标题: 2021 加拿大Rotman/Ivey/Schulich/Smith MBA Interview Qs 总结心得和建议 [打印本页]
作者: shamyxu 时间: 2020-10-10 21:07
标题: 2021 加拿大Rotman/Ivey/Schulich/Smith MBA Interview Qs 总结心得和建议
跟伙伴们分享一下加拿大主要学校项目的MBA面试的题目和题库以及自己准备面试和拿到offer的一些心得。别忘了到最后看面试鸡精题目。要是有什么问题,可以➕ 微聊哈(xdr0817)
Personal Characteristics
·Tell me about yourself.
·Give me the five-minute “tell me everything I should know about you” presentation.
·What are you passionate about, and why?
·How do you prioritize?
·What does global competition mean to you?
1)面试官到底问的是什么问题:比如多大MBA招生官Agnes就问的我:Tell me about your self and your journey after college. 所以这里要从大学之后开始讲。那这一类自我介绍题目重点有以下几个吧
(1)整体思路框架:应该是你的1-3段工作经历(或者更多), 在每个工作经历重的职位,自己负责的主要内容,和工作成就,同时也要突出自己在每个经历的learning and growth
(2)自我介绍开始就是展示自己的personal branding了,所以从开始就要按照之前mock interview和自我准备的plan去展示了(这里还有很多内容,可能我要再写一篇关于如何做personal branding的内容了),简而言之,就是抓住自己的core values in presentation(for instance - mine is outgoing + open to learn + career foucsed) 那在讲述自己的story的时候就要按照这些特色来合理展开,突出重点,很好的展示自己的first impresion(当然如果之前就有对接过面试官的话,那就另当别论了.....)
(3)比如:我在P&G做Product Marketing Manager, I was responsible for account A, B, C; I led my team in consumer analysis in regard to D. We achieved 20% growth in E. I Learned that .... is the key to ......, etc. 大题是这个模版啦,加上一些transition words应该就会很棒了
Strengths & Weaknesses
· What is your greatest weakness?
· What is your greatest strength?
· Give me three of your strengths and three of your weaknesses.
(1)比如:我工作的时候因为项目太多或者multitasing导致我会在细节上出错,这样的问题往往会给团队其他成员或者其它部门的同事带来不必要的工作。那针对这个问题,我首先建立了自己的一个failure resume, 在这个failure resume里面加入了 pay attention to details这个自己的问题,然后针对这个问题我会在之后的工作中注意改正这些细节,比如typo, Upper/lower case, etc. 最后要讲同事/领导是如何称赞你改正了这些问题,持续进步的。[url=]Color[/url]
Academics & Extracurriculars
· Why MBA
· Why did you choose Ivey/Rotman/Schulich/Queen’s etc.. MBA?
(1)职业发展瓶颈:说明自己之所以读MBA是因为工作上遇到的bottle neck - 比如升值,confined thinking, limited opportunitites这一类的
(4)和项目的match:个人职业发展需求和项目的A,B,C匹配,比如,Ivey的面试官Brenda最后问我还有什么问题么?我问她相比于Rotman的地理位置,Ivey在London的这个劣势对项目就业和资源产生了什么影响呢?Ivey 的MBA项目又是如何解决这个问题的呢?(感觉有点反interview她的意思?),然后Brenda说了一堆我觉得也真的没有太多实际内容,然后这个时候我和她说" Especially during this COVID period when people have to find jobs/networking at home, it is actually cost-saving to study at Ivey than at Rotman. Student can't go outside doing social so the advantage of studying at Rotman because of location is eliminated " 大概就是这个意思吧,那其实我问这个问题最主要的原因也是要展现我和Ivey MBA项目很匹配的一点特质,那就是Navigate through uncertainties. Ivey很强调学生应对不确定性,在不确定性中做决定的能力。所以这也是我想通过一个问问题的机会从另一方面突出自己和项目的match
(6)其他需求:比如work life balance啥的,在国内螺丝钉996,出去追求life quality ?,请自己编........
Recruiting Process
· Why do you think that you are the best candidate?
· Where else have you applied?
(2)在和Ivey面试官Brenda面试中,她问了我还申请了其他什么MBA项目,并且问我觉得这写项目之间的不同指出是什么?那当然如果你特别了解每个你申请项目的不同,当然,也是一定有不同的。比如Ivey最一开始的MBA也多2年制,后来为了差异竞争,缩短到了一年,然后更加突出了case 教学等等。
· Describe a challenging experience.
· What has been your biggest success?
· What are your two major accomplishments? What makes them so special?
· Which work experience in the past were you most proud of?
· What project are you the proudest of?
这一类题目我觉得应该没啥问题,个人成就主要就要说一下自己的职业伤的一些成就吧,创业经历啊,项目成果啊,获奖啊等等。这里还是要突出在做这件事情的过程中是如何一步一步解决问题,运用tools/processes去分析问题,并且最后解决问题,drive results的
· Where do you see yourself in 1-2 years/5 years/10 years/ a few years?
