
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第68天 FOK和RC [打印本页]

作者: 小白斩鸡    时间: 2021-6-6 07:01
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第68天 FOK和RC
1. 文章大概结构
2. 自己写的答案



In day-to-day functioning, people rely on both memory and knowledge of that memory, referred to as metamemory. For example, a person often cannot immediately recall a name upon meeting someone, but they feel that they know it. This feeling is the result of monitoring memory. Because of this feeling-of-knowing (FOK), most people will continue to search their memory for this name. Once a name is generated, people then monitor and decide if they are confident enough to use that name.

Memory monitoring involves evaluating the ongoing progress of any aspect of memory. Experiments that evaluate memory monitoring typically have individuals make subjective judgments about their memory at various stages of learning and recall. Participants are asked a series of questions. After each question that they answer, they are asked to provide a retrospective confidence (RC) judgment, rating the likelihood that their response is accurate. When participants do not answer a question, they are asked for their prospective FOK judgment, assessing whether they nonetheless feel they do know the answer (for example because they think they may be able to remember it at some point in the future).

Perhaps predictably, RC judgments are highly correlated with actual knowledge of a topic. FOK judgments, however, correlate rather weakly—albeit positively—with actual knowledge. While there are some instances where the FOK is the result of a momentary inability to recall something
, more often than not the FOK stems from the sense that one should know something, for example because the field is familiar.

Research has resulted in a general consensus that, when monitoring memory, individuals infer whether a particular response will be, or has been, remembered based on the inputs that are readily available. However, the particular inputs used differ depending on when memory is assessed. Prospective FOK judgments are thought to be based on familiarity of the cue, accessibility of information about the memory, or a combination of the two. In contrast, it is widely accepted that RC judgments are based on the memory-retrieval experience—that is, the “on-line” experience of directly retrieving some previously studied item.

1. The author uses the term “on-line” (Highlighted)at the end of the last paragraph in order to:
A. emphasize the importance of readily available inputs for monitoring memory.
B. enhance the understanding of a major difference between RC judgments and FOK judgments.
C. show how similar RC judgments are to the experience of retrieving data from a computer online.
D. highlight the importance of when a memory is assessed in determining the reliability of an RC judgment.
E. clarify the weaknesses inherent in the process for forming FOK judgments.

2. Which of the following best describes the role of the highlighted portion in the 3rd paragraph?
A. It is used to support the idea that RC judgments are strongly correlated with knowledge of a topic.
B. It is used to emphasize why FOK judgments, when compared to RC judgments, are also positively correlated with actual knowledge.
C. It is used to explain why the correlation with actual knowledge for FOK judgments is not as strong as the correlation with actual knowledge for RC judgments.
D. It is used to emphasize the difference between a momentary inability to recall something and actual knowledge of a topic.
E. It is used to support the notion that RC judgments should be used more often to assess recall of information than FOK judgments.

3. According to the passage, an FOK judgment is normally made by experimental subjects
A. before questions are posed to them.
B. after each question.
C. after questions they are unable to answer.
D. after providing an answer to a question.
E. after the answers to all the questions are revealed.

4. Based on the information in the passage, if a person has an FOK that proves to be an accurate assessment of actual knowledge, he or she most likely
A)will quickly give up on attempting to answer the question.
B)is familiar with the field but not the individual piece of information.
C)overestimates how much knowledge he or she really has.
D)is suffering from a temporary inability to recall information.
E)will give an unreliable RC judgment for the same topic.

5. According to the passage, which of the following is true of feeling-of-knowing?
A. It its not correlated with actual knowledge.
B. It is more strongly correlated with actual knowledge than is retrospective confidence.
C. It causes people to stop searching their memory for someone's name.
D. It is considered by researchers to be the best possible predictor of actual knowledge.
E. It is positively correlated with actual knowledge.


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1. 人们依赖两种方式的记忆,一种是直接memory,一种是对自己knowledge的判断(FOK)
2. 作者提到一个实验用来测试人们记忆的不同阶段,参与者对于答得出来的问题要说出RC(评估自己答案的正确性),对答不上来的问题要说出FOK(判断自己是否可能知道答案)
3. 给出对比:RC和一个人的actual knowledge高度相关;FOK和actual knowledge的联系很微弱但仍然呈正相关性,大多数情况下FOK来自于一个人感觉自己应该知道一件事,因为有点熟悉
4. 作者的结论:一个人判断自己是否记得是基于inputs,但不同情况下inputs不同
作者: 690387114    时间: 2021-6-8 16:11
错题解析4. 定位句While there are some instances where the FOK is the result of a momentary inability to recall something, more often than not the FOK stems from the sense that one should know something, for example because the field is familiar.两者选一即可

作者: 千秋要上哈佛    时间: 2021-6-8 22:06
1. 介绍monitoring memory和它的结果FOK
2. 描述测FOK的实验,并提出实验常用相关项RC
3. 用RC对比FOK,说明FOK凭感觉,不靠知识
4. 另一个RC和FOK的对比,说明FOK是靠熟悉度和accessibility当input判断,RC是靠即时的memory-retrieval experience判断

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