
标题: [原创]商科博士, 这世界最好的学位(可能) [打印本页]

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-9-4 01:54
标题: [原创]商科博士, 这世界最好的学位(可能)

1. 基本不用交学费, 绝大部分学校不但不收你钱, 还倒贴生活费
2. 毕业后, 需求很大, 不怕找不到工作. (野鸡学校除外)
3. 工资普遍较高, 突破六位数是非常有可能的
4. 毕业后去教书, 不需要做博士后这样的低价劳工
5. 绿卡比较好拿

1. 难进, 每个学校招的人非常少, 任何top 50都相当不容易
2. 难出, 能毕业的人不到入学人数的50%, 有的甚至是10%
3. 时间长, 六年是个比较合理的时间, 而且这跟你读了几年MASTER没什么关系
4. 申请周期很长, 对本科GPA有很高的要求, GMAT大约在650-800之间(对普通中国人来说700以上比较安全)

美国是精英文化, 想混的人, 去读PHD恐怕不是最好的选择

作者: plmnpl    时间: 2003-9-4 12:57
ranking 150的怎么样? 出来没工作?

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-4 14:23:42编辑过]

作者: plmnpl    时间: 2003-9-4 13:02
哦。。知道了。。你意思说。。DBA or BIZ Ph D 说来还是很好混的。。。economic he finanical  de PhD 还是很不好混的。
作者: plmnpl    时间: 2003-9-4 14:03

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-9-4 14:35:24编辑过]

作者: cello82    时间: 2003-9-5 10:57
作者: wannafly    时间: 2003-9-5 13:02
以下是引用cello82在2003-9-5 10:57:00的发言:

So many Chinese are working for their PHD in business like dog, including me.
作者: plmnpl    时间: 2003-9-5 15:54
700+ no use?  750 + a must? i saw many EA guys with 750+ failed . no mention 700+
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-9-6 00:56
I have three close friend (chinese) studying Business PHD, I also know (not really close) three others. Surprisingly, none of them have a GMAT over 740, but they do have other things extrodinary.

they may have at least one of the following charactor:
1. used to research on some special topic that nobody in China cares (i.e. countryside economy)
2. won olympics math gold medals (applied to Stanford Business PHD)
3. have almost perfect undergraduate GPA at one of the famous Chinese university. one of them has 4.0 at Fudan U
4. Have a great communication skills (no broken english)
5. used to work for high level government agency

hope that this is helpful.
作者: cello82    时间: 2003-9-6 10:04
以下是引用wannafly在2003-9-5 13:02:00的发言:
So many Chinese are working for their PHD in business like dog, including me.

好棒, 一定要加油喔!![attachimg]3535[/attachimg]
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-9-10 00:54
以防万一, 经济学PHD不是商科的
作者: cello82    时间: 2003-9-10 02:36
以下是引用funnytiger在2003-9-10 0:54:00的发言:
以防万一, 经济学PHD不是商科的

thanks, funnytiger. that's exactly the question i was going to ask, 'cause it seems it's not that hard to get Economy PHD.
作者: wannafly    时间: 2003-9-10 06:23
以下是引用cello82在2003-9-10 2:36:00的发言:

because it seems it is not that hard to get Economy PHD.

Althogh it is easier to get in PHD program in Econ, getting a PHD degree in Econ is at least as hard as getting a PHD in business, so it is definitely not a easy job even for econ major students!!!
作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-9-10 06:45
I agree, no PHD is easy to get assuming you are going to a decent school. That is why this story is so sad. people work their rear-end off, only to find there is no job for them...

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