1) Why did you choose to apply to the Early Career programme? Why is London Business School the best place for you to develop professionally and personally? —— 为什么要读职前master? 为什么是LBS? 你对LBS了解多少?你能带来什么?
- Why not a US programme / China's master?
- How can you contribute, Which student clubs?
- Which Electives? / Faculty members?
2) Think about all of your experiences so far - is there anything not mentioned on your essays / CV that you would like to share with us?—— behavioural,关于团队合作,leadership,关于你的成长经历
- 关于你本科学校/major的选择,最有挑战性的科目,本科期间最大的成就
- 面对挫折如何处理;面对建设性意见如何回应
- 面对diverse background team member;面对分歧如何解决
- 面对freerider?
3) What do you plan to do after graduating from your post-graduate degree and how does the programme from London Business School fit in with your career plans? Are you aware of the realities of the job market in your field of interest?
—— 关于你的career goal 你做了什么准备
- 你觉得recruiter想要什么样的candidate
- 你如何stand out
- 选择哪个国家
- LBS能怎么帮助到你
- Plan B
- 你了解你想从事的行业吗?行业的挑战和机遇?entry level在做些什么?
4) Do you follow international business news? Please do consider current issues within the business world, including how these may impact your future job/industry. ——行业新闻
Tips: share完、分析完自己的见解之后,你也可以邀请校友来说说自己的理解,然后extend this conversation
WL Kira 问题(大体差不多,每年可能会有细微变动):
1. reflect on your application…what you should have emphasized to the ad committee…
2. what will be the biggest challenge when pursuing your career goals? How…you…overcome…
3. how do you envision yourself making an impact on LBS
LBS: 前期和官网calendar一致,12.17wl - 3.4转正
LSE:12.30 - 1.6 ID - 2.6 pro offer - 3.4 con offer (LBS发后一小时,怀疑是不是串通好了233)
IC: 1.7 - 1.13 ID - 2.26 offer