230. In reference to the current hostility toward smoking. smokers frequently expressed anxiety that their prospects for being hired and promoted are being stunted by their habit.
(A) In reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety that
(B) Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety about
(C) When referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently express anxiety about
(D) With reference to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently expressed anxiety about
(E) Referring to the current hostility toward smoking, smokers frequently express anxiety that
Choices A, B, and D inappropriately use the past tense verb expressed; only the present tense is logical here, since both the current hostility to which the smokers refer and the anxiety described in the clause their prospects ... are being stunted . clearly apply to the present. Furthermore, B, C, and D produce ungrammatical sentences by introducing this clause with the preposition about; the conjunction that is required to link anxiety with the clause that modifies it. Choice E, the best answer, correctly uses both the conjunction that and the present-tense verb express.
这个题目的答案是E 没有问题,这个从时态上的区别就可以看出来。但我的问题是anxiety about 和anxiety that.
smokers frequently express anxiety about their prospects for being hired and promoted 是不是也可以?
另外,这个题目用that 来指带anxiety从另外一个方面来判断它是对的,可以从 their prospects for being hired and promoted are being stunted by their habit.判断出来,因为这里是一个句子,that可以连接句子,而about却不可以?对不对?
after looking through the answer explanation, every time, i suddenly realise where the demanding errors lie. howerver before that ,i can hardly figure out it, or be misleaded by some other expressions which i thought were significant errors in the sentences, and then decide in a rush way
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