
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第70天 胡佛在大萧条时期的作为 [打印本页]

作者: 小白斩鸡    时间: 2021-6-8 09:20
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第70天 胡佛在大萧条时期的作为
1. 文章大概结构
2. 自己写的答案



As Americans suffered through the first two years of the Great Depression, they attempted to analyze the cause of their troubles and to suggest cures. The fact was, however, that potent remedies appeared to require a radically different approach to public finance and a revolutionary concept of the role of federal government in the time of economic crisis. Herbert Hoover had been elected to office on a platform promising safe, conservative economic programs. It was almost asking too much of him to come up with the imaginative, even radical, leadership that seemed needed to deal with the crisis.

It’s erroneous to think that Hoover did nothing to combat the depression, as some Democrats later tried to make people believe. It’s also fallacious to blame Hoover himself for the depression - in the same way that it is fallacious to dump the responsibility for World Wars I and II into the laps of Wilson and Roosevelt. In any event, Hoover, within the limits of economic orthodoxy and perhaps somewhat beyond, did attempt to restore equilibrium during the depression. Perhaps his sharpest break with tradition was the establishment of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in January, 1932.

The idea behind the RFC was that the Corporation, capitalized to the tune of a half-billion dollars by the federal government, would make loans to railroads, banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions in distress. There seems to be little question that for a short time the RFC, by feeding money in at the top, staved off many bankruptcies and prevented more serious losses than otherwise would have occurred. However, by the fall of 1932, this was no longer the case as banks again were tightening credit, deflation ground on - and it was seen that the assistance had been only a passing stimulant. Whatever its value to the economy, many people weren’t happy with the RFC, saying that it helped only the large and powerful. This criticism wasn’t entirely valid after mid-1932, for at that time Hoover pushed through legislation authorizing the RFC to lend $1.8 billion to states, cities, and other government agencies for self liquidating public projects and for direct relief. Even though little evidence existed, the idea persisted in many minds that the RFC was impersonal, and that it cared more about bankers and railroad owners than common folk. Even today, historians continue to debate the role of the RFC in easing the Great Depression and helping everyday people.

1. The author would most likely agree with all of the following except:
(A) A more radical leader than Hoover was needed to properly combat the Great Depression
(B) Leaders should not be automatically blamed for problems during their tenure
(C) The RFC unfairly favored large and powerful institutions.
(D) At least for a short time, the RFC had some positive effect on the economy.
(E) The impact of Hoover’s policies on the Great Depression remain controversial.

2. Which of the following can you logically infer from the passage?
(A) In 1932, the RFC gave more money to states, cities and governmental agencies that it did to financial institutions and railroads.
(B) Credit tightening by financial institutions is a contributing factor to bankruptcy.
(C) The RFC was conceived within the limits of economic orthodoxy.
(D) After mid-1932 railroads received no more assistance from the RFC
(E) The Great Depression would have been much more severe without the implementation of the RFC.

3. Which of the following is the primary purpose of the passage above?
(A) To criticize an important program implemented during the Great Depression
(B) To argue that Herbert Hoover could have done more during the Great Depression
(C) To highlight an unexpected program of Herbert Hoover during the Great Depression
(D) To summarize the implications of a policy that Herbert Hoover instituted during the Great Depression
(E) To analyze Herbert Hover’s legacy during the Great Depression

4. The author most probably believes which of the following about Herbert Hoover’s policies during the Great Depression:
(A) They were a complete failure
(B) They were helpful in leading the U.S. out of the depression
(C) They were better than is generally believed
(D) They did not directly benefit the “common folk”
(E) They were poorly received by all Democrats


作者: Annaba    时间: 2021-6-8 11:59
作者: 690387114    时间: 2021-6-8 12:11
C定位句第三段,作者评价saying that it helped only the large and powerful. This criticism wasn’t entirely valid after mid-1932,
D只说by the fall of 1932, this was no longer the case as banks again were tightening credit, 范围错误:只说银行财政紧缩,没说不给援助
C定位句In any event, Hoover, within the limits of economic orthodoxy and perhaps somewhat beyond, did attempt to restore equilibrium during the depression. Perhaps his sharpest break with tradition was说明这个项目是有些偏离经济正统的
正答B定位句by feeding money in at the top, staved off many bankruptcies 因果关系
3.E 范围扩大,legacy遗产/遗留问题,本文只着重评价了一个RFC项目,没有对Hover整体表现做评价
C unexpected对应Perhaps his sharpest break with tradition was...背景介绍Hover的经济政策偏保守,但也有比较冒险的项目,就是RFC
D summurize the implications客观总结。但作者一直在进行观点评价

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1. 经历经济危机之后,美国人想要分析原因,但是政府在危机中起的作用需要用不同的角度看待,提到H是当时的领导人
2. 作者表达观点:人们认为H无所作为或者吧经济危机怪罪给H这个观点是错误的,H最sharpest的举措就是建立了RFC
3. 介绍RFC的作用,它是借贷给铁路、银行、金融机构等,避免了多例破产和造成更大损失。很多人对RFC不满意,认为只帮助大机构,但是1932年中期,H要求RFC借钱给州、市,带来直接经济补助。但是现在人们对RFC的态度还是有争议的
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e b e c
作者: 千秋要上哈佛    时间: 2021-6-10 10:24
1. 交代背景:胡佛因为保守而赢得选举,却被要求提出激进的方案—>强人所难
2. 为胡佛伸冤:经济大萧条并不是他导致的,而且他还尝试了超出正统的方法—>最明显的尝试就是RFC
3. 描述RFC背后的理念,在1932年的发展和大众对这个组织的错误观念


错题复盘为1. 没看出来作者在第一二段的tone和逻辑 3. 不是policy,而是unexpected program(unexpected也要从tone里发现)
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但是h也不是什么都没做。也不应该指责他引起了大萧条。就如一战和二战不应归咎于XXX一样。H 确实搞了一些正统范围内的求平衡措施,比如1932年一月出台的RFC。

RFC 就是给铁路 银行 保险公司和其它金融机构注资。效果是短期内避免了大规模破产。


作者: Miranda0707    时间: 2023-8-21 11:42

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