
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第52天 罗斯福新政的影响 [打印本页]

作者: 小白斩鸡    时间: 2021-5-21 14:22
标题: 揽瓜阁阅读做题小分队 第52天 罗斯福新政的影响
1. 文章大概结构
2. 自己写的答案



Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal was hotly debated at the time it was instituted, and amazingly, it is still a sensitive topic for ideologues on the left and right today. Whether Roosevelt’s overhauling of the economy brought the U.S. out of the Great Depression or prolonged it, as some believe, there is little disagreement as to the magnifying effect that his policies had on the ability and propensity of the federal government to involve itself in the nation’s economic affairs, by legislative means or by direct expenditures. New Deal emergency relief programs gave the government control over labor laws, transportation regulations, and farming methods, not to mention criminal law and even social welfare. Prior to the New Deal, banks were regulated by the states, though the Federal Reserve Bank, sometimes referred to as a decentralized central bank, was in place by 1913.

Any wartime effort is sure to increase federal power, and World War II solidified the expectation that the executive branch in particular could, for better or worse, have a large hand in controlling economic and business policy. The bond between the military and the industrial sector, which had been so important in winning the war, gave rise to what President Eisenhower called, with some foreboding, the military-industrial complex. When John Kennedy took office during economically promising times, he announced his New Frontier program, now often remembered for its boosterism of the space program, but which also gave the government added powers to negotiate tariff reductions and take part in multinational trade negotiations. Amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act increased both the minimum wage and the number of workers in the retail sector that were to be covered. An ambitious housing bill increased the government’s involvement in authorizing mortgages for home rehabilitation and providing grants for urban renewal.

Though the expansion of federal economic activism has been associated with Democrats since the time of Roosevelt, Republican Richard Nixon did not shy from federal involvement in non-emergency economic issues. It wasn’t until the presidency of Ronald Reagan that an attempt was made to scale back government influence in economic and business affairs so that the famous—and debatable—“invisible hand” of capitalism could guide the economy and promote social good.

1. Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the passage?
(A) How the New Deal Increased Federal Spending
(B) The Economic and Social Impact of Executive Branch Spending
(C) The New Deal’s Legacy of Federal Economic Activism
(D) Government Control of Monetary Policy Since the New Deal
(E) The Path from Government Activism to the Invisible Hand

2. It can be inferred from the passage that the New Deal _______.
(A) turned regulation of the banks over to the federal government
(B) created the Federal Reserve Bank as a means of gaining more control over economic policy
(C) was responsible for the federal government’s first attempt at directly promoting social welfare programs
(D) came to an end with the start of World War II
(E) was unpopular with labor leaders whose actions were increasingly overseen by the executive branch of the government

3. According to the passage, which of the following was NOT necessarily true of the New Frontier?
(A) It addressed the need for loans with which to improve housing.
(B) It gave the federal government a larger role to play in some global affairs.
(C) It was enacted during a time when the future of the economy looked bright.
(D) It was instrumental in creating the Fair Labor Standards Act.
(E) It guaranteed wages for a greater number of people.

4. It can be inferred from the passage that federal involvement in business affairs_______.
(A) became associated with Republicans after Richard Nixon took office
(B) was discouraged by those who believed that the “invisible hand” of capitalism would produce non-economic benefits
(C) was responsible for the creation of a so-called “military-industrial” complex
(D) was never the intent of the New Frontier, though it was essential to the implementation of the New Deal
(E) is most effective when it is reserved for economic emergencies such as those created by the Great Depression


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Cbce 」
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e a e/a  a
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1. New Deal出现的背景以及纵观历史它的争议性一直存在。New Deal在战时给予了联邦政府更高的控制权。
2.战时联邦政府更大的权利控制了经济和商业政策。用肯尼迪的New Frontier举例说明政策带来更卓越的经济表现。
作者: 690387114    时间: 2021-6-9 23:22
CCCB 正答CADB题2:A选项,时间对比,定位句Prior to the New Deal, banks were regulated by the states
题3:Amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act 也在定位范围内。E选项,增加了就业人口,对比原文“提高最低工资+扩大零售业人口”

作者: 大月亮cyn    时间: 2021-11-5 20:14
Day52 CADB 这篇的阅读题目是和阅读顺序一致的!很难得有种以前做托福阅读的感觉了
作者: Leilanico    时间: 2023-6-11 20:13
作者主要在讨论罗斯福新政对federal government 的影响力/控制力变化。

-FDR’s New Deal: magnifying effect +++
    - federal government involved in nation’s economic affairs ++
    - Govern. control ++
    - JK during economically promising time gave government more power to negotiate tariffs reductions + multinational trades.
    - until RR scaled back government influence in economic + business affairs.

作者: Fox的Dream    时间: 2023-6-11 21:07
第52天 罗斯福新政的影响
P1 - Roosevelt's new deal was debated and remains a sensitive topic for ideologues.
     There is no disagreement as to the magnifying effect that his policies had to involve the government in the nation's economic affairs.
P2 - WW II solidified the expecation that the government have a large hand in controlling economic and business policy.
       President Eisenhower: the military-indusltrial complex.
       President Kennedy: New Frontier program.
P3 - The expansion of federal economic activism has been associated w/ Decomcats.
       Republican President Nixon: involve government in non-emergency economic issues.
       Until President Reagan: scale back government influence.
T1 - C
T2 - A
T3 - D
T4 - B

作者: sudn    时间: 2023-6-12 11:29
罗斯福的新政伊始就被热议,至今仍是左右意识形态的敏感话题。 至于罗斯福当年的经济政策,是把美国从低迷中拯救了还是延长了低迷的状态,仍然有争议。但是有一点没什么争议:就是他的政策增强了政府对经济的干预--通过立法或者拨款。

新政增强了政府对劳工法、运输规则、农业方式的掌控,没提刑罚和社会福利。虽然1913年联邦储备银行被认为是去中心化的银行, 但是新政之前,银行归国家管理。

战争能突显国家权力,二战的爆发,让民众对政府在经济政策方面有更高的期盼。军和工的联系更为紧密,直到变成了eisenhower 的:军工一体。

肯尼迪总统在任时期承诺发展经济,宣布new frontier program,增加航空项目,多边贸易谈判,减少关税。提高最低工资,增加零售业岗位,提供居民住房改善贷款等。


作者: 花花嘛嘛    时间: 2023-8-16 11:10

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