· What are the three things you want to be remembered by?
· If you could have one wish for your future after graduation, what would it be?
这一类问题也是经常被问到的,面试官会问你的职业规划,短期/长期职业目标等等。这里最重要的就具体,细节,专业(Specific + Detail + Professional)SDP的意思呢就是要首先清楚的说明自己MBA毕业后想从事A行业的B公司的C职位,希望在3-5年内得到晋升D的机会,那么在3-5年工作期间我的目标是希望专注在(比如)运营领域的operating profit, 希望可以提高公司8%的oeprating profit类这一类的。然后在long term career plan里面的话就是要宏观的说说自己的人生梦想了lol,比如我要开一家自己的?"火锅店"一类的
“Off-the-Wall” Questions
· Who’s your hero? Who do you admire?
· What is your favorite color? Why?
· What kind of animal do you consider yourself most like? Why?
· What is the craziest thing that you have ever done?
· What was the last book you read for fun?
(1)知道自己答题的frame work,比如Rotman有一道题问:“Imagine you could be any kind of animal, what sort of animal would you like to be and why?” 那其实呢,我在练习的时候还真的准备到了,就回答了我想成为monkey, because the monkey is smark, social, can climb up trees and fly over trees.
(2)多自己联系,录制视频,然后回看提高改正,各种类型比如travel, ice cream, hobby, go back in time, take risk等等一类的
接下来就是最中重要的表现类问题了,那这一类题其实回答模版和思路就更重要了,别用STAR的模式(Situation, Task, Action, Result)来回答每一问题。这些问题我在准备过程中是花最多时间和经历的,因为要look back想自己的工作经历,不断总结反思提炼,看看有没有可以升华的地方。那我把问到我的,还有一些我个人觉得很重要的问题都标红了, 在准备的过程中可以多联系。要是有问题的话可以加微信细聊哈。
· Tell me about a time when you were in a group and you led it.(自己作为一个leader是如何lead团队,这里lead有很多方面,所以可以想自己在团队中自己擅长的方面,讲出这个process)
· Tell me a time when you took the ball and ran with it. Focus on initiative, leadership, and creativity.
· Give a situation in which you provided leadership.
· Tell me about an experience when you had to lead people. Why were you the leader? How did you motivate people?
· What makes a good leader? What leadership qualities do you have?
· How would you describe yourself - a follower or leader and why?
· Name a time when you came up with a new idea. What support did you have to obtain to follow through on your initiative, and how did you gain that support?
· What leadership style do you have?
· How would you react to a situation that called for leadership while working with peers?
Change, Initiative & Innovation
· Describe a situation in which you have changed something.
· Tell me about a situation where you had to cope with change.
· Tell me of a time when someone changed the scope or goal of your project. How did you deal with it?(被问到N次,好好准备!!!)
· Tell me about a time when you initiated change.
· Give me an example of how you excelled in a team situation.
· When have you worked closely in a team and what were the results?
· What role do you play in a team/group?
· Tell me about a time when you had turned things around in a team that led to success.
· How well do you work with people? Are you a team player?
· Who plays the most important role in a group?
· Tell me how you have acted as a team leader, and give examples.
· Describe a group situation when you set guidelines for the group, and describe the outcome.
· Give me an example of a time where your role in a team situation proved to be invaluable.
· Describe a time when you had to work with people of different cultures.
Conflict Resolution
· Tell me about a situation involving a conflict. How did you resolve it?
· Tell me about a time when you were in a group that you did not get along with.
· Tell me about an uncooperative group member and how you dealt with them.(freerider问题?,被问到过)
· Give an example of how you dealt with someone who was downright uncooperative.
· Tell about a time where your values were in conflict with someone else’s and you had to speak up to defend them.
· Tell me about a team that you were on when some of the members were not contributing.
· Give a situation where you experienced difficulties working in a particular group and how you alleviated these problems.
· Describe a situation where you dealt with an extremely difficult person and how you reacted.
· Give me an example of a person who was extremely difficult to persuade: co-worker, peer, customer, etc. and what did you do to persuade them
· Give me an example of how you had to deal with a difficult co-worker.
· Tell me about a time when you were in a group that you did not like. What did you do?
Dealing with Adversity
· Describe a project that you had to do but didn’t want to do.
· Tell me about a time you were doing a job you did not like.
· Describe an instance where you did not feel confident and how you dealt with it.
· Tell me a situation when you did not receive the recognition that you feel you deserved.
· Tell me a situation where you have failed and how you felt.(逆境重要的还是learning + growth,逆境可以带了机会,逆境锻炼心智,逆境让我成长....?)
· Describe a time when you were very suppressed in a harsh situation.
· What is your greatest regret over the past two years?
· Tell me about a time when you made a poor decision. What did you do about it?
· Tell us about a time when you lacked motivation.
· Give an example of a situation that wasn’t working out the way you planned and explain what you did about it.
· Tell me about a time when you had to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.
· Talk about a situation that challenged your integrity and how you handled it.
· Tell us about a crisis and how you overcame it.
