
标题: [阅读小分队] 【揽瓜阁4.0】CocaTruffle 打卡帖 [打印本页]

作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-17 20:50
标题: [阅读小分队] 【揽瓜阁4.0】CocaTruffle 打卡帖

作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-17 22:53
Pinduoduo faces growing PR crisis over employee death
A girl's death lead ppl to blame the culture of her company.
A girl died-- P's culture to blame (*996 culture; failure of anti 996 movement; p's PR crisis)
While the cause of the employee’s death remains unknown, some Chinese netizens blamed the company and condemned its handling of events, with some even calling for a boycott of its platform.

Chinese netizens- Chinese citizens
Gruelling-- brutal

Economic Scene;Good news for the down and out, or are the data misleading?

Author refute WMC & RA's conclusion about income inequality. ( EM is stiffer than WMC &RA anticipated)


WMC&RA's research gained a broad range of recognition.
BUT-- the sample population are false, calc method is inaccurate--  wrong conclusion
Author's suggestions to look into the question regarding income inequality

impediment- obstacle
作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-19 09:31
Shades of black:For centuries, the colour black has tested artists’ ingenuity
History and development of Black color
Many artists take a different view. For them black represents an intellectual and technical challenge; it is the high-jump of colour, a test of their skill, ingenuity and imagination.

haj- 朝圣
conjure up- 想起,在脑海中显现

Women and Property across Colonial America: A Comparison of Legal Systems in New Mexico and New York

"Women gained tangible benefits from civil lw systems than they did not enjoy under common law" Give NM as the example.
2. 段落大意
PG1. law has great influence over women's lives.
PG2. civil law systems favor women's right than common law
PG 3.4 elaborated/use MW as support.
3. 印象深刻的句子
Yet civil law systems were far more protective of women’s property than the common law system was.
4. 生词
bienes parafernales- 附属品
5. 阅读时间

作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-20 10:42
What quantum computers reveal about innovation:Venture capital is often the last guest to arrive at the party
1. introduction of QC
2. Trend of developing QC-- advantage: wild applications; revolutionary break through of industrial societies-- disadvantage: high financial risk, low success rate, and requirement of high level of collaborations.  
3.。。。observing that “Nature isn’t classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly it’s a wonderful problem, because it doesn’t look so easy.”  
The chief lesson is to attend to every part of the process。
chief lesson- 以前只会the most important lesson.
4. vista-远景,展望
boon- 福利 #不熟#
5. 8‘ 5’

Mini ice age

1. explaining a puzzled natural phenomenon
2. list the main question- FW might be the reason- further elaborate how FreshWater can cause a mini ice age.
3. At some point, the whole system could simply shut down, and do so quickly.
4. salinity-盐, #GAMT红宝书##不熟#
作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-21 09:11
Surrogacy – wish fulfilment or exploitation?
1.Discuss social impact of surrogate
2. Surrogacy is a story with many sides. Since 1985, countries such as UK has been developing laws and regulation to address surrogacy. Surrogacy reflected power imbalances between parents and surrogate mothers. Most surrogate mothers suffer significant physical and or mental damage during the process. Law makers need to consider testimonies from all parties, including those who are unprivileged.
3.There are inherent risks involved in pregnancy and birth for the surrogate. Emeritus Professor Susan Bewley, a retired consultant obstetrician with direct, first-hand experience of many UK surrogates contends that there are documented medical and psychosocial risks to surrogacy. All pregnancies carry physical and mental health risks to pregnant women, ranging from trivial to very severe (sepsis, pre-eclampsia, haemorrhage and maternal death for the woman; abnormality, prematurity, stillbirth, brain damage, infant death for the baby)
4. altruism利他主义#不熟#
endow- 赋予
postnatal- 出生后
Hispanic Law Water Right
2. By law, water right used to be "absolute and exclusive" in other regions, the right of water is separated from right of land.
3.Consistent with this image, the builders filled an entire city block with arches, bell towers, flying buttresses, domes, fountains, wrought-iron balconies, and Tiffany stained-glass windows.
4. Tiffany class-玻璃彩色花窗
stare decisis 遵循先例;(拉)根据过去判例
5. 6'10'

作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-22 08:22
The pandemic has changed China’s nightclubs:It has given local DJs a chance to shine
1.Chinese DJs are gaining popularity in absence of foreign djs. The Chinese night club culture spread out faster than prior pandemic.
2. Night club culture adapted the new process
Dispite of all regulations imposed for pandemic, night clubs remain popular. Pandemic also lead few changes- more local djs are performing; more new clubs are opening. Customers don't really care about "authentications" of the music.
3. As for the audience, few seem to care much who is performing, so long as they have somewhere to dance. Lea Liao, a Beijinger who attended Zhao Dai’s summer festival, says she struggled to see the stage because of all the gyrating bodies. “But I could hear the music, and that is all that matters.”
4 faff-小题大做

Review: Jim Crow's Offense
1. The history of white supremacy in MI + discuss JC's influence
2. Nothing happened--> hierarchy matters & race relation does not equal class relations-->WS was not popular. -->challengeLS and DOP-->BL seized upon GM as political lever
5. 15'15

作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-23 02:14
What really killed the dinosaurs?Lingering doubts about the cause of a mass extinction are put to rest

