
标题: 揽瓜阁逻辑做题小分队 第19天 [打印本页]

作者: 小白斩鸡    时间: 2021-6-5 11:58
标题: 揽瓜阁逻辑做题小分队 第19天
1. 文章大概结构
2. 自己写的答案



1. To decrease the number of crimes in city Y, the city’s Police Commissioner proposed taking some police officers from low-crime districts of the city and moving them to high-crime districts of the city. His proposal is based on city Y crime data that show that the number of crimes in any district of the city decreases when additional police officers are moved into that district. The Police Commissioner’s proposal depends on which of the following assumptions?
A City X experienced a drastic reduction in crime after implementing a proposal similar to that proposed by the Police Commissioner of city Y.
B The severity of crimes committed in any district of the city decreases when additional police officers are moved into that district.
C The number of crimes committed in all high-crime districts of city Y is more than triple the number of crimes committed in all low-crime districts of city Y.
D There are more low-crime districts than high-crime districts in city Y.
E Districts of the city from which police officers are removed do not experience significant crime increases shortly after the removal of those officers.

2. Although there has been great scientific debate for decades over global warming, most scientists now agree that human activity is causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. Though predictions vary, many global warming experts believe that average global temperatures will rise between three and eight degrees Fahrenheit during the next century. Such an increase would cause an alarming rise in sea levels, displacing millions of people by destroying major population centers along the world’s coastlines. Which of the following is an assumption in support of the argument’s conclusion?
A New technological developments in the next century will not divert rising seas from the world’s coastal cities.
B Individuals will not become more aware of the steps they can take to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
C Rising sea levels similarly affect all coastal population centers.
D Some global warming experts predict a greater than eight degree Fahrenheit increase in global temperatures during the next century.
E Human activity is the sole cause of increasing global temperatures.


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1. depends on 哪个假设 该policy成立:如果这个 policy 在其他城市成立,那么在本城市就一定成立吗?不是的不能基于这个statement推出我们的policy 他是一个利好信息 但不能直接推出我们的policy成功(如果X不成功不代表Y不成功) 而如果调走警察区域的犯罪率没有上升(这是一个该policy有效的基础假设)因为如果犯罪率上升了的话 相当于policy无效,所以如果我们想让该 policy makes sense 那这个assumption就是必要的foundation的存在
2.主要在说 全球变暖导致海平面上升摧毁沿海城市 A(因为新技术没有让海平面向上升,所以全球变暖的话,沿海城市会被淹)B.人们环保意识更差,只能说全球变暖更可能发生,但全球变暖导致的城市被淹这个logic没有被support)而其实这个是主干逻辑 全球变暖气温上升只是一个前提 B在enforce前提 影响不到后面的主干逻辑
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1. [Assumption] E
Purpose = decrease the number of crimes in city Y
Plan = some police officers from low-crime districts of the city -->  to high-crime districts of the city
Premise = additional police officers --> decrease no. crimes  [in any district of the city]

2. [Assumption] A
Premise = Aggreement: human activity --> Earth’s temperature ++
Average global T+ 2~8 F`during the next century. --> rise in sea levels --> destroying major population centers along the world’s coastlines

作者: lfengi    时间: 2021-10-20 16:12
Assumption: E
P: the number of crimes in any district of the city decreases when additional police officers are moved into that district
C: To decrease the number of crimes in city Y, the city’s Police Commissioner proposed taking some police officers from low-crime districts of the city and moving them to high-crime districts of the city.

E 取反:如果把警察从低犯罪率地区调走, 犯罪率会立刻上升, 削弱了conclusion。

Assumption: A
P: Although there has been great scientific debate for decades over global warming, most scientists now agree that human activity is causing the Earth’s temperature to rise. Though predictions vary, many global warming experts believe that average global temperatures will rise between three and eight degrees Fahrenheit during the next century.
C: Such an increase would cause an alarming rise in sea levels, displacing millions of people by destroying major population centers along the world’s coastlines
A:取反: 新技术不会改变沿海地区城市海平面上升的风险。 削弱结论

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