· Describe the steps you took to convince someone to do something.
· Can you think of a decision that you had to back up/defend to someone? How did you defend your position?
· What specific suggestions would you have for a peer bringing a confidentiality concern to you?
· What is self-management/effective communication?
· Tell me about a time that you tried to influence someone.
· Tell me about a time when you had difficulty communicating and how you overcame that?
· Tell me about a situation where you tried to influence someone and didn’t get your way.
· Have you ever been in a situation where you had to persuade people on a critical point and how did you persuade them?
Achieving Goals & Getting Results
· Describe a time when you used a relationship to help further a business goal.
· Have you ever had to give something up to obtain your goals?
· Give an example of where you started a project and saw it through to completion, in the last six months.
· How would you get people to hand their work in on time?
· Describe an instance where you set your sights on a high or demanding goal and saw it through to completion despite obstacles.
Analytical Thinking & Decision-Making
· Give an example of a time you had to really do a lot of data research and analysis and describe how you went about it.
· Discuss a time you had to make an unpopular decision.
· Describe a time you had to make a gut decision. How did you feel at the time?
· What is the hardest decision you have had to make?
· Tell us about a time when you looked at some data and used it to change things.
Creative Thinking
· Describe a time when you were creative.
· Describe a time when you were creative and challenged the accepted process.
Learning, Adaptability & Past Experience
· How did you choose extracurricular activities and why?
· Describe a situation where you had to learn something really quickly and explain how you did that.
· Tell me about a time you dealt with something unexpected, and what you learned from it.
· Describe a time when you failed and what would you change to make sure it did not happen again?
· What was your biggest disappointment?
· What was your biggest mistake?(biggest的,所以还是要有分量的,往往越有分量的,也是越真实越感人的-从中的收获和提升)
· Why did you like your summer job?
· Provide an example of how you acquired a technical skill and converted it into practical application.
· How did you adjust to living away from home in your first year?
· Tell me something exciting/interesting about your jobs or extracurricular activities.
· Define risk and give an example of when you took one.
· What is the riskiest thing you’ve ever done?(Rotan的online question问到过)
· Tell me about a situation in which you took a risk and how it turned out.
Time Management & Working Under Pressure
· Have you ever worked part-time during university? What did you do? Why did you work?
· Discuss how you operate when it is hectic.
· Describe a time when you were behind in something and explain how you got up to speed.
· Describe an emergency situation and how you coordinated it into your tight schedule.
· Give an example of when you had to think on your feet.
· How do you balance conflicting priorities on projects?
· Tell me about a time when you had too many commitments and how you dealt with them.
· Tell me about a time when you were really busy and how you prioritized what needed to be done.
· Have you ever been involved in a situation where a project needed immediate “turn-around”? What did you do?
· Tell me about a situation that was extremely stressful and how you dealt with it.
最后附上Rotman, Ivey, Schulich的面试题目
Rotman with Agnes:
- Go through resume after college
- How do you handle negative feedback
- Three wishes for the MBA programexperience(Innovative ideas )
- Short term career goal
- Industry/career/company trends in Canada
- How do you handle complex issues?
- If admitted, what would you do in firstweek, the first month, the first year
- Questions for Agnes
Ivey with Benda:
- Talk about your self?
- What do you do as a hobby?
- What kind of business news do you read?
- What are some of the criteria when are you selecting MBA?
- Career goals - ST/LT?
- Project - initiate change, but the who project is changed in the middle and how you adapt? Follow up - - If you could go back in time, what would you change?
- Complex and difficult problems you faced and how you solve it and what's the result?
- Qs for Brenda?
- What are your strengthens?
- Why MBA, why Schulich
- How to handlecritical feedback
- What other schoolsare you applying for?
- Which Schulich Alumnihave you reached out to?
- Which area tofocus on - Supply chain? Marketing? Sales? Accounting?
- Would you continueyour job once I admitted to Smith?
- How do you manage the team?
- What would be asuccess once I graduated from Smith?
- What yourimmediate career plan after graduation from Smith
- Question for me?
作者: Jessica_YY 时间: 2020-10-11 16:08
作者: nclc1115 时间: 2020-10-12 07:05
作者: shamyxu 时间: 2020-10-12 17:41
作者: shamyxu 时间: 2020-10-12 17:42
作者: 吃水的硕鼠 时间: 2020-10-15 05:34
谢谢楼主的分享,好详细呀~ 我在申请明年rotman的PT MBA, 在准备下周的interview,你的分享提供了很棒的思路,谢谢啦~
作者: shamyxu 时间: 2020-10-15 14:54
不客气啦 祝早日拿到offer?
作者: ST5 时间: 2020-10-19 09:01
是FT吗?有没有考虑IVEY,毕竟很快就毕业了 哈哈。
作者: shamyxu 时间: 2020-10-19 13:36
作者: ilikegmat 时间: 2021-1-26 15:15
作者: tianchagirl 时间: 2021-1-29 16:52
太棒了 ,顶!
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楼楼, 你的vx加不了哦
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