
标题: OG143请教 [打印本页]

作者: yanzhe    时间: 2003-9-4 17:05
标题: OG143请教
143. Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution rather than developing independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago.
(A)    rather than developing independently from
(B)    rather than a type that developed independently from
(C)    rather than a type whose development was independent of
(D)    instead of developing independently from
(E)    instead of a development that was independent of

In C, the expression a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor states the opposite of the original point_that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution, but still to have descended from a common ancestor.

作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-9-5 16:15
作者: lilyhuang    时间: 2003-9-5 17:19
a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals

a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor of mammals
So OG explains that choice C violates the original meaning.

作者: atongmu    时间: 2003-9-8 12:20
作者: tony6    时间: 2004-5-23 10:17

I encountered the same problem, and I've understood the explain above but still can't comprehend the explain of 0G.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-23 10:31:51编辑过]

作者: tianwan    时间: 2004-5-23 22:43
以下是引用yanzhe在2003-9-4 17:05:00的发言:
143. Recently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution rather than developing independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than 220 million years ago.
(A) rather than developing independently from
(B) rather than a type that developed independently from
(C) rather than a type whose development was independent of
(D) instead of developing independently from
(E) instead of a development that was independent of

In C, the expression a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor states the opposite of the original point---that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution, but still to have descended from a common ancestor.


偶觉得解释中的that从句修饰the original point。不过不管怎样理解,A和B的意思是一样的。C的意思有所不同。developed independently from的中心词组是developed from,  development was independent of的中心词组是independent of。

作者: tony6    时间: 2004-5-24 10:00
作者: chasegoal    时间: 2005-8-23 04:50
标题: 你好像翻译倒了,
B中的a type developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals意思是这个type的演化与a common ancestor of mammals完全没有关系,完全是两回事。
C中的a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor 的意思正好相反。C是说这个type的演化独立于the main stem of mammalian evolution(developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution,注意这里ETS用的是developed independently of),但未必就与a common ancestor完全没有关系,相反,这个句子的隐含之意是它(TYPE)是从这个共同的祖先演化而来(descended from a common ancestor)。总之,independent of表达的意思是A与B兄弟俩本是同根生,而后,就各奔东西,各自发展去了。

作者: chasegoal    时间: 2005-8-23 04:50
标题: 翻译倒了吧??
以下是引用lilyhuang在2003-9-5 17:19:00的发言:
a type that developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals

a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor of mammals
So OG explains that choice C violates the original meaning.

B中的a type developed independently from a common ancestor of mammals意思是这个type的演化与a common ancestor of mammals完全没有关系,完全是两回事。
C中的a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor 的意思正好相反。C是说这个type的演化独立于the main stem of mammalian evolution(developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution,注意这里ETS用的是developed independently of),但未必就与a common ancestor完全没有关系,相反,这个句子的隐含之意是它(TYPE)是从这个共同的祖先演化而来(descended from a common ancestor)。总之,independent of表达的意思是A与B兄弟俩本是同根生,而后,就各奔东西,各自发展去了。

作者: quiny    时间: 2005-9-20 14:37
作者: dormousedzc    时间: 2007-11-30 01:05

OG说E   While a development may appear to parallel a branch,the logic of the sentence is contradicted by the meaning of this usage,



作者: 小烟    时间: 2009-6-6 21:41

这道题的主考点在parallelism,看出来了就能选出答案。但是independent from和of 让人非常郁闷。我是这样理解的:朗文当代上和M-W上都没有把independent from作为固定搭配列出来,我们也就不要把它当成固定搭配看。如果分开看很容易理解developed independently from "Y" 就是从“Y”独立发展出来的意思。而developed independently of"Y"是从独立于“Y”的起源发展而来的意思。OG10的解释相对详细些。In C, the expression a type whose development was independent of a common ancestor states the opposite of the original point_that the type of mammal mentioned was thought to have developed independently of the main stem of mammalian evolution, but still to have descended from a common ancestor.

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