1. though people proposed various explanations of dinosaur extinction, scientists have concluded that "it was astroid wot done it"
2. wildly accepted theories about DE--> Proposed alternative explanations: VE CT--> further evaluations--> concluded astroid caused DE
3. mollusc-软体动物
palaeo temperatures- 古温(?)
wot done it-
Permian and Triassic was the asteroid wot done it.
5. 5' 14'

The search for dark matter in the recent majestic universe

1. The author listed out few candidates for dark matters- the author further explained and concluded neutralino is the cold dark matter.
2. What are dark matters--> listed popular candidates--> roll out then due to their unfitted characteristics-->the author brought out his/her own theories and conclusions.
5. 10'10'
Human Territorial behavior

explanation of territorial behavior--> ultimate goal is the "polulation balance" that allows more genes to pass on to nex generation.--> outside factors (such as emigration, disease, or predation) can throw DDF off balance. --> casues of territory war of human are more complex-->"from a combination of instinct and culture and can therefore best be avoided by an understanding of how these elements interact."



作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-24 10:25
The rising prevalence of dementia is a global emergency:It requires more research, better provision for long-term care and changes in individual behaviour

1. the author discussed a group of medical condition which has been overlooked in the past.
2.Though many diseases requires society and government's attention, the author suggested to pull resources to dementia. P2- the author further explained dementia. p3- people with dementia are facing great level of inconvenience during pandemic which becomes a growing social issue. p4- pharmaceutical companies are working on getting approvals for new medicines. P4- Gov should put more effort in preventing and improving the disease. P5- for people with dementia- gov need to promote essential jobs such as care takers.  P6 and rest- besides attracting more labor, gov and society need to consider the financial impact and preventive education to help improve overall situation.
4 NA
5 10' 20'
Did Tough Antitrust Enforcement Cause the Diversification of American Corporations?

1. The author provided multiple evidences to support that antitrust was not the cause of the diversification of American corporations.
2. antritrust hypothesis (AH) is a popular theory for explaining diversifications of American corp-->explain AH-->Antitrust law is likely challenge large and horizontal acquisitions--> cross compared mergers before and after antirust law, evidences show no significant flux.-->diversification waves existed in countries without antitrust restrictions. --->international evidences also supported the conclusion of antitrust did not cause  diversification.
作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-25 09:36
Does it matter if “The Crown” fictionalises reality?It is more truthful than the story the royals sold
1. people takes the historical drama too seriously. The author is being sarcastic....
2. historical drama shows are not intent to be "accurate". Audiences can project show characters to the person in reality. Due to people's right of free speech, producers can be creative when telling stories about true historical events.
这作者对brexit 怨气真的好大。
4.Still, the government’s concern for veracity is welcome.
5. 10;10;

Anna Wetherill Olmsted and the Ceramic National exhibitions in 1930s USA
1. AO's contribution to ceramic national exhibitions.
2.AO's work was highly appreciated by her peers--> around 1989, OA's reputation had declined--> 1. ceramics in USA was not well promoted2. OA was not a ceramicist--> AO was not a self promoter.--> "Olmsted’s fluctuating reputation went hand in hand with changing priorities in American ceramics"
4.".... in particular, the extraordinary status of American ceramics abroad, attributing this to the influence of the Ceramic National exhibitions, of which it was said ‘none in the world [exhibitions] can compete with its prestige.’
5. 15;10
作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-26 09:23
Using satellites to spot industry’s methane leaks:To help combat climate change
1. described scientific finding and discussed its applications.
2. Claire, the satellites, uncovered a massive mass leak. --> methane can cause far more damage than CO2. -->the recent leak is one of the worst natural gas leak in history.--> Massive gas leaks are not unusual--> Explain why we can use sat to spot natural gas leak--> Claire is a perfect tool to spot gas leak due to its sensitivity.--> Sat is more reliable than traditional method.--> more methane hunting stat are coming and both researchers and gas corp can benefit from them
4. NA
5. 12'15'

Radiocarbon Dating by Accelerator MassSpectrometry
1. introduce a new tech-- Accelerator dating is
2. Traditionally radiocarbon dating method has limitations-->Margin of error can be significant--> radiocarbon accelerator dating promised a higher accuracy than traditional method--> Per the new dating tech, some conclusion of historical events have been rewritten. --> the new tech may also provide " an uthoritative chronology of Neanderthal man.
stringent  specimen
4. NA
5. 15'20'
作者: CocaTruffle    时间: 2021-1-27 09:56
1 Appearance plays big role during interview and job evaluation process.
2. All C-level executives have certain characters--> Human usually associate others appearances with social status--> its hard to pinpoint those special characters--> listed some identified favorable characters--> The board can be more favorable to narcissist when company is in trouble.
3. NA
4. When choosing between two suitably qualified candidates to take charge of a company that is performing well, a board is likely to pick a leader who does not appear to be egotistic and self-interested. But if the company is in trouble, a narcissist stands a better chance. When the going gets tough, in other words, the board opts for a jerk.
5. 10'10
Definition of when the going gets tough, the tough get going
—used to say that when there are problems, strong people work hard to solve them

1. General hospital competition is wasteful, yet the conclusion can be revoked after further evaluations.
2. brief intro of MAR hypothesis--> law makers have made some concrete rulings per MAR hypothesis--> there are some hints the author can conclude otherwise.
3. NA
4. While the MAR hypothesis is commonly accepted in the health industry, it completely reverses traditional economic thinking about the salutory effects of competition.

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