of Pluto
这里的第三类,是跟前面“out of the solar system ”、“ into planet-crossing orbits”联系在一起的
B注意选项里的 official classification里的official一词,原文though officially it has remained a planet since its discovery. 官方确定
作者: 飞跃重洋2017 时间: 2021-6-29 18:56
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作者: 山言寺林 时间: 2021-6-30 22:55
1. 对Pluto的分类存在一定的争议,更少人知道的是在Neptune之外还有至少70000个小星体吧,它们在K环带里
2. 介绍classical KBO:它们的离心率比较弱,虽然有一些比较强,提到了一个假设(和距离相关)
3. 转而介绍scattered KBO:离心轨道范围更大,有时候因为距离原因会被Neptune送到太阳系外,或者行星交错的地带,提到pluto和这一类有一点是相似的(关于转速)
4. K环带比以前小,主要由于撞击而导致有些星体灰飞烟灭了
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作者: alion111111 时间: 2023-7-14 21:51
揽瓜阁D91 柯伊伯带天体
>public knowns:
-mis of P, a planet since discovery
-less known: >70,000 orbit sun beyond N
>objects: found within a ring: KB
1.orbit N, survive from age (far from N)
2.inclinations – excited (by: 1.planetesimals 2.passing star 3.unknown means)
>passing: pass 100 ; rare but possible
-scattered KBOS:
1.large,eccentric orbits
-scattered effect: out of solar
-also:N -crosss orbits
0orbit sun: orbit N 2圈:3圈 时间 3:2
-same to P
-K belt smaller < was
Development of N: many KNOS blow
>still some large can be found
1.间接细节题:KBO [E]
E 感觉只有E再讲一个很罕见的现象发生
2.间接细节题:scattered KBOS 第三段[C/D]
A是same 把 B hold E感觉没有提及 D
3.间接细节题: 问Pluto[A]
感觉A没有问题KBO = P
作者: setmefree1 时间: 2023-10-18 09:46
1. 引出KB-冥王星的分类争议多
2. 关于KBO的一些介绍
-有相对小的eccentricities, 足够高的inclination证实被激发过,可能被planetesimals, 经过的行星,其他一些不知道的
3. Scatter KBO的一些相关
- KBO偶尔proximity N的分散效应能把他们完全送出太阳系,在O云中运行
- N影响也可送到跨行星轨道,这些物体被称为短期彗星。
4. KBO的结果
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