
标题: 帝国理工IC IEM专业面试 [2021-03-13] [打印本页]

作者: Jojoshua    时间: 2021-3-13 00:59
标题: 帝国理工IC IEM专业面试 [2021-03-13]
时间线:2021 1.24投递 3.02收到面试邀请3.12完成video interview
1.     introduction
2.     hobby是什么,有什么aspiration (貌似是新题,但思路都差不多)
3.     leading a high-press team approaching ddl, how will you motivate them (不要觉得题目太偏或者不容易准备就不准备!!!不然就会不知所云)
4.     How do you define success incareer and how you measure the progress?
5.     写作题 你的朋友想要认识一个CEO,正好你和CEO私下认识,为你朋友写推荐信 (刚好推荐信不想写,刚好考到,所以,还是都做好准备吧。这题我手打了大概100出头个字,不知道复制粘贴可不可行,反正没敢以身试法)
6.     哪个近五年成立的start-up是你想参与创立的(又犯懒不好好准备,又刚好考到,又不知道自己在说什么)


1.  自我介绍:60s ,举身份证 (固定第一题)
2.   你的朋友描述你是个什么样的人。
3.   What are your personal attributes that makeyou stand out from your peers? 个人突出特质
4.   用一个词形容自己,比如:friendly, ambitious,team-work,同时你是怎么理解这个词的?
5.   Introduce yourself to business managers./Self-intro when meet XXX panel for a dream job/ 你在career fair 中怎么让招聘人员记得你,怎么区分你和其他的面试者/ 在job recruitment上跟想去的公司的boss自我介绍,怎么体现你的passion/ You are at the finalstage of interview, what do you talk to boss about your passion for thisjob/ meet CEO in the elevator, how will you introduce yourself/ 班级自我介绍You arrived at IC for the first day, how would you introduceyourself for your classmates and what you want them to know about you?
Past experience
① Proudest achievement outside classroom, what impact on you? / 学习以外,你有啥passions, how to pursue it除去工作和学习之外,你还有没有什么其他理想?抱负?
② describe one non-academic project you do and what is your role. Howdo you make a difference
③ 对课外community做的贡献and what did you think aboutit.
① Describe a setback that you have met and how did you deal with it?
② Describe a recent failure you have experienced and what did youlearn from it. / 需要激励自己才能度过的时光
③ Tell me about a time when you felt that you lacked the skillsrequired for a specific task orc job. what did you do?
④ 目前遇到的最大的困难是什么,如何克服的
⑤ 你的一个Project,但是过程中遇到change,what do you learn
①   Tell me one skill you havedeveloped from your hobbies and how will that affect your career.对事业有帮助的爱好
②   为什么人们要有爱好/ 应该多花时间在爱好上
③   学业以外的追求
1.   Internal communication
①   Working with people withdifferent personalities and objectives and what will you do to make everyonepursue a common objective? 领导多元化团队,让不同性格的人追求同一目标
②   如果你的队员之间意见不合,你怎么办
③   If you have somedisagreement with your leader, how do you solve the problem? 与上司意见不合
④   团队来了新同事,怎么建立relationship
⑤   You are working on a groupproject and need to convince a majority of the teammates to take a certainaction. They are hesitating. Show us how you would persuade them?
⑥   别人遇到挫折困难向你求助时,你会怎么comfort他
2.   Role
你希望你在新团队中扮演什么角色and why
3.   Deadline
①   How to deal with a time youmissed the deadline? 错过DDL怎么办
②   A task of your team isapproaching the deadline. How to motivate your teammates? DDL前如何激励工作
5.Career goal
1.激励成功/实现目标的动力 Motivation
①   What motivates you toachieve your career goal
②   What motivate you tosucceed?
①   Tell me about one of yourgoals in the future and what are you doing to meet it.还没实现的目标、如何实现
②   What is a long-term goalthat you haven't accomplished yet?
③   How do you define success incareer and how you measure the progress?
④   如何平衡IC的学业和找工作的申请,怎么做时间管理
1.   Email (有大佬说95%概率是写email)
①   You’ve just received aninternship offer from your ideal company. In around 250 words, , write a thankyou letter in 5 minutes. 感谢+决心+计划You’ve just received a rejection from your ideal company. In around250 words, draft your response email. 表示遗憾+改进决心
②   You’ve just completed asuccessful internship at a company you are considering applying to after youcomplete your programme at Imperial. In around 250 words, draft your thank youemail to the manager you reported to for the internship. 一段成功的实习结束了,你也完成了IC的硕士,那家公司也是你想去的,结束的时候怎么给上司写邮件。那肯定是表达感谢以及想转正的意愿啊。
You’vejust completed an internship for a company that you really want to join afterfinishing your study in IC. In around 250 words, draft your ‘ thank you andfarewell’ email to the manager you reported to for the internship.
③   Network/recommendation:Email to an alumni you don’t know well and ask him/her to recommend you intohis/her company. / On a professional networking site, you’ve found a recentgraduate from your chosen Imperial College Business School programme. In around250 words, draft a message to them to introduce yourself to them and start aconversation./ 你的大学教授和你dream company的一个senior executive会出现在同一个 seminar上,写信让教授把你介绍给那个senior executive/ Your mentor has introduced you to the CEO of acompany that you one day, hope to work for. In around 250 words, draft yourintroduction email to this CEO and ask if she/he would be willing to meet youfor a coffee.
④   Follow up letter(一封跟催信,在一场career fair上遇到一个想去的公司的人,然后给他写邮件问自己的职位申请进度并表达想加入他们的意愿。)
⑤   实习表现不是很好/和上司有矛盾,写个thank you and farewell letter 儘管(歉意,简单解释如缺乏经验)+收穫(感谢)+以后的决心(不断改进)
⑥   回Email:CEO约你喝咖啡 他临时不来了,你要怎么回复?
⑦   你的朋友想要认识一个CEO,正好你和CEO私下认识,为你朋友写推荐信
你的企业出现问题该如何解决。这道题型基本是最后一题,会问如何找投资,如何实行你的idea,成功的企业都有哪些相似之处,企业家精神,脱欧影响,你关注的企业,你看好的行业,CSR是否重要,你欣赏的企业家 等等。主要看你的专业知识储备是否充足。
1.   Entrepreneur
①   介绍一个admire的entrepreneur/你最欣赏的企业家,你们有什么相同的特性
②   If you meet him in the elevator, how wouldyou introduce yourself.
2.   Company operation
①   一个公司会在一年内倒闭的原因?如果你是管理层,你会做什么去避免这种情况发生?
②   企业如何维生?如何做一个好的创业者?
③   如何吸引investor投资?
④   怎样产生新想法How do yougenerate ideas? And how can you decide which one and how to pursue the idea?
3.   Company
①   请阐述一个成功的商业企业,在你看来,为什么认为它是成功的?/你要如何与它竞争
②   介绍一个近五年成立的start-upand evaluate its strategy
4.   Entrepreneurship
How you involved in anentrepreneurial community and have you built a network among your peers?


【更新】2021.3.31 收到拒信,心如死灰,果然面试还是没表现好,现在尝试看看能不能argue

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作者: Tian181009k    时间: 2021-12-2 21:12
楼主你好,我正在申请22fall的iem,有些问题想要和你请教一下,不知道方便方便,谢谢你啦!!!~这是我的vx 13121230821
作者: 独然然    时间: 2022-2-21 17:31

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